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Feathertips and Featherblades

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Apologies for writing an essay per post back on the main thread, but Captain Quiver has been giving me all kinds of wonderful feedback and liveblogging about Sydney Scroungers, and if there's one thing that I am physically incapable of shutting up about right now, it's that.


Thank you, Quiver, for being so amazing and reading through and commenting on all that, because I am completely obsessed with this amazing story and can't stop.


(See, I'm allowed to say that it's amazng, because I'm not the sole contributor, right? I can totally brag on the other writers, because let's be honest at least 40% of the amazingness of that story is the walking human awesome generator that is Rachel Zhu.)

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I'm like... the strangest mix of flattered, embarassed, and horrified. Harmony, I just... *faints*

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It appears my anti-panic attack plans did not include singing being noticed by Brandon. I might need to re-think my security procedures.

In the meantime, try to enjoy Brandon's attention and not hyperventillate ;) And no problem about commenting. I was going to post again there, but I was a tad worried about being off-topic... But I really enjoy reading your fiction, and I LOVED hearing your thoughts on my thoughts. I've kinda had a secret desire to be a writer, so hearing that sort of insight from someone whose work I enjoy is fantastic.

And on completely unrelated information, I edited in some Featherbow info out of boredom.

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Oh dear. How unfortunate that the first post of 2014 is a less positive one.

Lady Feather, I apologise for my somewhat unflattering review of Cursed Sun. I appreciate your patronage, and enjoyed aspects of it, but I felt you deserved a sincere reaction, rather than blind praise. I hope you will not take this as a slight, against either your esteemed person or your work, but I am prepared to resign my commission if you so wish. Even if doing so robs me of a good excuse to speak in this manner.

(I do believe I mentioned my inclinations towards chattyness and silliness, O Plumaged One)

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PFFFFFT. You read Sydney Scroungers, Quiver. You're edging for the top spot amongst my favorites at the moment, no where near grounds for being kicked out. Reading Sydney Scroungers is the way to my heart, oh loyal followers, because I am so thoroughly obsessed with this story, it's not even funny.

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Ah, sweet Siren of the Cosmere, your praise and forebearance are gratefully treasured. In the face of such generosity and goodwill, your humble follower wonders if he may, perchance, seek a boon. Perhaps 'tis something best asked in the creative corner, but if I did so there, I would feel compelled to address you in normal form, rather than ye olde lorde.

Brightness, reading your fiction has reignited an old flame in my breast. I have spent the past number of days passing ideas regarding a fantasy work, and received a surprisingly warm reception. I had intended to try and create a short story of my own, as the first step in exploring the world. Alas, my talents pale in comparison to your own. Can thou bestow any advice upon this neophyte, Quillhand?

(I am dead serious. I am gonna post in ye olde lorde and give you titles from now on here. Because quirky(Unless it bugs you, in which case I, uh, won't.) But I am serious about the writing advice as well. Is there anything you can suggest?)

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Hmm, what specifically would you like advice about? I suppose I can start with "Don't be afraid to suck." One of the things that NaNoWriMo taught me was how to just write and don't look back, because if you spend all your time worrying that it's not perfect, you'll never actually get it written. A very wise text post on tumblr once told me that every first draft is perfect, because all a first draft has to do is exist.


Write things that you find interesting. I know everyone always says that you should write for yourself, and yet I often find myself writing for other people as well. I write things that I know others will enjoy, sometimes simply because I like making other people happy. I'm lucky that many of my friends like similar things to me, but very few of the things I write are wholly self-indulgent. I love sharing things with others and that's one of my main motivations to write. But make sure you enjoy the things that you're writing too, because when you force yourself though something that you don't enjoy, it's not going to be as good.


This might just be me but, the final draft is almost always longer than you expect it's going to be. Perhaps there are writers that are accurate judges of how long their stories are going to be, but I am not one of them. I constantly think of new things that I want to add and my stories could stretch ad infinitum if I'm not careful to rein myself in and actually get to the ending. Not that it's a bad thing. All kinds of fun things crop up while I'm writing like this, and I love it!


If you've got questions on anything specific, I can try to help with that. This was kinda broad and wide, but writing's a large topic!


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Wise words, mylady, though that tumblr post bodes my efforts methinks. I was reluctant to press upon your time without first seeking approval. Now that you've granted it, Most Benevolent Worldflutterer, I trust you shall grant me a moment to elaborate.

For some time now, I've been tinkering with a magic system for a fantasy story. Scarce few days ago, I submitted my thoughts to the 17th Shard, and received an unexpectedly enthusiastic response. One of them, ser Gamma, suggested I should provide some in-world writing. A reasonable enough call, and one which I plan to answer. However, during our discussions, it has become clear to me that the setting I had originally intended for the tale is widely inappropriate. Guided by their responses, I have begun the task of rebuilding the world, the first being far too generic; a typical medieval fantasy setting. Which brings me to my query.

I realise, Devourer of Sanderfiction, that eloquence of prose can only be obtained through practice. After spending the past week critiquing your works, I admit anxiety at 'putting my money where my mouth is' as they say. I was, however, wondering if you could provide any insights into the task of world building? The magic I have chosen to implement has rather elaborate consequences for society, and I thought that, given your role as world builder and interest in race creation, might be able to provide some suggestions on how to proceed.

(My word, ye olde lorde does not give itself well to short replies.)

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Hmm... worldbuilding. I tend to create worlds because I find them interesting, though most of mine are not as well thought out as Jaiset. They got tons for that competition and now all the other worlds are trying to catch up. I just kinda get a basic idea in my head like "sun powered desert people" or "hypnotic voice angels" and then just kinda let it sit in my brain for a while and try different ideas for it. Eventually, ideas start to come together and you can kinda sculpt those into a society.


It's worth noting that not all worlds need to be completely brand new and mind-blowingly original. For reference, the world that most of the story of Called Forth takes place on is called Mondial, and reads fairly vanilla-medieval. The other worlds, the ones that we don't see as much of, are the ones where all the tons of worldbuilding takes place on, and that's kind of my way to ease readers in. When people open Called Forth I want the original setting that they're presented with to feel familiar, and then as the story gets deeper and wider, the real worldbuilding shows up. 

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I see. I am most grateful for the insight, Lady Tumblr. And since I can't comment properly in lorde, I won't bother trying.

As I said, I like hearing insights into how artists work. My problems always been a case of tunnel vision. If I get an idea, I develop it very badly. It's a habit I want to break.

I feel guilty for asking this in a thread that's focused on you, but would you mind having a look at a story I wrote? As I've said, I really enjoy your work, so I'd really appreciate any advice you could give.

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To return this topic to it's original intent, I wish to propose a toast.

Dedicating it to the Lady Feather would be obvious, given her works, but I wish to direct it to her followers, whether they be Feathertips or Featherblades. When I first posted here, 'twas in an attempt to socialise and get to know people. I shan't say whether or not that has been a success, but the welcome I received here has helped direct my actions. For pointing towards the Cosmere Fandom Monsters works, and for helping me to become more used to the forum as a whole... I simply wished to take a moment to express my gratitude and thanks.

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Guys we have a problem



"Sating the Ghostbloods alone will not save your house,” Jasnah said. “Your debts are too great, particularly considering your father’s actions in alienating so many. I have therefore arranged a powerful alliance for your house.”

“Alliance? How?”

Jasnah took a deep breath. She seemed reluctant to explain. “I have taken the initial steps in arranging for you to be betrothed to one of my cousins, son of my uncle Dalinar Kholin. The boy’s name is Adolin. He is handsome and well-acquainted with amiable discourse.”

A love triangle who would guess ?

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I think that lady feather will survive and adapt. now she wil have to deal with a triangle. But plnety of her fanfic could be adapt to add inner conflict and guilt of Renarin and Shallan part for the "treason" they are doing with Adolin.


And well now we have a consistente reason to Renanin have contact with Shallan. Adolin will have trouble daling with Shallan wit, but Renarin more smart and schollar way  way could wok fine here.


Shallan seems like the smart type better, I bet that Renarin will gain this one =)



Side note: Shallan you, little devil, you jumped to fast in the engament thing, very naughty indeed =)

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How about a love square, with Adolin, Renarin and Jasnah competing for her heart? That Shallan has a way with the Kholins...

More seriously, I think this means that Adollan (Shadolin) won't be the final pairing. Leaving Shallarin more likely. A net gain for the Lady Feather!

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