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Could Hoid be a Dragon?


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This is mostly tin foil speculation, but I think their at least some evidence.

Hoid is not a sliver or a shard, but he does have a deeper understanding of the Spirit Web than others and has existed powers from multiple worlds.

Hoid is ancient/Immortal and has amazing powers of regeneration. WoB is that he "heals the soul" and wouldn't be hurt by decapitation via shardblade.

We have WoB saying Dragons are on Yolen, Hoids home world.

Common Dragon themes include glammor, knowledge, ancient power, long life/Immortality

Early names from Hoid include Middius and Amethyst. This could be a reference to dragons greed/ gold hoards. When Dragons don't have long obscure names in fiction they are often names after natural items including gemstones.

In Wok we have letters referencing "you old reptile", maybe it's a bit obvious and we don't know that it's addressed to Hoid but I found it interesting all the same.


Edited by Lookalike
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This is mostly tin foil speculation, but I think their at least some evidence.

Hoid is not a sliver or a shard, but he does have a deeper understanding of the Spirit Web than others and has existed powers from multiple worlds.

Hoid is ancient/Immortal and has amazing powers of regeneration. WoB is that he "heals the soul" and wouldn't be hurt by decapitation via shardblade.

We have WoB saying Dragons are on Yolen, Hoids home world.

Common Dragon themes include glammor, knowledge, ancient power, long life/Immortality

Early names from Hoid include Middius and Amethyst. This could be a reference to dragons greed/ gold hoards. When Dragons don't have long obscure names in fiction they are often names after natural items including gemstones.

In Wok we have letters referencing "you old reptile", maybe it's a bit obvious and we don't know that it's addressed to Hoid but I found it interesting all the same.


For your last point, that letter in SA is addressed to Frost, a confirmed dragon.

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For your last point, that letter in SA is addressed to Frost, a confirmed dragon.


Not to mention that Hoid was the one writing it.  (And to be clear the First Letter in WoK was from Hoid to Frost, the Second Letter was from Frost to Hoid.)

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Per WoB, Hoid used to a human. Now, it depends on how you see it. I'd quote it, but I'm on mobile.

My personal theory is that Hoid's (over)use of different magics and hacking of his spiritweb changed his body and soul in a fundamental way, like a much more extreme version of what happens to tin savants. In short, I theorize Hoid's body is more investiture than flesh by now.

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Given the Liar of Partinel sample chapters, this seems rather unlikely.  I don't want to go too much into details since I'm not sure what's permissible for unpublished works, but Hoid's presented as human.  Also referencing general information about the world, races, dragons and such from Dragonsteel, it would be rather strange for him to be a dragon.  Given, all that could change since so much of Dragonsteel no longer holds.  Again, sorry for not providing any solid evidence, I just don't want to break any rules.

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