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Cycle 10: Restless Slumber

Coco had been pleased with how the other day had gone. With Serech Huxer dead, bringing dishonor to his House, she new her own House stood to gain. Not only that, as one of the remaining of the Grimm's students, she stood a fair chance at becoming a full inquistor. Surely they must be close to finding the last of the skaa, right? There was only one problem. She was just so tired. She wondered if it had something to do with the fact she couldn't recall having eaten anything for over a week. Nah, can't be that. She decided she'd have a nap now, and then try and work out why she was still always so tired, even with all the sleep she had had.

She woke to see people sitting and walking along the roof. She contemplated the thought. I wonder how they're doing that. Are they Coinshot's too? Then she realized she was moving backwards. She wasn't too concerned though. I wonder why I'm getting dizzy. But again, she decided she'd rest, and think about that later. She dropped off quickly, but got only a few moments until she was dropped on her head. Oh. I was being carried upside down. That's why there were people sitting on the roof. Looking up, she saw Grimm's grin. I can't think why he'd be happy about now. Isn't anyone else tired. She didn't react when he started cutting into her. Nor did she pay much attention to what he was saying. Eventually, everything stopped....

As Coco breathed her last, Grimm was sorta annoyed. Seriously? No reaction at all? What was the point of this all if he got no satisfaction from it? At least he could collect her spike, stashing it in his pack, along with the other 18. It's getting close. Only a few more to go...

<unnamed> was walking. He'd be sitting around for ages, and just needed to go stretch his legs. As he walked, he thought about what had happened, and what he was aiming for. So far, he hadn't needed to go as far as <> for the cause yet, but he still would. And when the time came, who ever it was would learn to fear <>. But then he tripped over, and someone stepped onto him. A voice spoke. "See the thing about black tape is no one will know, or even care that you're gone. And you thought you were so clever." Then suddenly the light disappeared.

Nicocoberru was lynched. They were an Inquisitor Coinshot.
IrulelikeSTINK died. They were an Inquisitor Soother.

Vote Tally:
Nicocoberru(4): RippleGylf, Creccio, IrulelikeSTINK, Meandbooks

Note that I've brought the end of cycle time forward by 1 hour. So keep that in mind going forward.

Player List:


1. Venture Mistborn (Maxisum)
2. Creccio (Inor Haze)
3. The Honey Badger (Dagbert Honerion)
4. polkinghornbd (Elijah)
5. Kasimir(Ripple) (Koschei Jerzy)
6. Phattemer (Axies)
7. Meandbooks (Ailyth)

RippleGylf (Marie Lepinceau) - Inquisitor Soother
Mailliw73 (Milon Bulvier) - Inquisitor Rioter
Alvom Halbin (Andierre Reynaud) - Inquisitor Pewterarm
Araris Valerian (Arad Penrod) - Inquisitor Seeker
Sart (Mar) - Inquisitor Lurcher
Shallan (Citona Vinid) - Skaa Coppercloud
The Only Joe (Joel Tormander) - Inquisitor Tineye
Orlok (Locke Tekiel) - Inquisitor Pewterarm
Alvron (Jak) - Inquisitor Lurcher
TheMightyLopen (Kellam Lyre) - Skaa Seeker
Wyrmhero (Wyrm Heron) - Inquisitor Seeker
Kipper (Kipper) - Inquisitor Lurcher
Alfa (Ashbringer Fadraux) - Skaa Pewterarm
Deathclutch10 (Shi Kuratchi) - Inquisitor Coinshot
Zephrer (Serech of House Huxer) - Inquisitor Augur
Clanky (Lan) - Inquisitor Coppercloud
Winter Cloud (Sophia Erikell) - Skaa Soother
IrulelikeSTINK (No Name) - Inquisitor Soother
Nicocoberru (Coco) - Inquisitor Coinshot

Quick Links:

Cycle ends in just under 48 hours time.


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Also, I posted my reasoning on Ripple last cycle, i can put it forward again if need be.


Actually, what am I doing? Why vote for the inactive who cant affect decisions... sigh, silly Creccio




RippleGylf (Marie Lepinceau) - Inquisitor Soother
Mailliw73 (Milon Bulvier) - Inquisitor Rioter
Alvom Halbin (Andierre Reynaud) - Inquisitor Pewterarm
Araris Valerian (Arad Penrod) - Inquisitor Seeker
Sart (Mar) - Inquisitor Lurcher
Shallan (Citona Vinid) - Skaa Coppercloud
The Only Joe (Joel Tormander) - Inquisitor Tineye
Orlok (Locke Tekiel) - Inquisitor Pewterarm
Alvron (Jak) - Inquisitor Lurcher
TheMightyLopen (Kellam Lyre) - Skaa Seeker
Wyrmhero (Wyrm Heron) - Inquisitor Seeker
Kipper (Kipper) - Inquisitor Lurcher
Alfa (Ashbringer Fadraux) - Skaa Pewterarm
Deathclutch10 (Shi Kuratchi) - Inquisitor Coinshot
Zephrer (Serech of House Huxer) - Inquisitor Augur
Clanky (Lan) - Inquisitor Coppercloud
Winter Cloud (Sophia Erikell) - Skaa Soother


If we count the number of roles and how they have been distributed, I believe that my assumption on Ripple is correct and Books being a coppercloud is not too far out of imagination.


We can see the village has:


2 Pewterarms: This grants decent protection against kills and can save a night for the village unless they get role blocked. The Skaa have 1 in case of coinshot, they can protect themselves.


1 Soother village soother and 1 Skaa Soother. Not surprising. each can cancel the other team action under the right circumstance. I believe Coco is a Soother. Making it also 2 for Village and 1 for Skaa


We have 2 Seekers, and they also have one Seeker. Which makes it, 2 for he village and 1 for the Skaa...again.


I believe in Meandbooks. He IS a coppercloud and that, coupled with clanky would have made 2 for the village and 3 for the Skaa.


Can we see a pattern here?


Just based on the information above and the pattern followed by not 1, but by ALL the Skaa team it is safe to assume that the Skaa team have also a Zinc player to disrupt actions like Seeking/Coins in case they were out of charges of soothing totally or they somehow got information of who is shooting the coin.


Also, out of the mentioned above, only the Soother and the Seeker can be successful Riots for the town Rioters. That would render the Town Riots on the Skaa team to be completely useless, but if we see the  Village composition, there is plenty of targets to choose from.


There are 3 lurchers, 2 coinshots, 2 seekrs and 2 soothers 2 rioters, for a total of 11 targets, and saying it is Ripple and Honey, that would make 6 Skaa.


26 total players - 6 (they wont use it on themsleves) = 20 - 11 = 9 players the Riot would have no effect on. Of those 9, there is Tin which would only know they got Rioted and nothing more. Pewter in which nothing Happens and Coopers, which cant even be targeted by.


Good to mention here before i get my math called out, I did not consider golds or Atium, why? mainly because i just dont have all the information regarding who has said metals but yea, math still checks out if we add gold and atium would just kill them on the spot so yea...


So, that is really fast my reasoning as of why I think Ripple's Zinc is Skaa Zinc.


Books and the other actives, please lynch Ripple for being a Skaa Rioter based on game composition and Honey Badger based on inactivity.


I know this is really meta-gamey but, after some backtracing and reading it works.... Please trust in me as much as I trust in you guys <3



Books, PLEASE vote with me.

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I still don't understand your argument against me, Creccio. Your reasoning solely on what role I have seems flawed, and assumes that the GM purposefully picked what roles everyone had. Is it not equally possible that they were handed out randomly? I feel like the skaa at the moment are trying to kill discussion. Think about it: Stink was one of the more active players, and he gets killed. Before that, Clanky, one of the few players doing analysis, was killed. DeathClutch before that, and you get the idea. They're trying to kill activity so that they can effectively swoop in and take the lynch. Now, you're trying to lynch one of the few active people left. It is not silly to try and eliminate suspicious inactives when the eliminators are doing the opposite. Throughout most of the game, you seemed pretty innocent. Now... with the goal in sight, have you just dropped pretenses? We can't simply lynch on roles, but behavior as well. And your behavior seems off to me.


And phatt, you seem really quick to jump on to Creccio's reasoning, which is never a good sign. Jumping on to someone else's reasoning without any proof of your own seems like a good way to lurk without attracting suspicion for inactivity.


EDIT: I suppose it is hard with what little info we have, but I would at least like to know why you are agreeing with Creccio.

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Creccio, I'm still not convinced that the roles aren't entirely random, which would completely invalidate your argument if that was the case. And what Ripple says about the skaa trying to kill discussion makes a lot of sense.


Although, Ripple, I don't really blame phatt for agreeing with Creccio really quickly. I mean, last round we basically picked someone at random and agreed to lynch them. It's hard, with the lack of information.

Edited by Meandbooks
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Meand, roles are never completely random. If they were, there would at least be some balancing so the Eliminators didn't end up with 4 Coinshots. :D Not that that would be a bad thing... :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

But, more to the point, I agree with Creccio because Deathclutch has been mainly right so far.

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Where does she mention DeathClutch?


Nowhere actually...




Typos are the bane of my existence, i meant 1 Skaa copper.


Anyway, if you are a copper it would make 3 coppers for the town, which STILL makes sense, because out the the about 11 targets, you could copper 3 and still have 8 viable targets. That is assuming the Skaa Rioter targets the same person as you AND that person burns. if we make those probabilities 0.5 each we get


0.5^3 which comes out to 0.125, or 12% chance for the coppers to actually work. Coupled with player bias to burn or not, and what metal they have, it goes down to well under 10%.


And that is saying they target the same person, and out of 11, that is a tall order. 3 coppers seems completely fine.


I see a 10% chance to cancel 3 off the skaa team is a pretty good chance... ( Riot, Sooth or Seek).


Ripple, I do believe it is you. I will have to kill you once again it seems.


Edit: Added a sentence for the math >_>

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Hmm, I'm not going to vote just yet. I can't decide who's more likely to be skaa.


Phatt, can you remind me of Deathclutch's reasoning for Ripple to be skaa? You said you agree with Creccio because Deathclutch has been right so far. But I'm not sure where/why Deathclutch said that and I don't have time to go digging through the threads.

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*Trumpet Fanfare* The Gamma Fiend is back! All hail your Lord Ruler!


Now that I've had my piece of fun, and Gamma has an internet connection back, he'll be running things again. I think... :ph34r:

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Hmm, I'm not going to vote just yet. I can't decide who's more likely to be skaa.


Phatt, can you remind me of Deathclutch's reasoning for Ripple to be skaa? You said you agree with Creccio because Deathclutch has been right so far. But I'm not sure where/why Deathclutch said that and I don't have time to go digging through the threads.


He actually put me under the "meh" category if I remember correctly...

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Cycle 11: Deundeadification

This whole experience had not gone quite how she had expected. She'd arrived so excited, proud to become a part of the Steel Ministry, and serve the Lord Ruler directly. Though she would no longer be part of her House, her position as an Inquisitor would bring honor to it nevertheless. But then she'd been betrayed by her peers, and been subjected to Grimms blade for hours on end. She had then "died". She had stopped breathing, her neck cut. But then she woke. She ached all over, her body battered and scarred. But it was breathing. And there was a new spike. Within her stomach, she felt an familiar but different warmth. Pewter, she realized. She'd been given a Pewter spike, and been brought back essentially from beyond the brink. 

It was a few days before she could comfortably walk around, and that was while flaring Pewter. Fortunately, she had been provided with a large supply of it. It would keep her alive till she had healed, but it wouldn't protect her for further damage, like it might another. 

Eventually Grimm had appeared, a spike in hand. He offered her a deal. He had an experiment he wanted to run, and she was in a position to be of use. She agreed without asking for details. She didn't want to die again. A short while later, she now possessed the power of Zinc, the partner to her own Brass. An experiment in crowd control, Grimm had said. He'd taken away her brass stores, and instead furnished her with a few charges of Zinc, so that she could learn to use them. Then he had brought her back to the central chamber, and reintroduced her to the group. Only, the worse was still to come.

It hadn't sufficed The Deepness to just tear her apart physically. No, it had to destroy her world, and her faith in her family too. She had been cornered by the skaa infiltrators, but they had not tried to kill her. No, they had something worse. They had proof of a secret she had not known. The woman she had known to be her mother had not been. Rather, she was the daughter of some random skaa whom her father, Lord Lepinceau, had favored. At first, she had wondered why, but then she realized. She had not had any siblings for many years, but eventually she had gotten a brother. And now he was approaching adulthood. She want me out of the way! Now she knew why her 'mother' had been so pleased at the prospect of her 'daughter' joining the ranks of the Inquisitors. It got an embarrassing secret out the way, and left room for her son to be named Heir. 

As these thoughts flew through her head, she knew what she had to do. She would gladly join with the skaa infiltrators, her brethren (though she still hated them), and she would kill all present. Word would get about, and it would bring dishonor to House Lepinceau. Then she kill Lady Lepinceau. And who would dare question an Inquisitor? All would assume that the Lady had been a traitor. And they would be correct. 

And so she had worked, and one by one, they had fallen. 3 dead by her own hand. Tonight she had another target. Soon Grimm would ask for their suspect, and while the everyone was distracted, she would take out her prey. Only, she didn't get the chance, because when Grimm rose, and requested the groups decision, only two others rose with her to point their fingers. And this time, they were at her. She protested all she could, but it was two to one, and so her fate was sealed.

"Ah, Marie. You seemed to have failed the task I set you. Otherwise you would not have let these here outmaneuver you." He continued as he dragged her along. "Let's see if those spikes of yours will help you give me any more fun this time round."


This time, the ordeal lasted even longer. Grimm regulated the pewter she had available, keeping her on the brink, as she couldn't stop herself from instinctually  burning it when she lapsed into unconsciousness. He hadn't expected her to have new information though. Nor had he suspected that she had been skaa all along, that she'd just been unaware of it the first time round. Maybe that's why she managed to make it through. Skaa are made to be sturdier after all. In retrospect, it made sense. It also made the experience all the sweeter. And this time, when he ended it by creating a new hemalurgic spike, she would not be coming back.

RippleGylf was lynched. They were a Skaa Rioter.

Vote Tally:
RippleGylf(2): Creccio, Phattemer
Creccio(1): RippleGylf
Player List:

1. Venture Mistborn (Maxisum)
2. Creccio (Inor Haze)
3. The Honey Badger (Dagbert Honerion)
4. polkinghornbd (Elijah)
5. Phattemer (Axies)
6. Meandbooks (Ailyth)

RippleGylf (Marie Lepinceau) - Inquisitor Soother
Mailliw73 (Milon Bulvier) - Inquisitor Rioter
Alvom Halbin (Andierre Reynaud) - Inquisitor Pewterarm
Araris Valerian (Arad Penrod) - Inquisitor Seeker
Sart (Mar) - Inquisitor Lurcher
Shallan (Citona Vinid) - Skaa Coppercloud
The Only Joe (Joel Tormander) - Inquisitor Tineye
Orlok (Locke Tekiel) - Inquisitor Pewterarm
Alvron (Jak) - Inquisitor Lurcher
TheMightyLopen (Kellam Lyre) - Skaa Seeker
Wyrmhero (Wyrm Heron) - Inquisitor Seeker
Kipper (Kipper) - Inquisitor Lurcher
Alfa (Ashbringer Fadraux) - Skaa Pewterarm
Deathclutch10 (Shi Kuratchi) - Inquisitor Coinshot
Zephrer (Serech of House Huxer) - Inquisitor Augur
Clanky (Lan) - Inquisitor Coppercloud
Winter Cloud (Sophia Erikell) - Skaa Soother
IrulelikeSTINK (No Name) - Inquisitor Soother
Nicocoberru (Coco) - Inquisitor Coinshot
Kasimir (Koschei Jerzy) / RippleGylf (Marie Lepinceau) - Skaa Rioter

Quick Links:

Cycle ends in roughly 48 hours time. A post will be made at some point specifying exactly when.

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