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[SoS Tour] Denver Signing, Oct 6 2015


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So Kogiopsis over on tumblr was at this signing and gave this report:



Questions asked (paraphrased; no video this time):


Kayla:  Is the use of the color red before/during bad events a deliberate pattern?

Brandon:  Yes.    ((this is made worse because every personalized book I saw had “hands all red….” written in them.  I AM AFRAID.))


Kayla:  Is it possible to use a Steelpush while wearing Shardplate?

After some confusion re: not Pushing on the Plate, but something else:  yes.  And we… think the mass of the plate would be what determined the force needed, not its (much lighter) effective weight to the bearer.


Kogi:  Sarene’s eye color?

Brandon:  Email Peter.  (I will actually do it this time!)


Kogi:  Anything you can tell us about santhids?

Brandon:  They’re one of a few Rosharan animals with a degree of sentience.  It’s easier on Roshar for this to happen.  (Kayla, to clarify:  Because of Cultivation?  Brandon:  Yes.)

Also, Santhids aren’t based on anything in particular on Earth (sad marine biologist face)


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Kayla:  Is the use of the color red before/during bad events a deliberate pattern?

Brandon:  Yes.    ((this is made worse because every personalized book I saw had “hands all red….” written in them.  I AM AFRAID.))



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From the list of questions: Is Sazed the only person to hold more than one Shard since Adonalsium shattered?


I got the wording a little different - I asked if Sazed is the only one to hold more than one Shard.


Brandon answered: “Sazed is the only one to currently hold two Shards.”  After a few seconds, he added, “I’m not going to say he is the only one to ever hold two.” 


That’s all he said about it though.

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Uh oh...



Kayla:  Is the use of the color red before/during bad events a deliberate pattern?

Brandon:  Yes.    ((this is made worse because every personalized book I saw had “hands all red….” written in them.  I AM AFRAID.)






Red... a deliberate pattern?





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  • 3 months later...

Questions asked by me (paraphrased, didn't think to take video)


Q: Does Khriss have a way of changing her appearance?

A: Yes


Q: Have we seen her in any of the books out so far? (realized I worded this poorly for my intention and asked another question before he answered)


Q: Is Vathi Khriss?

A: No, someone else. But you'll see Khriss in a soon-to-be-published book.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Returning to this thread after a while, and I see this:


Questions asked by me (paraphrased, didn't think to take video)


Q: Is Vathi Khriss?

A: No, someone else. But you'll see Khriss in a soon-to-be-published book.



/nods approvingly

//says nothing else, because this is a spoiler-free area

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