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I'm making a fakebook page for a school book-reading project, and the person I'm doing is Kaladin. Problem is, I have no idea what videos, images, or status updates he would make. If you know anything (videos, pictures or status update ideas you have), please post it here.

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I'm making a fakebook page for a school book-reading project, and the person I'm doing is Kaladin. Problem is, I have no idea what videos, images, or status updates he would make. If you know anything (videos, pictures or status update ideas you have), please post it here.

"Just learned how to walk on walls and fly."

Next day:

"Just killed a Surgebinder with my shardblade. Selfie!" and you'd post a picture of him and Szeth.


Is there a link to your page?

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He'd never post anything; his wall would be full of things others tagged him in. That and he'd join the Facebook group for Bridge Four. And Lopen would hack his account and post a thousand pictures of chouta.

Edited by Mistrunner
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WOR spoilers:

"I'm having a bit of a moral dilemma. My good friend wants to assassinate the king, but I'm not sure that's the right thing to do. Advice?"


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WoR spoilers:

Oh storms, stuck in the chasms with some fake-princess lighteyes.  <_<

#DarkeyesAreBest #WhyDidSheTakeMyBoots #WhereAreYouSyl


And then the next day: Shallan Davar has accepted your friend request! Would you like to post on her timeline?

Edited by The Honor Spren
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And the Surgebinders group.

WOR spoilers.

And the page for the Knights Radiant. And Shallan would make these t-shirts that say "IKR" to stand for "Incoming Knight Radiant!" And everybody else would be laughing and saying how clever it is and they'd post a picture of everybody wearing their shirts but Kaladin isn't in it because when they tried to get him to smile for the camera he lashed himself to the ceiling.

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WOR spoilers.

And the page for the Knights Radiant. And Shallan would make these t-shirts that say "IKR" to stand for "Incoming Knight Radiant!" And everybody else would be laughing and saying how clever it is and they'd post a picture of everybody wearing their shirts but Kaladin isn't in it because when they tried to get him to smile for the camera he lashed himself to the ceiling.

"Just the group wearing our new T-shirts! Thanks Shallan!" #highfashion #nofilter #nokaladineither

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#shatteredplains #highstorm #wickedshashbrand

After friending shall an;

Mutual friend: pattern. Sly comments noo!

Poke from syl

After Pattern becomes a mutual friend.....

Kaladin: Admit it! You stole my Shardplate, murdered my friends, and sold me into slavery!

Amaram: That's a lie.

Pattern: Mmmmm #delicious

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"Lopen has poked you 500 times in a row."

Kaladin: "But I never poked-"

"Lopen has poked you 503 times in a row."

Continuing with the IKR shirts...

Lopen has tagged you in his photo! "#selfiewithceilingkaladin #ikrshirts #radiantparty #themsurgebinders #grumpykaladin #kaladininhisnaturalhabitat

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Kalafin has befriended numuhukumakiakia'aialunamor.

"Thank the almighty! Now we can just copy paste your name and call you by it properly instead of calling you rock!"


Lopes status: anyone got spare gems lying around? I have some glowing to do!

Lopens mum comments: lopen! Get inside and eat you're soup!

Lopen: there's no chill dung in it, airsicklowlanders low lander.

*bideo of mama Lopen chasing him around the house"

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Aladar's notifications:


Reminder: You have one event going on near you today.



Dalinar is hosting an event: Fulfill the Vengeance Pact! 

March with me to the center of the Shattered Plains to defeat the Parshendi once and for all! Bring your own army. Will take a week or so. 


Numuhukumakiakia'aialunamor posted:

I will come and cook stew! Someone must bring proper spices. 


Roion, Adolin, Shallan, and a lot of people are going. 

1 interested. *hovers mouse* Sebarial

9 other people invited. *hovers mouse* Sadeas, Kaladin, Amaram, and more


|Going|     |Interested|    |Ignore|

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This thread is incredible, all of the upvotes!


After Kaladin challenged Amaram:


"Uggghhhh Jail."

#Nevertrustlighteyes #theyputmeinabox #whoamIRand?


Notifications: 1


Wit has commented on your status update. 


"Let me tell you a story, about a little yellow chick and a bunny…." 

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Notifications: 1


Wit has commented on your status update. 


"Let me tell you a story, about a little yellow chick and a bunny…." 


View Translation:


"An eel and a seventeen-legged lizard crab thing..."

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Now I have a real life question, how do you even poke people on Facebook? What does it do?


It's an app that you install to your page. A few years ago, when I was in high school, there was this thing called Super Poke, which allowed you to do all sorts of things in lieu of poking—"throw sheep at," "throw pillow at," "go to the square dance with," etc. But now it's gone back to just poking. 

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It's an app that you install to your page. A few years ago, when I was in high school, there was this thing called Super Poke, which allowed you to do all sorts of things in lieu of poking—"throw sheep at," "throw pillow at," "go to the square dance with," etc. But now it's gone back to just poking. 

And to add to that, It was originally just a function of facebook. It would leave a notification that said so and so poked so and so and showed a poking finger emoji.

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I didn't know that. I just thought poking was... Well... Itself. Huh. Well, I've learned something new today.

On the Bridge Four page (WoR spoilers):

The team rockin our new Bridge Four tattoos! #bridgefour #takethatsadeas #nokaladinagain #witphotobombedagain #coolasthefrostlands

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Somehow I think Rock wouldn't be very popular on twitter...


@numuhukumakiakia'aialunamor why must your username take up all of my characters? #inconsiderate #stormingbridgemen #notanairsicklowlander

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