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I still need to read Rithmatist.  :ph34r: I'm not sure where I should put it on my priorities list, though—should I read it before or after I read Elantris?

I liked Elantris more, so I would say after. The Rithmatist is a fun book though, and much shorter than Elantris.

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*consults Google*


Looks like it's similar but slightly less sour.  I still probably wouldn't like it.  I have some really weird food aversions to things that apparently everyone else loves.  Like:



peanut butter



"good" cheeses


orange juice


Popcorn is eh, I'll eat it but it's definitely not my favorite, and if I have another option I'll usually take that. Unless it's the really unhealthy kind from the movie theatre, but you know. Thats like 10 bucks soooooo. 

:o  I love peanut butter!! Especially if it's some kind of dessert/candy such as peanut butter pie or peanut butter cookies!  :wub:

I used to despise meatloaf with a fiery passion, but now it's just kinda eh. See the section on popcorn above. 

Mmmm. Chilli is good. My mother makes one heck of a chilli. 

Mmm. Cheese is good too. The only cheeses I don't like are pepper jack and swiss. 

Cheeeesseecaakeeee. I'm so sorry you don't like it.  :unsure: Ah well, more for me I guess!  :D

Orange juice is okay. Once again see the section above for popcorn. 



Orange juice is good, so long as it's low pulp or pulp-free, but I prefer grapefruit juice. 


On an unrelated note, I got some new clothes today. Time to change my style, hopefully for the better. 


I like to chew my orange juice.  :P But pulp free isn't bad either! 


Also, hooray! Shopping! I got a really cool Zelda t-shirt the other day. 


Just wait till you get to college, then you'll really like free food. :P


It's nice still living at home, because I get almost every meal free.  :P


Why does everyone loves food so much? If I could live without eating with no side effects, I would probably forget food is thing.


Mmmm. I feel that way about sleep. Honestly, do you know how much more productive I'd be if I didn't have to waste seven hours every day??? 


I still need to read Rithmatist.  :ph34r: I'm not sure where I should put it on my priorities list, though—should I read it before or after I read Elantris?



Ummm. Before! Elantris was definitely not bad, but I like Rithmatist more. Of course, Rithmatist is a little trope-y, so if you don't like that kind of thing then I would read Elantris first. 

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mm. I feel that way about sleep. Honestly, do you know how much more productive I'd be if I didn't have to waste seven hours every day???

Sounds like this video is for you. :ph34r:

Yet another Studio C sketch. I wonder how many have been posted to this thread so far...

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It's the name for fabric that has the uneven texture. Hard to describe, really, so picture!


I just didn't catch whether mine was jersey slub, or cotton slub, or some other type of fabric. I got the main cloak part cut out today (aside from the ribbons) so hopefully I'll make good progress tomorrow.

Edited by RippleGylf
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Mmmm. I feel that way about sleep. Honestly, do you know how much more productive I'd be if I didn't have to waste seven hours every day???

Yeah, I'm trying to work with about six hours right now, and managing. I might go for five eventually, but at some point, you just reach a threshold. I wish I could go without a fourth of my life spent in oblivion, though. SLEEP! :angry:

*shakes fist at sky

Edited by Mashadar Mistborn
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That, and the fact that I actually wish I could do that now...

Just watched Doomsday. I'm emotionally drained. My mother was not sympathetic to the Doctor. (Slight Doomsday spoilers.)

"Why did he go back for that last cry-fest? That doesn't seem very nice. He should've just let her go!"

Mom. Please. Allow me to wallow in my misery for just a minute.


He needed to say goodbye for his own sake, and for her sake, she needed any notions of rescue in her mind to be gently dispelled. He couldn't live his life with her story unfinished, and she couldn't live hers if she thought every whooshing wind was the sound of the TARDIS coming to pick her up. Honestly, forgetting about her and moving on without sending that final message would have been the cruelest and most sociopathic thing possible.


My family just watched Utopia, The Sound of Drums, and Last of the Time Lords all in a row. Season 3 finale spoilers:


Probably my favorite Master episodes--which is odd since I think I kind of prefer Missy over John Simm. The sheer genius of the two Time Lords pitting their wits against each other is astounding to watch. It's like a Sherlock Holmes vs Moriarty story, but with paradoxes and aliens and lasers and time travel.


Also, the Master does this.




And also this.




And also this.


Edited by Kobold King
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Yeah, I'm trying to work with about six hours right now, and managing. I might go for five eventually, but at some point, you just reach a threshold. I wish I could go without a fourth of my life spent in oblivion, though. SLEEP! :angry:

*shakes fist at sky

You do know the story about the guy who taught his horse to eat less and less, right?
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So a farmer is talking to a friend, boasting about his horse training techniques.

"Hay and oats are far too expensive!" He says. "Don't you agree?"

His friend agrees.

"You see" the farmer says with a glint in his eye, "I came up with a fantastic idea to reduce the cost of horse feed. I just trained my horse to eat less."

"No way!" Says the friend. "That's impossible!"

The farmer smiles. "The trick is to take it slowly. First, I gave Phar Lap* 10% less of his usual feed. He worked a little slow at first, but then he got used to it. So I fed him a little less. And then a little less. And then a little less."

The friend strokes his chin as he thinks.

"The problem," the farmer continues, "is that I don't have definite results. Just when I had finally got my horse trained to work off nothing at all, it went and died on me!"

*bonus points if you recognise Phar Lap. First horse name I thought of. :P

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Yeah, I'm trying to work with about six hours right now, and managing. I might go for five eventually, but at some point, you just reach a threshold. I wish I could go without a fourth of my life spent in oblivion, though. SLEEP! :angry:

*shakes fist at sky


Seriously, sleep is the worst. I hate going to sleep, I hate waking up, I hate how useless it is. <_<  I'm sure that there is a good explanation for it otherwise we wouldn't do it, but curses! I have stuff to do! Whenever I tell people that I hate sleep, they are always astounded. I'm glad I've finally found someone who has a blazing fury against sleep to match my own! 


Pretty much my main pet peeve with Movie Dumbledore 2.


........I actually really liked Michael Gambon as Dumbledore......  :ph34r:

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Yeah, I'm trying to work with about six hours right now, and managing. I might go for five eventually, but at some point, you just reach a threshold. I wish I could go without a fourth of my life spent in oblivion, though. SLEEP! :angry:

*shakes fist at sky

Or you could master lucid dreaming and be more awake when you sleep.

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