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I am going to be vin. I have a mistcloak, I will wear an earing, and I will be carrying a coin pouch. Sadly, I couldn't find a bronze earing though. TnT


The Great Lord Elend Venture. Spoilered for Twi

Mistborn Version

Sooo... I cant be the only one who thought "You two should terrify the final holiday together" was I?

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... you thought I was implying stuff, didnt you? Rusts, I dont imply stuff (unless I do), I say what I mean, terrify people in your mistly cloaks, thats what Halloween is all about.


And candy. Funny how horror and candy are related now... I guess I could do a halloween themed horror short... I should do that... Definitely that... Ah, a tangent! Tangents can be healthy. You go on trains of thought without trying to control them too much, you could end up in dark places though... I wonder why dark places are bad, I always preferred the night, it has a strange calm to it that feels more homely than the day ever does. I would be a great Mistborn like that, flying through the night, not a care in the world, just me, the darkness and the mists. Sounds great.


*Exits stage left*

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Submitted a 6-page-homework about the TTIP yesterday. Actually, one of the deepest fears in europe, that with TTIP we'll start to import american chicken, which were washed in chlor-water. Appartently they fear chlor more than they fear salmonella, and that seems odd to me.

We talked a bit about this, sort of, in my human geography class. Well, at least about how Europe is so very violently against GMOs, while America is pretty okay with them, and the problems that causes.

I loved that class. It's one of the things I miss most here.

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How about Halloween? Are you dressing up? What as?


Some acquaintances are doing a group theme of comic book heroes and villains.  I'm going to be Two-Face, with stylistic influence from the game We Happy Few.




It's in a Mod London setting, but the stuff at the thrift store gave more of a '90s business vibe.  Still, the Venetian mask thing is creepy.  I'm gonna paint it to have the Two-Face duality.

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... you thought I was implying stuff, didnt you? Rusts, I dont imply stuff (unless I do), I say what I mean, terrify people in your mistly cloaks, thats what Halloween is all about.

No. I didn't think you were implying anything. I was just having a very slow mindset right then. I was basically confused, that's all. So, you're fine.

To put is simply, my brain was only half awake.

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No. I didn't think you were implying anything. I was just having a very slow mindset right then. I was basically confused, that's all. So, you're fine.

To put is simply, my brain was only half awake.

Oh, confusion is a common reaction to... me. Especially when you are only half awake to begin with.


Speaking of awakeness I really should sleep, farewell sharders!


*Exits stage left, again*

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I am going to be vin. I have a mistcloak, I will wear an earing, and I will be carrying a coin pouch. Sadly, I couldn't find a bronze earing though. TnT

I'm doing the same thing! We can be twins!

Now, if only I could stop procrastinating and finish sewing that thing . . .

Edited by The Honor Spren
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I'm doing the same thing! We can be twins!

Now, if only I could stop procrastinating and finish sewing that thing . . .

Step one: get two cheap black capes w/o hood

Step two: sew the hoods together, and a few inches down on both sides.

Step three: cut lower part of cape into strips




Fine. There is a bit more too it...

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Way ahead of Y'all. I did that last year.

Two things this halloween.

First is the football game, which is our "dressup" game. I'm wearing a Star Trek uniform with my friends. Then we're doing a halloween party at a friend's house saturday; we're all bringing mistcloaks and going to go mess around in her neighborhood.

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Way ahead of Y'all. I did that last year.

Two things this halloween.

First is the football game, which is our "dressup" game. I'm wearing a Star Trek uniform with my friends. Then we're doing a halloween party at a friend's house saturday; we're all bringing mistcloaks and going to go mess around in her neighborhood.

That sounds awesome. Sadly, even my friends who read Sanderson are not likely to wear mistcloaks.:(
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Still working madly on getting scale mail sewn to corset.  Between that and getting the different panels of scale to actually line up and fit together, it's labor-intensive. 


Kaymyth is definitely forum mom.
"I leave this room for one minute-!"
Sharders: *look at feet and mumble "Sorry, mom"*


You shoulda seen me back in my substitute teaching days - everything from kindergarten to high school.


(Spoiler alert:  teaching kindergarten is terrifying.)



"It wasnt me, Im innocent!"

Funny how she is almost more powerful than the admins through her forum momness... The motherly are dangerous.


I don't know about that.  But should we ever have a crossover team-up, that's when y'all should look out!


Is Voltron connected to transformers?




"It wasn't me! ( insert name ) started it!!"
"I don't care WHO started it!" (Kaymyth)
"They made my brain explode" (Me)
"SILENCE!!!" (Kaymyth)


I...may have really been involved in conversations like that before.  Keep in mind, I don't actually have kids.

Edited by Kaymyth
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Watching Monsters University with the pugs. I love this movie, but one thing has always bugged me about the ending.

WHY WAS DEAN HARDSCRABBLE NOT ARRESTED? She willfully endangered two students to protect her own reputation. Even though it's true children aren't toxic and Mike and Sully were not in any danger on that front, she still ordered them to be trapped in an alternate dimension from which she was counting on there being no escape. This should count as attempted murder in monster society, yet at the end of the movie, she has not only her freedom, but her job, with no indication she is in danger of losing either.

Seriously. Why this woman escaped justice is beyond me.

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Watching Monsters University with the pugs. I love this movie, but one thing has always bugged me about the ending.

WHY WAS DEAN HARDSCRABBLE NOT ARRESTED? She willfully endangered two students to protect her own reputation. Even though it's true children aren't toxic and Mike and Sully were not in any danger on that front, she still ordered them to be trapped in an alternate dimension from which she was counting on there being no escape. This should count as attempted murder in monster society, yet at the end of the movie, she has not only her freedom, but her job, with no indication she is in danger of losing either.

Seriously. Why this woman escaped justice is beyond me.

Really? (I haven't watched this in a while, my details may be fuzzy) I got the impression that Mike snuck in, and she couldn't stop Sully. Or at least Mike snuck in, its been a while. And then for some reason they couldn't get in the door.

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Really? (I haven't watched this in a while, my details may be fuzzy) I got the impression that Mike snuck in, and she couldn't stop Sully. Or at least Mike snuck in, its been a while. And then for some reason they couldn't get in the door.

Thats how they got in, yes, but when other teachers and I think even university police showed up to try and help them out, Hardscrabble essentially barricaded the room the door was in, wouldn't let anyone in or out. She wouldn't even grab a full scream canister to power the door, when she could have easily called for one.

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