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FeatherWriter fanfic fan club :)


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First of all, Feather, I'm very disappointed you didn't inform me of the fourth chapter of ASMoB :(

To start off, here's a list of Feather's current fanfics(all SA)

-A small Renarin POV fic.

-"Beneath the Bells of Kharbranth" - (Beware, it's not a happy story...) Synopsis: Instead of joining the army, Kaladin goes to Kharbranth to train as a surgeon. After years of hard work, his talent for healing earns him a promotion. But there are secrets in Kharbranth, the likes of which he could never have imagined.

-"A Training Session" - (This is a nicer one, written for Tumblr's Cosmere Secret Santa exchange last year.) Synopsis: After the events of The Way of Kings, Kaladin is working to train the members of Bridge 4 when Adolin Kholin unexpectedly drops by.

-"A Strange Mix of Both" - (This is Feather's Shallarin fic. It's multiple parts so you'll have to click the "Read More" links at the bottom of each to open each full post.)

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Here' my liveblog of A Training Session:

-Too bad he's not Ham and can just rip the sleeves off :)

-Of course there's no sloppiness in Dalinar's camp. He's Dalinar "The Blackthorn" Kholin. Sadeas is a jerk who doesn't know how to run an army.

-Yes!! Haha Kaladin's cloak is higher ranked than Adolin's.

- Haha, Syl. Just floatin' here in front of Adolin's nose.

-Come on, Adolin, the man's got a spear and you have a Shardblade. I hope Kal schools you.

-Oh, good, it's just a regular sword, now I know Kal will school you :)

-maybe he wants to fight because he heard rumors of you storming flying over a chasm and catching hundreds of arrows on a shield and you saved Dalinar with a spear, just maybe it's that

-Yeah, Kal has skills.

-No, Kaladin, you're supposed to beat him. Even if I do understand your reason.

-Good, Adolin, recognized that Kal let him win

-Yes! There's Shallarin's appearance.

It was great! I think you really captured the characters. I could see something like this actually happening in WoR.

Liveblog of Beneath the Bells of Kharbranth (Warning: Major Spoiler Alert)

-Shallan! I love how she always makes an appearance of some sort.

-second nahn? Dang, Kaladin is really moving up in the world

-The women's script really is confusing. I can't wrap my head around it

-Oh, no. I know what's going on here. No! I hate this place! Taravangian is messed up!

-Argghh! No, don't kill her! you're all deranged!

-Yes, the surgeon was trying to kill her, just like he has murdered many others, just for a couple phrases chanted

-You can protect by killing, but not by innocent slaughter

-Ugh, you disgust me, Taravangian. I used to like your character. Not any more

-you take people who aren't dying? Even more repulsive.

-There's the Kal we love, fighting for right

-No, they're going to kill him!

-Ahhh! No!

And here's the one for all three chapters(that I've read) of A Strange Mix of Both

Chapter 1

-that's how I feel every night!

-Renarin's reading! Yes

-Poor Renarin

-aww, this is so perfect!

-Sword-fighting for reading

Chapter 2

-Good job, Renarin

-He's so right, alethi women's script doesn't make sense to me at all

-25 isn't canon, right? But it does make sense

-Is the way Shallan explains writing actually correct? If so, it might make a lot more sense to me now. [Edit: I now know how to write in Alethi Script thanks to firstRainbowRose and there is some truth in this description, but it's not complete.]

Keeping a Pet Skyeel

-Ooh I like the metaphor

-Can you ever get comfortable with guilt?

-Ooh, Adolin :( I still can't decide whether I really like him or not

-Haha Jasnah and her free time

-Pet skyeel similies. Awesome!

-Yes, please. I so want to see Wit meet Shallan.

-He's quite honorable, hmmm

-Good job, Shallan, make him fumble his words

Edit:A Smile to Calm a Highstorm

-First, great title!

-Ooh, secret meetings in an empty tower :)

-Only a glove, gasp! Haha :) Oh, Vorin society

-I love Renarin's blunt wit!

-Kabsal, urgh

-A first date! :)

-"He could've summoned a Shardblade in the blink of an eye." Perfect!

I'll be sure to post mine for the fourth chapter sometime this week when I get around to reading it. :)

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My mustache and I have formally entered the thread.  I don't have as much time as I'd like right now, so I won't be able to do a really proper review - but the short version is this:


FeatherWriter has done such an outstanding job capturing the characters that I'm half convinced she could depict them doing something truly absurd or unusual and it would come across as entirely plausible.  Seriously.  If Feather wrote a fanfic about Sadeas and Dalinar building and racing GoKarts, I'd believe it.

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Well... I've got a crossover for my prompt for Secret Santa this year, so that one might be a little bit less... plausible. No details as of yet, because I don't want my prompter to know that I've got them, but I can say that it will be Mistborn (and... something else!)


As for the length of ASMoB, I don't actually have a planned length or an ending in mind, just a string of cute scenes all back and forth. As of right now I've got... four or five scenes still in mind, though I think of more and more all the time. I'll stop when I run out of ideas perhaps, or maybe somewhere along the way I'll find a good way to wrap it up. (I didn't have an actual ending in mind when I wrote my Avengers fic and I'm actually pretty proud of that one. That fic is kind of the one that convinced me that writing by the seat of my pants is actually a pretty viable option for me. I can pull off endings without having them in mind if I'm careful!)

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Suddenly ideas. Dalinar gets his new captain of the guard to shoot chull shells at Sadeas when he gets too far ahead, painted Kholin blue of course...

Ten thousand upvotes lol <3

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Darn, I would read these, but...

A couple of years ago, when I was only around 10, I accidently read a Percy Jackson Fanfic that had a twenty year old Percy in bed with an Aphrodite person. It scarred me, and now I have an irrational fear of fanfics.

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(Guilty confession: I don't really read fanfics either, bartbug.)


I love writing them, just... not reading them so much? There's so much badfic (and smutfic, yuck) out there, that I just tend to avoid it. Not to mention if I get free time, I want to be writing rather than reading anyway. 


One of the things I do try to do with my fics though is to make them feel like they might be canon. When I come up with an idea, I want to figure out how I could write it so that it /could/ be canon if nothing ever contradicted it. (Part of why I abandoned the Parshendi!Renarin fic, there was just no way I could justify it, and I have trouble writing without that justification.)


I figure there's plenty of people out there who read fic but don't write it, that someone who does the opposite is maybe not so strange...


That said, I don't write smut. Ever. It squicks me out and I just... no. Like, I was blushing all through writing the fourth chapter of A Strange Mix of Both and that wasn't even that embarrassing... I tried writing one kiss scene once and it was really wierd and awkward, (but maybe because it was Vanaline and Len, my OCs, and I definitely don't think the two of them should be together.) So there will be no awkward smutty scenes here. No no no.

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I'm one of those who reads fanfic occasionally but never writes it. I don't think I could do the characters justice. I only read it sometimes. I've read a few HP ones and these, that's really it I think. When Im looking for one, I test-read one of an authors stories and if I like it, I go in-depth and read their other stuff.

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(Oh, Will! I just noticed that your link to the ASMoB tag has them going from newest to oldest. If you put "/chrono" on the end of the link it will display the first ones first instead of the other way around. For example: http://featherwriter.tumblr.com/tagged/a-strange-mix-of-both/chrono)


(I feel like such a narcissist responding to this thread... but it's also about me... so I should respond... orz)

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Why, thank you, Brightness. It's not graphically the best but it has completely correct Alethi, so I'm happy about that. (Actually, there's one possible error but Mi'ch is checking it out for me.) Edit: Never mind, it has been resolved. The gif is correct. :)

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