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How does Hoid know who the protagonists are?


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Perhaps in addition to the slight future foretelling that Hoid gets from the Feruchemy, people in the Cosmere also have something similar to the WoT Ta'veren where they create a focal point, which if you know where to look you can easily see who events are going to spin around? 


That might be reaching too much and trying to draw in too much from Brandon's association with the WoT, but could be... 



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He whoopworld to earth and ask Brandon  ;) Seriusly there is a picture of Brandon in a Con talking with a stange guy that I' m sure is Hoid.


I think he compound Gold, to see the possible futures and act according  =)


Edit: Worldhop ;)


LOL, no prob Shardlet I know that my english is severely lacking no offense taken, and be free to correct me whenever I ashame myself  ;)

Edited by Natans
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He whoopworld to earth and ask Brandon  ;)


I think that this is the most amazing mispelling I have ever seen.  :D  Whoopworld instead of worldhop.  (Not a criticism of your spelling, Natans.  Just an expression of amusement).

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I like to imagine that Hoid uses Luck Feruchemy, a dartboard on top of a cosmere map, multiple dice for years and months and days, and another darboard on top of a phonebook to figure out where and when he should be, and who he should be talking to

The 17th shard is actually a worldhopping census society. They compile the phone book for Hoid. They're irate because the last Cosmerical phone book they gave him was a misprint that listed the entire population of Sel as the occupants of a non-existent Parshendi metropolis overlapping a section of Nalthis roughly three hundred kilometres southeast of Hallendran, and they want to give him the corrected copy before he goes looking to hint the secrets of a new Form to Raoden and runs across a vampiric Returned (these exist, WoB. Not actually vampires, but they dress all in black (good for awakening) and tend to act gothy, being back from the dead and needing a human Breath every week to survive and all. I'd find the quote, but...I won't. You'll have to take my word for it :))

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The 17th shard is actually a worldhopping census society. They compile the phone book for Hoid. They're irate because the last Cosmerical phone book they gave him was a misprint that listed the entire population of Sel as the occupants of a non-existent Parshendi metropolis overlapping a section of Nalthis roughly three hundred kilometres southeast of Hallendran, and they want to give him the corrected copy before he goes looking to hint the secrets of a new Form to Raoden and runs across a vampiric Returned (these exist, WoB. Not actually vampires, but they dress all in black (good for awakening) and tend to act gothy, being back from the dead and needing a human Breath every week to survive and all. I'd find the quote, but...I won't. You'll have to take my word for it :))

You seem to be seriously campaigning for up-votes these days xD. Didn't want to give you another one, but you tend to be so damned funny!

Edited by Aether
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