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El Cerrito, California


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A friend asked about Wit's sword which Brandon said we'd have to wait to find out about but seemed like he liked the way the theory was headed. (Theory is the one from somewhere else on this site where the sword Wit carries in WoK seems like another black blade from  warbreaker.)


I asked one question from here and another I had of my own. The first question was in regards the black gem and if it held a Spren to which he said that the theory was on the right track and that there is something going on in relation to the creation of Fabrials and with the spren and gemstones. (In my recording) During my signing I also asked about the storms in WoK and whether they were in any way like he pool in Elantris. He said they were not exactly the same thing, I did not have this part recorded but believe I remember correctly, but that he saw where I was going with the theory and was in he right direction but that they were NOT THE SAME thing.  Might want someone else to ask this at another Q&A or signing for confirmation.



Reading #1: 
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Okay So if it is like shardpools but not really then I think maybe it is like the mists I was reading mistborn and Vin says that the mists leave water everywhere when they are gone and also shardblades when they appear are all wet and when the herald appears he is wet so I am wondering maybe the mists make things wet when they leave and shardblades make things wet when they appear.

The Mist sgo away really fast so maybe they dont just vanish they go back to spiritual realm or something I think maybe I am onto something here also when Vin breaths the mist it comes out of her pores and stormlight comes out of pores so that seems like the same thing there too

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Ooh! The first reading was very interesting to hear i must say!


But i am somewhat worried about what Ym said about his thoughts of the Cosmere. it may not be accurate of the real cosmere, or really i hope not, because that sounds very much like how the world in Raymond Feist's works is revealed to work. And that worries me.

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Okay, I'm done. I'm checking it for mistakes. If anyone finds one, let me know.


Also, Nalan, assuming the guy in black and silver is him, is one zealous bastard. I'm pissed.


And Ym is definitely from the 5th Order. He is learned/giving, and he used growth or regrowth on the boy.

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Okay, I'm done. I'm checking it for mistakes. If anyone finds one, let me know.


Also, Nalan, assuming the guy in black and silver is him, is one zealous bastard. I'm pissed.


And Ym is definitely from the 5th Order. He is learned/giving, and he used growth or regrowth on the boy.


Have I missed something somewhere? Why would the guy in black and silver be Nalan?


Whoever he is, he is certainly quite harsh!

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Okay, I'm done. I'm checking it for mistakes. If anyone finds one, let me know.


Also, Nalan, assuming the guy in black and silver is him, is one zealous bastard. I'm pissed.


And Ym is definitely from the 5th Order. He is learned/giving, and he used growth or regrowth on the boy.



Wow. This Dark Constable guy is in a deep need to talk with Kalladin about how wrong and evil is his Windrunners power. Two interludes that he gave a hard time to weak people that are discovering their surge powers, I would like see him do this with someone that know defend themselves.


I serius deslike this dude.

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Pretty sure that conversation would end with Kaladin's eyes burned out.



So anyway:

WoK Prologue

He was in conversation with two men, a dark-skinned Azish man who had an odd patch of pale skin on his cheek and a thinner, Alethi-looking man who kept glancing over his shoulder.


WoR Prologue

The two passed from the intersections of hallways ahead of Jasnah. They were ambassadors from the west, [including] the Azish man with the white birthmark on his cheek. Or was it a scar? The shorter of the two men, he could’ve been an Alethi, cut off when he noticed Jasnah. He let out a squeak, then hurried on his way. The Azish man, the one dressed in black and silver, stopped and looked her up and down. He frowned.
“Is the feast over already?” Jasnah asked down the hallway. Her brother had invited these two to the celebration along with every other ranking foreign dignitary in Kholinar.
“Yes,” the man said.
His stare made her uncomfortable. She walked forward anyway. She would not be intimidated in her own palace. I should’ve checked out further on these two, she thought. She’d investigated their backgrounds, of course, and found nothing of note. Had they been talking about a Shardblade?


Ym Interlude

More rustling. The shadow separated itself from the darkness, resolving into a man with dark Makabaki skin, all save a pale crescent on his cheek. He wore black and silver. A uniform but not one from any military that Ym recognized. Thick gloves, colored at the back.

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Pretty sure that conversation would end with Kaladin's eyes burned out.



So anyway:




Nice Catch Cem, many upvotes to you!



And have a little more Faith in Kaladin friend. He allready gived a hard time to two sharplates even without using a sharblade, and this in  my book says a lot =)

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Mr. Argent, there is also this part in the Ym interlude.


Something rustled behind Ym. He jumped, spinning. The workroom was a place of dark corners and cubbies. Had he perhaps heard a rat? Why was the door to the backroom where Ym slept open?

He usually left that closed. A shadow moved from the blackness back there.

“If you’ve come for spheres,” Ym said, trembling, “I have only the five chips here.”

More rustling. The shadow separated itself from the darkness, resolving into a man with dark Makabaki skin, all save a pale crescent on his cheek. He wore black and silver. A uniform but not one from any military that Ym recognized. Thick gloves, colored at the back.


So he use shadow "surge". The question is, his power are radiant origin or we are looking to the very fisrt voidbringer surge here ?

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I think you might be reading too much into it. The whole "shadow separating itself from the darkness" is a pretty common literary technique to describe somebody or something hiding in the shadows / darkness, and then stepping out of it. 

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I suppose he could be one of the Ten Fools. But he feels so much like a... like a tired and indifferent Herald to me. 


Actually, no. Scratch that. There is a line in Lift's interlude that almost straight-up says he is not with Odium.

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I think you might be reading too much into it. The whole "shadow separating itself from the darkness" is a pretty common literary technique to describe somebody or something hiding in the shadows / darkness, and then stepping out of it. 


Every time he appear there is odd shadows reference coincidence? For now it's just a guess but I woudn't be suprised if he "awesomeness" as related with shadows in some way =)

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I suppose he could be one of the Ten Fools. But he feels so much like a... like a tired and indifferent Herald to me. 


Actually, no. Scratch that. There is a line in Lift's interlude that almost straight-up says he is not with Odium.

Yeah, I agree. Heralds are messed up, guys. Shalash who is supposed to be honest and creative goes around destroying art. Nalan, just and confident, is like a bitter, burned-out cop who's seen too many bad stuff.

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Curses! sounds like I really need to get one of them there Steelhunt codes....


Bein in the UK, this is very unlikely however... will need to wait for the book!


damnation YOU KRAPOTKIN!!! - P.S - I will give a rep point to anyone who got the reference.

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Just wanted to add the two questions which one of my friends told me he asked while getting his books signed.


Q: When might we expect to see Shadows of Self, the next Mistborn book?

A: Probably about a year or so after Words of Radiance.


Q: In The Way of Kings Hoid has a sword in his possession, is this sword related to the planet in Warbreaker?

A:You may be onto something... So basically RAFO.

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