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Still Having a Bad Day? Exchange Your Rants For Hugs Here!


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If these don't gain 50 upvotes in the next 10 minutes I shall be extremely disappointed in the state of the Shard because these are all awesome. :D

A Scribbler dream? That'd be horrible.  :unsure: Unless Epics can get normal dreams too, which I don't know if they can.

Just concentrate on the squids and make it WHOOC. :ph34r:

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Perhaps I shall.  :ph34r:

Also, I'm only counting two upvotes Seventeenth Shard.  <_<


I'm at work right now (I know, working on T-day; we have to pick one major holiday to work - such is the curse of working at [REDACTED]) and the work servers do some strange things with some images on the Shard.  About half of the images that get posted up just show as "gobbledygook.jpg" to me.  Meaning that I can't see these glorious images that I'm supposed to upvote.

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Im starting to think that the name of the company Kaymyth works at is actually [REDACTED]. She is doing top secret government, protecting us from aliens, making sure no one finds big foot and keeping Elvis and Walt Disney alive stuff.


Or at least she is reading the e-mails of people who are supposed to do that stuff, but she and Thirdgen are the only two competent people in the entire hierarchy of [REDACTED], thus the fate of all of humankind lies on her shoulders. She need not only stop alien invasions, but also make sure her stupid superiors dont doom us all by accidentally mixing coffee with the zombie virus.


Right now for example she is defending the earth against the turkey uprising and manipulating the media to pay attention to everything but the turkey uprising.

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Im starting to think that the name of the company Kaymyth works at is actually [REDACTED]. She is doing top secret government, protecting us from aliens, making sure no one finds big foot and keeping Elvis and Walt Disney alive stuff.


Or at least she is reading the e-mails of people who are supposed to do that stuff, but she and Thirdgen are the only two competent people in the entire hierarchy of [REDACTED], thus the fate of all of humankind lies on her shoulders. She need not only stop alien invasions, but also make sure her stupid superiors dont doom us all by accidentally mixing coffee with the zombie virus.


Right now for example she is defending the earth against the turkey uprising and manipulating the media to pay attention to everything but the turkey uprising.




I...I wish there was a way to favorite or bookmark posts on this forum, because this is one of the best things that I have ever read.



(Seriously, I wish my job were this glamorous. Alas, the reason I'm so cagey has more to do with being able to vent about things without busting confidentiality.  OR DOES IT?)

Edited by Ookla the Indecisive
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I...I wish there was a way to favorite or bookmark posts on this forum, because this is one of the best things that I have ever read.



(Seriously, I wish my job were this glamorous. Alas, the reason I'm so cagey has more to do with being able to vent about things without busting confidentiality.  OR DOES IT?)

Glad I can entertain.


I find it way more awesome that your life is a surreal comedy series, so thats what I am going to imagine from now on.


So my fellow sharders. Every time you enjoy a nice warm cup of coffee without turning into a zombie, every time you do not get transformed into a potted plant by aliens and every time mechazombiedinosaurninjahitler does not eat your dog, think of the one who makes sure we can all live our lives without having to fear hat Rod Serling would suddenly start to narrate it.



I'll stop now... I dont want the others to think that you have gone insane because you are laughing too loudly, or realize that security has been breached...

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Glad I can entertain.


I find it way more awesome that your life is a surreal comedy series, so thats what I am going to imagine from now on.


So my fellow sharders. Every time you enjoy a nice warm cup of coffee without turning into a zombie, every time you do not get transformed into a potted plant by aliens and every time mechazombiedinosaurninjahitler does not eat your dog, think of the one who makes sure we can all live our lives without having to fear hat Rod Serling would suddenly start to narrate it.



I'll stop now... I dont want the others to think that you have gone insane because you are laughing too loudly, or realize that security has been breached...


You are my most favoritest eldritch horror.


We here at Redacted, Inc are here to help!

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You are my most favoritest eldritch horror.


We here at Redacted, Inc are here to help!

The compliments, thank you XD


Maybe I shouldnt be telling hilarious/terrible jokes in the problems thread... though hopefully I made someones day slightly better/weirder/funnier...

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So what does eldritch actually mean?



Weird in a way that's beyond human comprehension. Something that is eldritch is above the human mind's understanding in the same way that a vacuum cleaner is beyond the understanding of a small dog. It is something that is horrible, impossible, and reflective of minds far greater than your own.

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There is no such employer as [REDACTED].  Please continue to believe Turkey is a country way over that-a-way, not surrounding your cabin right now.


Uhh, I mean... I have nothing to do with this situation!  You don't know who I am!



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Dad: Bruce loves his life here. He's going to be so confused when you move.

Okay, Dad, the storms are you trying to do here? Do you want me to live at home forever, or is this some sort of freakish "move in down the street from us" manipulation or....seriously, what the storms is this. I'm already feeling guilty about plotting to move Bruce away from Bruno and Mollie and everyone. Just shut up okay. I'm having a hard enough time convincing myself he won't be happier without me.

Edited by Ookla the Sparkly
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The admins have always been excellent when it comes to being open and transparent about what happens on the forum. Try shooting Rubix a PM about it.


I will talk about it via PM, if anyone's interested.


Edit: I've hidden a number of requests while I type up a message to send out, just to help keep the thread on topic. If anyone else is interested in being added to the PM, feel free to PM me.

Edited by Rubix
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I don't drink coffee because I can't stand its taste (the smell is amazing, coffee-flavored things, such as cake and ice cream, are the best, but the drink itself is awful.  Yes, even cut with so much sugar and creamer in varying percentages that it's not coffee anymore.  I have tested extensively).  I also don't drink tea, because it usually tastes like grass to me, which is also a taste I'm not overly fond of.  So my caffeine intake is usually in the form of soda.  I looooove me some Dr Pepper. 


Realizing that I needed to cut back on the soda intake, but unwilling to give up the wakeful goodness that lets me function as a human being, I started using the Mio energy flavored water things.  Everything was going well.  Then, this last week has been pretty brutally terrible; I thought it was because I was cramming a 40 hour week into 3 days, which involved a whole lot of waking up early and going to bed late.


Today at Thanksgiving dinner, I was showing my little vial of energy water, and realized that a week ago I had bought the wrong one.  The one without any caffeine at all.  So the reason I've been feeling like a zombie and having major headaches wasn't due to lack of sleep and stress from work, it was withdrawal.

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Dad: Bruce loves his life here. He's going to be so confused when you move.

Okay, Dad, the storms are you trying to do here? Do you want me to live at home forever, or is this some sort of freakish "move in down the street from us" manipulation or....seriously, what the storms is this. I'm already feeling guilty about plotting to move Bruce away from Bruno and Mollie and everyone. Just shut up okay. I'm having a hard enough time convincing myself he won't be happier without me.

I've moved houses with pets plenty of times, they get used to it really quickly, particularly dogs, their version of 'home' is the person they love so as long as you're with him I'm sure Bruce will settle in fine even if you take him to the other end of the world. :)

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I've moved houses with pets plenty of times, they get used to it really quickly, particularly dogs, their version of 'home' is the person they love so as long as you're with him I'm sure Bruce will settle in fine even if you take him to the other end of the world. :)


Agreed! Places are far less important than their owner to dogs! Don't worry Twi, Bruce will be glad to accompany you on  your moving adventure :)

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My mom's stupid words worked their magic. 


I'm afraid I'm going to fail now. 


I'm afraid I'll get a job 2,000 miles away, get settled in, and have some disaster strike. Or worse—I'll bungle things through my own stupidity and wind up homeless, sharing Taco Bell burritos I scavenged from the dumpster with Bruce. 


I'm afraid she's right and that my way is the wrong way, and I won't realize it until it's too late. 


I'm just afraid, okay? My mom whined about how I don't want to live close, and now I'm scared. 

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My mom's stupid words worked their magic.

I'm afraid I'm going to fail now.

I'm afraid I'll get a job 2,000 miles away, get settled in, and have some disaster strike. Or worse—I'll bungle things through my own stupidity and wind up homeless, sharing Taco Bell burritos I scavenged from the dumpster with Bruce.

I'm afraid she's right and that my way is the wrong way, and I won't realize it until it's too late.

I'm just afraid, okay? My mom whined about how I don't want to live close, and now I'm scared.

Twi, YOU WILL BE FINE! To be honest, that actually sounds a bit better than what you currently have.

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