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Order of the Stick

Order of the Stick  

54 members have voted

  1. 1. What Gender do you think Varsuvius is?

  2. 2. Which Order Member is your Favorite?

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Long time fan here! I just read the strip #1006, and... *flails arms around excitedly*

I suspect Belkar will be the first one to catch up with what's truly happening with Durkon. Who he'll side depends on who is losing the fight. Belkar doesn't want to see Durkon dead, he reacted at first because he doesn't want to see him killing his friends or himself.

Now he no longer has the need to prove that Durkon is doing what he did I feel that given the chance Belkar would attempt to preserve everyone. And he has a very good eye for nuances due the double game he's playing. He'd have been killed a long time ago if he weren't willing to reevaluate people's stances in the blink of an eye.


So, can anyone explain what, exactly, Durkula just cast on Roy? Not quite sure I get it...

He cast Harm spell. It has touch range, deals a fixed damage amount per caster level, and Durkon is supposed to be high level, so... The only catch is that it can't reduce target's HP below 1, so Roy is likely to be at 1 HP or close.

Edited by Sera
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I can't believe there isn't a thread about The Order of the Stick already. 


This is the thread for that Wonderful Comic, The Order of the Stick, which as of today, has posted 1000 strips online! Are there any other OotS fans out there? (Looking at you two Kobold and Kaymyth) What are your guys thoughts on Today's strip? Favorite Character? Favorite Quote?


So excited for this next Fight between Evil!Durkon and Roy.



This is amazing! 

I discovered it on monday after reading the Only Joe's post, and I'm already at strip 300 or so. I love this comic enough to have it take away from my sharding time!

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Is there a name for the fandom members?


Not that I know of.  I have a seldom-used account on the GitP forums, and I've never seen an official name bandied about.

Doesn't mean there isn't one, though.  Just means that I didn't look very hard.

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Possible, but the dispute would have to be considered to have been resolved to everyone's satisfaction. Otherwise, the clerics aligned with Hel would object to Roy being resurrected if this would just bring up a fight again. (Recall the guy who threatened to unload all his buffs on Durkula if anyone waded in to help.)

Not to mention they may simply decide that as Durkula's bodyguard, Roy is aligned (at least officially, for the purposes of the Godsmoot) with Hel, and so it is her/her representative's decision as to whether Roy ought to get resurrected or not.

I'm less hopeful of a Belkar/Elan intervention, but I do wonder what the odds are that Varsuvius might be taken over by the IFCC and walked in there again to interfere. From Loki's disagreement with Hel, I'm assuming alignment doesn't dictate where people stand on the issue of destroying the world. It's not impossible that the IFCC decides against for reasons of their own--perhaps they want a bigger slice of the pie?

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I keep waiting for one of the clerics to at least throw Roy an information bone - their conversation clearly indicates that he thinks it's still Durkon in the driver's seat, and nearly all, if not 100%, of those high-level clerics should know perfectly well that it's not.

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Agreed, no doubt it'll be some sort of aside/4th wall parody sorta thing


During my re-read, I have come to accept that if I were in an adventuring party with my friends...I would either be the Elan of the group or V itself (also, they should do V parodying V for Vendetta when it comes to the IECC.

Edited by ParadoxSpren
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Side note; Some of you have noticed the poll at the top. Are there any other questions I should add?


Which member of the OotS are you most like/would likely be?


What hilarious d20 1 roll would you like to see happen?

Edited by ParadoxSpren
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You're lacking the options "Both" and "Neither"! =P

Hah, I did a fan art (okay, it was more a sketch) of Vaarsuvius once. Poor thing, he (she?) ended looking like a girl.


Wellll.......Elves are naturally Androgynous so either way, success!


True, I was going to offer possible scenarios....but i haven't played a good table top game in so long

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