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Era 3 Protagonist


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Back in 2008, Brandon mentioned this in passing in the TWG Hero of Ages Q&A thread:


...Suffice it to say that in the next trilogy, the main protagonist would be a Nicrosil Misting...




I don't know if we've heard anything else about this Nicrosil Misting from Brandon since then (if I'm wrong, please chime in and share your knowledge), but I just saw this tweet from Peter earlier:


The next trilogy is 1980s, and the main character is a brown Terris geek girl.



Her being Terris makes me think that she will actually be Twinborn rather than just a Misting. I'll probably incorporate this into another crazy theory later. But for now, what are your thoughts and speculations about the Era 3 protagonist?

Edited by skaa
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Maybe Twinborn, but there's a good chance she's just not a Ferring at all. Not all Terrispeople have Feruchemy.


Well, she is also a protagonist.  I'd say that increases her chances of being Twinborn by quite a lot.

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Heh. Still, it would amuse me a great deal to have someone who self-identifies Terris, but is an allomancer and not a feruchemist.


For all Mr. Sanderson's talk of people like Dox and how vital they are and how you don't have to have Powers to be cool, he has surprisingly few protagonists in any series who don't have powers. In fact, most of them are frighteningly powerful even compared to average powered people. Not gonna lie, it sorta bothers me.

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Nicrosil Compounder! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :lol:  (I think there actually was a mention of the next compounder we are going to see being a Nicrosil one. :ph34r: )


On a more serious note, I don't think we know more about the third protagonist but I have to say that I like what we have heard so far. The only think that I could add is that, if I remember right, Era 3 was supposed to be about an Allomacer SWAT team, so there's a chance she'd be a part of that.


(I'll go and see if I can find any quotes on that, once I have a bit more time. :ph34r: )

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Heh. Still, it would amuse me a great deal to have someone who self-identifies Terris, but is an allomancer and not a feruchemist.


For all Mr. Sanderson's talk of people like Dox and how vital they are and how you don't have to have Powers to be cool, he has surprisingly few protagonists in any series who don't have powers. In fact, most of them are frighteningly powerful even compared to average powered people. Not gonna lie, it sorta bothers me.


I must say, the idea of an average fellow being a protagonist is intriguing, potentially overwhelmed by all the magical people around. I'm personally hoping Adolin fills this role in future SA novels, though that's a topic for a different forum.

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It was supposed to be silly. I am 102.7% sure I am quite bad at being funny thought. The point is, Wax&Wayne is more like a prequel of sorts to the second era mistborn triology.

Sure, a four book prequel in it's own time period.

Edited by Edgedancer
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I can't find the source right now, but I remember Brandon saying that Wax and Wayne's saga is now a full era in its own right. The "trilogy of trilogies" idea has been abandoned, and he's now referring to them as Eras 1-4.

I think it was buried in the Reddit AMA somewhere... Not sure, but I know I read it someplace.

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Yes, Tellingdwar and company are correct. Brandon abandoned "trilogy" labels in favor of the Era system in order to fix some confusion. Many people thought Alloy was the start of the "modern" trilogy, which it is not. The Mistborn Adventures are Era 2, officially, in both Brandon's wiki and our own.

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I just revised the eras in my head.  Instead of 3, we now have 4.  Unless Brandon spontaneously comes up with more stories to slide into the history, in which case we'll have more.


Brandon's still toying with a 1940's tech level era, last I checked. The original Trilogy of Trilogies was the first set, a 1980's tech level, and the sci-fi story. He's since added Wax and Wayne, and then there's the 1940's.


We might wind up expanding our count to 5 Era's before he even gets to the second trilogy originally planned!

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Brandon's still toying with a 1940's tech level era, last I checked. The original Trilogy of Trilogies was the first set, a 1980's tech level, and the sci-fi story. He's since added Wax and Wayne, and then there's the 1940's.


We might wind up expanding our count to 5 Era's before he even gets to the second trilogy originally planned!


Oh, the tragedy!  The consequences of such madness being that we must read more books than we thought we would get!  Whatever shall we do?  ^_^

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I love reading Sanderson's books but I really hope he doesn't do a 1940s era series. At a certain point he just needs to get on with it, especially considering how many other series and books he is writing and planning on writing, some not even in the cosmere. My face will explode if I have to wait through dozens more books before we get to the mistborn space opera. I also don't want to lose interest in this genre before completing the great cosmere crossover.

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You gotta admit though, allomancy and feruchemy work so well with pretty much anything that you can't really blame him.

Though we do really need that space opera. But how strong would mistings even still be at that point? The Mists would need to pull double time just to make people Snap-able, surely?

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If sazed purposefully weakened allomancers after his ascension he could have also fixed their power levels at that point, halting the degradation of power brought on by recombination of DNA. Also keep in mind though that it was at least a thousand years after TLR introduced allomancy on a greater scale that one could perceive real notable differences in power levels, i.e. Vin vs. Elend. Rate of technological advancement is exponential after an industrial revolution, not linear, so it would potentially only take maybe 200 years after AoL to achieve space travel, especially with the metallic arts helping you. So even if sazed didn't fix the power levels, allomancers wouldn't be a lot less powerful then than those we see in AoL. Lastly, does feruchemical ability degrade over generations?

Edited by MitchBade
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My face will explode if I have to wait through dozens more books before we get to the mistborn space opera. I also don't want to lose interest in this genre before completing the great cosmere crossover.


Unfortunately, you're already waiting through nearly 12, if not more, Cosmere books even without a 1940's tech trilogy. Personally, I don't mind, but my ideaology is "the more the merrier." Brandon is such a skilled artist that watching his skill grow with each book is only going to make the journey better. I doubt I'll grow tired of his work, even if I get tired of SFF before then (but that'll never happen either, so...).

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Unfortunately, you're already waiting through nearly 12, if not more, Cosmere books even without a 1940's tech trilogy. Personally, I don't mind, but my ideaology is "the more the merrier." Brandon is such a skilled artist that watching his skill grow with each book is only going to make the journey better. I doubt I'll grow tired of his work, even if I get tired of SFF before then (but that'll never happen either, so...).


What I am actually worried about is that Brandon might not be able to finish the Cosmere before he passes. I'm not trying to be cynical, but he keeps adding new books to the Cosmere (eg: Wax and Wayne) and then also writing other books on top of that (Rekoners, etc). Even with his incredible writing speed, I worry that we may not see the end of the Cosmere... Its just such a massive Universe and he keeps making it bigger with extra books(Which I love but still)


(sorry I got pretty morbid, but it is a real fear of mine)

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Meh. He tends to write at least one main Cosmere book every year, right? And this number will grow at least more consistent, if not higher, now that he's finished the large project that was finishing the Wheel of Time. And he's already written seven of the proposed thirty-six(ish). Twenty-nine more books brings him to something in the neighborhood of 75. Admittedly by then mortality might be something of an issue, but not too large of a one.


And given his experiences, and the fact that we know he has an IMMENSE internal wiki, I wouldn't be surprised if he'll have a plan to have someone in mind to finish the cosmere, should the unfortunate happen.

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