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Random Stuff II

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So my family is re-watching Once Upon a Time episodes, and after seeing Sydney's story once more, I've concluded: The genie is terrible at his job.

All right, if you've opened the spoiler tag, I'll assume you've seen the episode. You know all about how he was freed by the King, fell in love with Regina, killed the King and used his last and only wish to "be close to" Regina, trapping him in a magic mirror.


Except, he was the one granting wishes in the first place. He was obligated to grant them until the King wished for the Genie's freedom and used his second wish to give the third wish to the Genie. In this case, he is granting his own wish, meaning he wished for such a crummy outcome.

Except, he was genuinely surprised by the turn of events. This means one of two things:

1. Regina interfered with the magic somehow, or

2. He left the outcome of his wish to whatever Mysterious Force gave him the power to grant them in the first place.

If it's the first option, then it means Regina has not only the ability to interfere with genie magic (which, given her wide array of powers, isn't out of the question) but also the timing and knowledge of how to best make his magic suit her whims. However, since there is no indication Regina interfered with his magic, this seems unlikely.

Option 2 makes the Genie an idiot. The show itself gives us precious little on genie magic, but since this is a Disney-sponsored show, I'll use Aladdin as a basis. In that movie, Genie, despite being enslaved to whoever rubs his lamp, actually has a good bit of leeway when it comes to granting wishes. He is able to get Aladdin out of the Cave of Wonders without using up a wish because Aladdin simply tricked him. He is able to interpret Aladdin's unconscious head bobble as a nod, allowing him to use a wish (that Aladdin never technically made) to save his life. Despite the rigid rules regarding wishes, genie magic in the Disneyverse appears to have quite a few loopholes. It isn't too far off to presume some poor sap wished to be "the eternally youthful head of a thousand kingdoms" and was transformed into a giant floating baby head by a grouchy genie.

So why on earth would this genie make such a vague wish? He's been granting wishes longer than an aging King has been alive. He should know the intricacies and dangers of his own magic. A genie making a dangerously vague wish and trusting it to fate is like a seasoned lawyer throwing himself at the mercy of the prosecution.

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I went to a Venture crew meeting today in my new area. They were pretty nice looking, but very extroverted, and I walked out feeling so drained. Gah. Introversion: when you'd rather stay home and post on the Shard than socialize. Also known as what I always want to do, but...

Edited by Mistrunner
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So I was trying to work out who I am in the 17s family. My age doesn't match at all, but I'm starting to wonder if I'm the awesome grandmother who dispenses love and cookies.

Edit: and slays dragons both literal+evil, and metaphoric sense I n her spare time, of course.

............maybe I'm generally the dragon slayer?

Edit 2: So I just jumped from grandmother to dragonslayer. Lol but I'm totally cool with that.

Edgedancer: thanks! I didn't realise the time

Moved so slowly.

Yes, oh thou great slayer of mythological beasts, we really have developed more towards lots of stuff happening parallel to each other, instead of one thing after another, to the point where we had to split into different locations. I think we only made it to day 4 overall. :ph34r:

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Having tried four different methods to apply for one job, I've concluded that Jacksonville, FL doesn't really want any applicants. If they did, they would've made it possible to actually follow a link to storming apply. <_< 


I have also learned that "Chief of Mosquito Control" is a real job that pays upwards of $69,000 per year, so maybe I don't want to live in Jacksonville anyway. :mellow: 

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Having tried four different methods to apply for one job, I've concluded that Jacksonville, FL doesn't really want any applicants. If they did, they would've made it possible to actually follow a link to storming apply. <_<


I have also learned that "Chief of Mosquito Control" is a real job that pays upwards of $69,000 per year, so maybe I don't want to live in Jacksonville anyway. :mellow:


Have you tried using a different browser?  Sometimes certain websites don't work properly.  I know in particular, the latest version of Firefox has problems with certain website buttons.  I have to use Chrome to order from Pizza Hut.

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Have you tried using a different browser?  Sometimes certain websites don't work properly.  I know in particular, the latest version of Firefox has problems with certain website buttons.  I have to use Chrome to order from Pizza Hut.


I'll try Firefox, but I don't know if it'll help. It doesn't take me to an error page; I'll click on the "Apply Now" link and be taken to the Jacksonville government job postings. I'll scroll down to the listing I want and click on it, and be taken to a detailed posting. Clicking on "Apply for this Job" takes me to the Jacksonville City Government homepage, where I'll have no other option but to select "Apply for jobs" from a menu, which will take me back to where I started. <_<

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I'll try Firefox, but I don't know if it'll help. It doesn't take me to an error page; I'll click on the "Apply Now" link and be taken to the Jacksonville government job postings. I'll scroll down to the listing I want and click on it, and be taken to a detailed posting. Clicking on "Apply for this Job" takes me to the Jacksonville City Government homepage, where I'll have no other option but to select "Apply for jobs" from a menu, which will take me back to where I started. <_<


Ahh.  That sounds more like someone connected the links wrong.  You might want to shoot them an e-mail in their "Contact Us" section.  They're probably wondering why they haven't gotten any applications.

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Thursday we had our first bomb threat in a couple years. The last one in 2013 was a suspicious jug of spoiled milk. The evacuation procedure is the only one we never practice. The majority of people took their belongings with them and we had to stand around for a couple hours on the football field. Today, I was in the middle of band when the evac was ordered, so I grabbed my backpack and flute, then headed out to the football field. This time I wasn't really worried like the first one, because whoop de do, we're just evacuating again. Buses came to take us home, and we got about half a day of school off. Really fun.

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Might I recommend learning to sew?


(That's what I did when I couldn't find what I wanted.  I'm now a costuming monster.)

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Might I recommend learning to sew?

(That's what I did when I couldn't find what I wanted. I'm now a costuming monster.)

I'm just not sure if I'll have time to sew a shirt and a mistborn cloak . . . I bought all the ribbons for that, by the way. ^_^ Edited by The Honor Spren
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