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I'm kind of scared joining Oregon will zap all my time.


I haven't been on long enough to be sure about that, but I'm juggling a lot, and I'm currently managing. Didn't you do a little at the start of Portland?

Also thank you so much for posting Every Major's Terrible on the Majors thread. I am using it as the cover art for my binder.

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I did I think two posts and then I had to drop out. Considering joining again but......how much time a day/week does it take?

Mashadar mistborn: no worries :).


Depends on how many characters you have and whether or not you actually want to read through the Questions thread. You could probably get by on about an hour a week if you only have one guy to write for.

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*struggling, crawls up to discussion by pulling self along with arms* Guys... guys.... *coughs* I have been accosted by the... awful... horrible... *coughs again* thing... called... It's called... LIFE! *has terrible coughing fit and falls down, unconscious*


In other news, I've been listening to the same song over and over for about fifteen minutes. Maybe longer.

Edited by Mistrunner
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*struggling, crawls up to discussion by pulling self along with arms* Guys... guys.... *coughs* I have been accosted by the... awful... horrible... *coughs again* thing... called... It's called... LIFE! *has terrible coughing fit and falls down, unconscious*

In other news, I've been listening to the same song over and over for about fifteen minutes. Maybe longer.

I'm confused. Clarification?
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Oh I'm so sorry, man. You have my condolences.

Do you know how nice it is to be on a site where I can use larger words and not be looked at strangely? I can't do this stuff in the disastrous circumstance known as life.

I offer my agreement by jumping up and down yelling "Exactly!"


I can use "extrapolate" or "discombobulate" (both amazing words, of course)!

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*struggling, crawls up to discussion by pulling self along with arms* Guys... guys.... *coughs* I have been accosted by the... awful... horrible... *coughs again* thing... called... It's called... LIFE! *has terrible coughing fit and falls down, unconscious*

In other news, I've been listening to the same song over and over for about fifteen minutes. Maybe longer.

Which song?

Also, discombobulate is an awesome word.

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Bruce is so chill. It was a little weird at first, since Bruno and Mollie get excited over everything, and all he wants to do is cuddle. Every time I sit on the floor, he climbs up into my lap. 


I think he'll wind up being like Doug the Pug—totally cool with anything, whether it's grinning in front of a cheeseburger or dressing up in a wig. 

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Which song?

Also, discombobulate is an awesome word.

The song is called "When You Need a Train it Never Comes." Kinda depressing, kinda country, and I'm usually not really into that style, but I just really like it. I found it on "Said the Gramophone," a great blog that basically gives you a song per day.
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Omg, band today

Like let me give backstory.

So during passoffs we did p badly, and the director, we'll call her M, was considering not passing us. We stood there for three minutes, with her staring at the score then back at us, until finally I was like "i have coffee in my backpack. Its yours if you pass us off" "I don't drink coffee" "tea?" "No." "What about a painting? $20 value, yours for free!" "I will not be bribed."

Any way we ended up passing off.

But onto tonight

I'm walking to the band hall and really don't want to walk, but I hear the band golf cart behind me so i decided why not and i stuck out my thumb like a hitchhiker

And lo and behold, guess who the driver was

She drove by shouting "i will not be bribed!" at the top of her lungs

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Bruce is so chill. It was a little weird at first, since Bruno and Mollie get excited over everything, and all he wants to do is cuddle. Every time I sit on the floor, he climbs up into my lap. 


I think he'll wind up being like Doug the Pug—totally cool with anything, whether it's grinning in front of a cheeseburger or dressing up in a wig. 


Sounds like my cat, Blackthorn. Last time we took all the cats to the vet, we had to wrestle Loki and Splotches into their crates, earning quite a few scratches in the process. With Blackthorn, all we had to do was open the door and he contentedly walked in and lay down.

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Bruce is so chill. It was a little weird at first, since Bruno and Mollie get excited over everything, and all he wants to do is cuddle. Every time I sit on the floor, he climbs up into my lap. 


I think he'll wind up being like Doug the Pug—totally cool with anything, whether it's grinning in front of a cheeseburger or dressing up in a wig. 


Wait, did you actually adopt him!?  :lol:

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I'm kind of scared joining Oregon will zap all my time.


Eh, I don't think you'll have to worry about the time consumption. I'm not calling names but there've been times where people took a month between posts and said person is still perfectly fine and with us. Worst thing that happens that I ask once after a week or so passed with no activity to make sure you didn't just forget and that's pretty much it

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But what happens with story lines? Your character just disappears for a few days?

Depends, if your character is just sitting in his/her room watching tv or something, then yeah the character wouldn't really do anything for the time (although I doubt that it would be a few days in game, given that we tend to move somewhat slowly on the time axis), if it happens within a scene, well then the other people involved will have to wait for you or maybe work around it a bit by you giving a vague outline of what your character would do or something, should you really have no time at the moment and don't want to hold whatever number of people are also in the scene but that's not something you have to worry about unless it's really a significant amount of time.

Edited by Edgedancer
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So I was trying to work out who I am in the 17s family. My age doesn't match at all, but I'm starting to wonder if I'm the awesome grandmother who dispenses love and cookies.

Edit: and slays dragons both literal+evil, and metaphoric sense I n her spare time, of course.

............maybe I'm generally the dragon slayer?

Edit 2: So I just jumped from grandmother to dragonslayer. Lol but I'm totally cool with that.

Edgedancer: thanks! I didn't realise the time

Moved so slowly.

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