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The Elder Scrolls

The Elder Scrolls  

36 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one is your favourite?

    • Skyrim
    • Morrowind
    • Oblivion
    • Daggerfall
    • Arena

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Which one is your favourite and why? Also which one did you start on? I myself started with Morrowind after finding it at the local game store for ten dollars. And my favourite would have to be Skyrim followed by Morrowind and Oblivion. I haven't played the other two. What were they like? 

What do you like or dislike about the games/game or what made you annoyed that they added / got rid of with each release?

I love how they give you so much freedom but I dislike how that freedom is growing less and less with each release.

Edited by Iredomi
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  • 1 month later...

I prefer Morrowind for several reasons. The first, and main one, is that in Morrowind when you go on a quest, it feels like a quest. You get a set of directions, and rarely a map marker. In Oblivion and Skyrim, everything is marked on your map for you, and it seems like a destroy/recover mission instead of search and destroy/recover. Also, I like the varied weapon categories of Morrowind. No matter how many times you tell me, i will never believe that an Axe belongs in the blunt weapon category or that all one handed weapons similar enough to belong in a single skill. I like the fact that morrowind had spears also. Also, Morrowind had levitate, which is just plain awesome. Also, Morrowind didn't scale everything to your level. When you were low level, you had to know to keep your head down and stay out of dangerous places that were over your head. On the downside, it seemed that every mage enemy was super tough, while most melee enemies were a lot simpler. Plus, cliff racers, the good and the bad of them. The stamina system was a little annoying, but made complete sense. 

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Morrowind, without a doubt, but this is perhaps because it was my first experience of a Sandbox game and, back then, I really enjoyed games without a plot. Additionally, Morrowind appealed to my imagination and I created my own story! My first character was a Dark Elf who was forever searching for her fellow prisoner, a male Dark Elf she had fallen in love with on the ship. My second character, an Argonian, was a freedom fighter who freed prisoners, killed those who wished to oppress others, and made a clean getaway by diving into the nearest lake and swimming to where no man, elf of Khajit could touch her.


After Morrowind, I really hoped to enjoy Oblivion; the opening was highly effective and exciting. Unfortunately, I hated the Devil gates or whatever they were! Having to complete these, I wasn't interested in progressing through the story.


Skyrim promised a lot, but the landscape was far too normal for my liking. I walk in the Lake District often, which is not QUITE as varied, but still breathtaking, exciting and picturesque. I prefer the real experience! The gameplay also grew old quickly for me. I have never found satisfaction in levelling up, in creating strong tanks that can bulldoze through dungeons! I prefer strategic, turn-based gameplay.

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  • 6 months later...

Oblivion, Just Because of One Quest. The Dark Brotherhood Mansion Quest. Where you had to kill 6 people in a Mansion. I Loved the Manipulation aspect of the Game. In that Quest, I could get People to Attack others, myself, or I could make them Love me, so that they would help me kill others.

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Never played Arena or Daggerfall.


Morrowind hands down.  I remember hiring the game form the local video store around 10am on a Friday Morning. THe next thing I know it's Saturday and they are calling me up to return it. 


FIrst time I had ever played a sand box game, muddled my way through the questionaire ended up as a bard, and got killed by a mud crab.  Start again, created an imperial mercenary, discovered lockpicking left town, found the leaping scrolls landed somehwere that I had no right to be.  Slaughtered.  Start again.


Really liked mysticism (think that was my only magic skill) mostly because of the tag and return spells, the Dweomer dungeons were freaking awesome.  Then there was the expansions.


Skyrim is an improvement over Oblivion, but Morrowind is still the best in my eyes.

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I voted for Daggerfall simply because it was one of the first games I bought with my own money and I was rather proud of that.  I never actually beat the game or progressed very far in the story but I had a great time playing it.  I would basically spend my time robbing clothing stores and running from guards (HALT!  HALT! HALT!) 


I could never get into Morrowind though I enjoyed Oblivion a great deal.  Skyrim was good but at the same time dissapointing.  I enjoyed the Norse feel to the game but felt like the main storyline and even the Dark Brotherhood & Thieves quests (my favorie side quests in Elderscroll games) to be lacking.  Skyrim just felt like a retread of previous titles without offering anything new or different, other than the shouts.


But I guess I'm more of a Bioware fanboy these days than Bethseda.  Story > Everything else

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I voted for skyrim. I know a lot of people loved Morrowind, but I didn't play it until sometime after I had played Oblivion (my first) and I think I had played Skyrim as well by the time I played Morrowind, so I never really got into it. Perhaps jsut bad timing of when I tried it.


I did prefer the skills system in oblivion in some ways, it took me a bit longer to understand, but the level of customization made things much more interesting, particularly getting a high skill in acrobatics, enchanting gear to each give +10 acrobatics, keeping the boots of spring-heel jack and making a temporary skill to give a large boost to, you guessed it, acrobatics. Leaping onto and around the imperial city (and into the arena, that one was trickier) was a lot of fun.


However skyrim wins out, it looks a lot better, but that isn't really the key factor. The gameplay is just a lot tighter than oblivions, the combat feels so much better and being able to individually assign things to hands was very nice. The map was also a lot more interesting, a lot more elevation, a lot more cool/interesting locations.


I do still really like Oblivion though.




But I guess I'm more of a Bioware fanboy these days than Bethseda.  Story > Everything else

Agreed. I don't think all that much of the story in most of the elder scrolls games I have played, they aren't terrible or anything, but they don't feel like an integral part of the game so much and the characters very rarely really engage me. If I want story I go to a Bioware game or the witcher, if I want open world free-roam rpg, then I go to the elder scrolls :)

Edited by lord Claincy Ffnord
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Morrowind is the one I liked the most. Second skyrim, third daggerfall and last oblivion.



Oblivion messed out with the way it leveled up random monsters.

Not fun running somewhere, killing monsters easily, then leveling from running and coming back there to not have a chance since the monsters have been buffed by the game when I leveled up :P


Skyrim went closer to morrowind again. frankly skyrim is propably as good a game, but the story was better in morrowind. And I was annoyed by the blades in skyrim

Like, forcing you to kill the dragon that helped you or they abandon you. Soo. lets look logically on this.


"This bloke have helped us kill many dragons, and is about to save the world by killing the greatest dragon, wich is our supreme goal. He is infac not only our only hope, but hes also recruited most of our members, and saved our organization. I know, lets go tell him we will cast him away if he doesent ignore the big bad dragongod and first go kill this other, unimportant hermit dragon who´s been helping him find out how to kill the dragongod! The hermit dragon did do evil things millennia ago before changing his ways!"


Its just so stupid and out of character for the blades.


Skyrim, oblivion and morrowin are all basically the same game in execution.


Daggerfall is the same thing too, but way less well grapichally(much bigger diff between morrowind and daggerfall then morrowind and skyrim)


And daggerfall randomized villages if I remember right. the other three got them premade, and looks the same every playthrough. 

Edited by dyring
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  • 4 weeks later...

Morrowind is easily my favorite TES game.  This is partly becase it was the first TES game I played so I do hold a special fondness for it but the largest reason is that I absolutely adore the setting/culture that Bethesda created in the game.  Everything from the Great Houses to the history I couldn't help but fall in love with.  Morrowind gave us a world that was alien yet familiar and that fascinated thousands of gamers.  Oblivion failed to capture my interest in the way Morrowind and while Skyrim was an improvement over Oblivion it still wasn't quite there. 


Daggerfall is fantastic when it comes to pure role-playing but the setting presented doesn't really do much for me though there are a few really greats parts to it.  Here's to hoping that the game TES game will focus on a Mer race and presents a culture/setting that is as strange and fascinating as Morrowind's was.  

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  • 1 month later...

Morrowind hands down for me. That game was epic when it launched I mean EPIC! I just hooked my XBOX back up last month to play it for my 6 yr old son and he loves it to. I give him a choice: Mor or Sky and he usually picks Mor to watch.

I was really pissed when Sky dropped Athletics and Acrobatics and Levitate....

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