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Since Kaladin can turn Syl into any ShardWeapon he wants at any given time, what else is possible?


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Shardhammers aren't the same as Shardblades but in hammer form. The reason they're called Shardhammers is because they're much heavier and bigger than normal hammers, as they're specifically made for people in Shardplate. They're still normal metal though, nothing magical.

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Shardhammers aren't the same as Shardblades but in hammer form. The reason they're called Shardhammers is because they're much heavier and bigger than normal hammers, as they're specifically made for people in Shardplate. They're still normal metal though, nothing magical.

you could make your spren turn into a hammer though and it would be very useful (lighter, able to mess with length of handle, density)

some shards I WOULD like to see is shard maces, shard shields, shard bows or arrows, and flails. Almost any weapon as a spren would be better because they would be very very very good quality, and easy access (think of a normal "shard bow" with infinite arrows) . I do really want to see (definitely coming) Stoneward Rock use his spren as a Hammer and bow or arrow. BRING IT. IF YOU DON'T SANDERSON I WILL be very sad :(.

Edited by Rock chef of dung
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The spren can't just be bow AND arrow simultaneously . . .

I know, you  would either need to carry a "shard" bow (thats not actually a shard) with your spren turning into an arrow (spren then returns to surge binder for another shot) or your spren turning into a bow  while carrying a quiver of arrows. sorry, I thought I made this clear. 

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Won't the arrow just pass through people without stopping?

Rock can maybe pull it off but you basically need to headshot to do anything.

why would they pass through? they would keep the properties of a shardblade but in arrow form, this means that they wouldn't break, would be very strong, pierce all armour (and do a lot of damage to shard plate) and kill the body part that it hits (no need for head shots). It doesn't matter if the arrow goes through something because there would be a gaping hole and the organs around the hole would be dead. And the spren would only turn back into a spren and fly back to the archer after the damage has been done, trust me it makes sense. It would be a very effective weapon (if paired with a "shard bow") especially used in the hands of a very good archer cough cough Rock.

Edited by Kasitor's Tanavast
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Because it just isn't wide enough to cut enough soul to matter.

One chunk if the spleen being killed doesn't stop the soldier from killing another guy immediately, it only causes later (potentially lethal) complications. If you're sniping people off at range on the battlefield you want them to drop and stay down.

The actual scenario is that you are better off with a shardboomerang being launched out of a giant slingshot of some sort. That can sweep entire rows of people through the spine.

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just a normal average hole going straight through your body, you know, the usual. the type of hole that won't have you bleed out in minutes or put you tons of pain. plus any muscles that the arrow hits would be rendered useless. I don't completely understand why it wouldn't "cut enough soul to matter" (I thought the body part that gets cut dies, enlighten me). and high quality arrows that are infinite and can pierce through almost anything seems pretty useful to me.



I'm sorry if I'm off topic but discussions should flow naturally

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Why would there be a hole, if the soul gets cut first then?

Also, a shardblade only kills the whole limb if it cuts its center, so I suppose it would only kill the flesh and organs it passes throught otherwise, so unless you hit something like the spine(classic burnt eyes corpse) or heart or brain you won't get an fast kill, if you manage to kill the person at all.

Edited by CognitivePulsePattern
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A shardblade doens't cut living beings, but kills living matter by cutting throught its soul, so the only way for the arrow to cut flesh is after another cut the soul. And the only way to use such arrow non-letaly in any useful manner to stop anyone in combat would be to hit the core of a limb, wich would be rather hard to do.

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Shardchair, if you want to sit on some random location or shardbed, if you want to sleep there... just take care that you dont brake through roshar while sitting/sleeping.

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