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What Are You Reading, Part 2


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I just read a book about people who are born with specific powers. These people are grouped and given nicknames.

The main villain is a man who has access to all available powers and works secretly to ward off an evil divinity. He also employs an elite guard who are given extra powers artificially from an external force driven into their bodies.

The two main characters are a hardcore older man and a young woman.

The older man is an ex-prisoner who is talented with his power at the start of the book. He initially distrusts the woman he loves, but after she dies, he regrets his decision and works harder to defeat the main villain.

The young girl comes from a low-class background. Quickly she becomes a part of a secret organization of people with powers who have plans to topple the main villain. She starts the book as a novice to her powers, but comes to show that she has the potential to become more powerful than anyone.

The young girl falls in love with a young man who is wealthy and has high ideals, but only gets his money from the disreputable deals his family makes with the main villain.

The book was Hard Magic by Larry Correia. What book did you think I was talking about?

Edited by whynaut
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My uncle got me The Storyteller in Zion by Orson Scott Card, and I've been reading that some. Mostly been reading Hero of Ages. I've also been rereading the printed draft of my NaNoWriMo story from last year. Yes, it's pretty broken, lots of things to be fixed, but there's a lot that I really like too. Yay! I've also finally got Bossypants by Tina Fey from the library, which I put a hold on after reading the dust jacket and back cover and cracking up every other sentence. Can't wait to start! Still got Steelheart, though that's fallen to the back burner right now.

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I just read a book about people who are born with specific powers. These people are grouped and given nicknames.

The main villain is a man who has access to all available powers and works secretly to ward off an evil divinity. He also employs an elite guard who are given extra powers artificially from an external force driven into their bodies.

The two main characters are a hardcore older man and a young woman.

The older man is an ex-prisoner who is talented with his power at the start of the book. He initially distrusts the woman he loves, but after she dies, he regrets his decision and works harder to defeat the main villain.

The young girl comes from a low-class background. Quickly she becomes a part of a secret organization of people with powers who have plans to topple the main villain. She starts the book as a novice to her powers, but comes to show that she has the potential to become more powerful than anyone.

The young girl falls in love with a young man who is wealthy and has high ideals, but only gets his money from the disreputable deals his family makes with the main villain.

The book was Hard Magic by Larry Correia. What book did you think I was talking about?

is it one of three? :D lol

and I just finished Malazan, it's an amazing world, with fantastic characters, but the more I think about it, the end just got confusing, and so much didnt happen. Crokus and Apsalar for example, and Carsa Orlong's story ended weirdly, etc... Still an amazing set of stories. <3

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No more TWG. :( Found the new place. :) Huzzah!

Reading Moxytown by Lauren Beukes right now. Pretty good, but was tough to get into the multiple first-person viewpoints. Really interesting stuff.

Also just read:

Dark Jenny by Alex Bledsoe (meh)

The Fallen Blade by Jon Courtenay Grimwood (yerk!)

The Crimson Pact, Vol 1, edited by Paul Genesse (Coolness)

The Enterprise of Death by Jesse Bullington (Fun)

Need to read me another Malazan book. So far behind on that one. But Thirteen Years later (Jasper Kent) is totally calling my name...

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I just finished Bound in Blood by P.C. Hodgell and Entwined by Heather Dixon, and I really liked them both. I don't know many people who read Hodgell, but I would highly recommend it. Now I'm reading one of the Black Company books by Glen cook.

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So, I've received an oddly high number of people asking if I was going to come over here to join in discussions. So here I am.

So what am I reading? THIRTEEN YEARS LATER atm. It is completely awesome. I'm reading a pdf Sarah Pinborough sent me of SHADOW OF THE SOUL (which is SOOO awesome so far). Next is RAVENSOUL by James Barclay. I'm also reading some of the stories in Paul Genesse's (editor) The Crimson Pact Vol. 2 which I have two stories in (one by myself and one co-written with Larry Correia)...I think the collection is getting released in a week or two.

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So, I've received an oddly high number of people asking if I was going to come over here to join in discussions. So here I am.

Hey Steve, I'm glad you could make it into this corner of the internet.

Speaking of which, I'm a little surprised that Ghost Story doesn't have a review up on EBR. What did you think of it?

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Wee, I can finally post! I have this weird thing where I have to read all the posts that come before, before I post even if it's 9 pages in already. (Alright yes, I confess, I also read the first WAYR topic >.> )

Actually I just finished a book and a few graphic novels that I was halfway through because they were all overdue at the library. I've read 70 novels and graphic novs so far this year. I like to squash a few graphic novels together to count as a book so I'd say I'm at about 55 books for the year towards my goal of at least 100. I got some catching up to do!

So at the moment I'm reading: The Angel of Darkness by Caleb Carr (I loved the first book, The Alienist and I'm sad to know Carr hasn't written any other novels with these characters :( )Think Sherlock Homes...kinda. It's set just before the turn of the century when psychologists were called Alienists and both novels follow the same Alienist and his friends as they track down Serial Killers in NYC. I'm also reading Wise Man's Fear on my Kindle, Way of Kings (I had to restart it since it's been so long since I started it) and Infidel by Kameron Hurley which I was lucky enough to receive an ARC of...it just arrived in the mail! I did a happy dance FOR SURE. I loved the first novel God's War and if you're interested you can find my review of it here! I don't do reviews very often because it makes me more critical of my reading than I like to be. I'd rather enjoy it than try and find things to dislike.

I'm so excited because I'm taking a bunch of books back to the library and it will put me back under 10 books! I went a little crazy and at my craziest had about...35 books from the library and of course couldn't get to all of them in time. I had to reign myself in!

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I've finished up my reread of the Dresden Files. The bad news is my editing took a hit this weekend because I got so caught up in the series that I literally couldn't put it down. I forced myself to slow down so that this week I finished Changes and Ghost Story. So thoughts on second time around?

I have a much greater appreciation for what Jim Butcher is doing now that I'm able to read at a slower, more relaxed pace. He does such a great job of throwing Dresden around that when I read Ghost Story last month it was at a breakneck pace. Stepping back and reading carefully allowed me to see how much is left to unveil. Good news for Dresden fans! I've heard that Butcher believes he can write up to 20+ books with Harry. When I heard that I thought, "Meh, not a good idea. He can't keep this up." I've changed my mind. The world is so rich, so beautifully realized that I want more. What I really like is that there are small things mentioned or small actions that occur in a book and then two or three books later that seemingly minor detail turns out to be major. It lessens any Deus Ex Machina and makes the reader try to figure out what hints are being dropped in the current book.

My only complaints are that the recapping of everything wizarding related was a little annoying on the reread. I understand wanting to make the books accessible, but by book 6 is anyone going to pick that up for the first time? The other complaint is that I have to wait another year for the next book...sigh.

I'll probably read Side Jobs today. I haven't read it yet, from what I've heard it's not his best work, but it's Dresden so I'll settle for it. This weekend into early next week I'll be taking a hiatus from reading as I edit my book for an agent.

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Finished HoA last night, my first reread. SO GOOD. Now I'm starting Elantris. Gonna read the annotations alongside this time instead of after the book. This is also my first reread. Now I'll be able to see all the Cosmere stuff!

Not sure if I'm gonna finish Silverheart. I'm just not getting into it. The characters don't really draw me in.

I also read Bossypants by Tina Fey. Not my usual stuff but I'd great things about it and I read the back cover and inside flap while shelving holds at the library and I was cracking up so I put it on hold. I ended up really liking it, just a funny read. It wasn't really an interesting book, but fun.

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Hey Steve, I'm glad you could make it into this corner of the internet.

Speaking of which, I'm a little surprised that Ghost Story doesn't have a review up on EBR. What did you think of it?

I've been completely slammed getting certain other books read, so I haven't gotten to Ghost Story yet. So I went out and got another reviewer who feels the same about the series as I do--he'll be posting a review fairly shortly I believe.

By the way, THIRTEEN YEARS LATER is awesome from start to finish. Can't wait to read THE THIRD SECTION.

Someone above mentioned GOD'S WAR. That is a solid recommendation. A very fun and different book.

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just (re)read Shade's Children by Nix, which was a great little story (read it in about 6 hours XD) and today I read the sequel to Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, which was pretty awesome too :D

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I finished The Angel of Darkness. It was a bit more heavy handed than the first on the author's viewpoint and you could see how he molded the antagonist on a real life case from the 1980s that I'd never heard of but was obvious after I'd read about it. Even still though, I really enjoyed the story and even though he's said he's working on a 3rd I'm not sure it'll ever happen considering he said that in like...1997.

I picked up Hounded by Kevin Hearne. A friend bought it for me to review awhile back and I started it and never finished. Then today I won the sequel, Hexed, from the author on FB so I'm finishing Hounded. Makes me glad I didn't buy Hexed at Borders the other day! My only qualm so far is how sophisticated Oberon's (the mc's irish wolfhound) "speech" is. It throws me off a bit every time.

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Finished Moxyland. Pretty immersive book and an interesting and fun read.

Started The Half-Made World by Felix Gilman today and I'm totally hooked. So glad I picked this one up. Hope it keeps being goodness. Noticed a back-cover quote from Brandon about a previous book of his, so it probably will.

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Finished up Side Jobs by Jim Butcher over the weekend. Good stuff, he's pretty up front about which stories are rough and which aren't. I especially enjoyed the stories from Thomas and Murphy's POV. The one drawback to 1st person is that you only see the character's through one view lens. Thomas's inner thoughts about his HUNGER really made him into a more sympathetic character. Murphy's POV is found in the novella that takes place in between Changes and Ghost Story. This was also well done. She's a fiercely independent woman who has made her living in a male dominated work place. I loved how she interpreted the world. Butcher did a great job with this. Overall, there's nothing earth shattering to the series in here. It is nice to see Harry's world when it's not on the verge of the apocalypse. If you're a fan of the series and looking for some fast reading then I'd reccomend it.

I made a mistake I always say I won't repeat but somehow find myself doing constantly. I picked up Hounded by Kevin Hearne, but because it looked short I bought the second book as well. I should have known better. The first page was excellent, humorous and drew me in. The next couple pages were increasingly tedious. He has a crow fly into the MC's shop and begin a maid and butler dialogue that drags on for pages so he can give us a ton of backstory. The execution was incredibly poor. I put it down. Will I pick it back up? Maybe at some point. After all, it could be that he finds his footing later on and the rest of the book is great. Doubtful, but possible. I am past the stage in my reading life where I will force myself to finish a book. Does give hope to new authors though. Someone (and in publishing it's always more than just one person) found this to be good.

To make up for my poor decision, I'm going to dive into Rot and Ruin, the novel that just came out this week from Jonathon Maberry.

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