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Hunger Games: Sanderson Edition

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I, uh, wrote a thing.





Elend wore white on the night he was to kill a shack. He was supposed to build it, but the games organisers seemed to have forgotten that he was the philosopher. Warrior king at times, but without pewter he was vulnerable to the cold. The atmosphere might kill him long before another tribute.

His white suit was hardly good camouflage either. He hoped he looked like a ghost, and would scare off the others. That was when the tent pole slid from his hands and clattered to the floor.

“Rust and Ruin!”

Well, a clumsy ghost. He gritted his teeth again and hefted the pole. His hands shook a little. The metal was so cold. Metal wasn’t supposed to be his enemy, he was a Mistborn by the Survivor! And he would build this shack if it was the last thing he would do.


He just hoped that it wouldn’t be his last.




Adolin huddled down closer to the fire, shivering in the cold. The flame danced before his eyes, and as he stretched his hands towards them, he could almost feel the warmth of Wayne’s hand still imprinted into the skin. Wayne was like a far less annoying version of Wit. He was crazy, and had no regard for rules or formalities. And Adolin was rather tired of following the Codes.


‘and then the God Beyond came rolling down the frothy mountains, hi ho!’


The refrain of tune came across from across the fire. Adolin rolled his eyes. Vasher was singing again. He did that a lot, apparently. Without his sword for company, he got a little.....lonely.


‘and he went a-travelling cross Cosmere long, hi ho!”


Adolin rubbed his arms for warmth, wondering if the man was mentally stable at all. He’d known enough to light a fire though, and allowed Adolin to stay, so he wasn’t going to complain.

A silky tenor joined in Vasher’s gruff baritone.


‘And on the other side he saw, the Spiritual Realm in all it’s galore, and the ghosts of the past remained to haunt the poor, hi ho!”


Lightsong came around the fire and settled down next to Adolin, who shifted uncomfortably. What he wouldn’t give for a Shardblade. But in the confines of the game, he couldn’t access it. Ten heartbeats and...nothing. It was disturbing. Much like the god he sat next to. Much like the singing.


The trees around them rustled in the coolness of night, the full moon peeking between the leaves as if it wanted to join the sing along. He thought of Wayne, borrowing things and following his owns rules and morality. His father Dalinar wouldn’t approve. His father Dalinar would want him to join in singing, create companionship.


With this men who will kill me at a moments notice for a prize.


“And then the God Beyond set sale, he saw a dragon that made him pale.”


A third voice joined in, and Adolin jerked around, looking for it’s source.


It came from his own mouth.


Oh come on, mouth. You’re not supposed to sing without my permission.


“it had received some letters from far, a lonely planet with a hellish star, hi ho!”.


Lighstong clapped an arm around the young prince, who gave in, and sang into the night. He didn’t know why he did it, he barely knew what he was doing there at all. But the situation called for singing, so sing he did.

This is my new favorite thing. :)
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Day 6

Syl receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor. Syl is so good at picking up that hatchet.

Spook injures himself. *hem hem* Tin savanthood *hem hem*

Kaladin and Blushweaver hunt for other tributes. A terrifying combination.

Lightsong receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. ...

Wayne tries to sleep through the entire day. Totally something Wayne would do. To make it harder, he burns Bendalloy while doing it.


4 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.





Night 6

Kaladin tries to sing himself to sleep. Awwww

Syl tends to Lightsong's wounds. ​Lighting becomes a WIndrunner

Blushweaver, Wayne, and Spook cheerfully sing songs together ... i can't even find a joke here. Just wow.

Edited by phattemer
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Day 7

Wayne receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Kaladin receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Spook makes a slingshot.

Lightsong receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Syl scares Blushweaver off.


No cannon shots can be heard in the distance

Night 7

Kaladin stays awake all night.

Lightsong is awoken by nightmares.

Blushweaver shoots an arrow into Syl's head.

Wayne kills Spook with a sickle.

[sorry, totally forgot to post last night! So I'll do day 8 today at some point, too.]

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okay if you haven't heard my dad is controlling the heck outta our internet usage now so its hard to get on so that's why I haven't had a chance.

I'll just post the rest now, as I don't know when the next chance I'll have will be.


Day 8

Wayne picks flowers.

Kaladin travels to higher ground.

Blushweaver constructs a shack.

Lightsong is pricked by thorns while picking berries.


(apparently the wysiwyg editor kicked in?)



2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.




Night 8

Wayne goes to sleep.

Lightsong and Blushweaver tell stories about themselves to each other.

Kaladin dies from hypothermia.



Day 9

Lightsong and Wayne work together to drown Blushweaver.



The arena turns pitch black and nobody can see a thing.

Lightsong accidently makes contact with spiny, lethal plant life.



The winner is Wayne !!!!!!!!


ain't that fitting

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