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Greetings, more of question than a theory but was trawling theoryland when i found Brandon's post on the history of Aon Ene. For reference;

INTERVIEW: 2005[/size]
Brandon's Aon Descriptions (Verbatim)
History and Use
Some scholars have expressed amusement that this symbol should come to mean intelligence in a broad sense, as the classical meaning of Aon Ene was far more narrow. Ene was the Aon which represented cleverness, the ability to outwit and outthink opponents. It was often applied in stories and tales to those who had a slyness about them, and often was the symbol which represented the trickster figure. Indeed, those who played tricks on others were said to be Enefels—literally, Wit Killers, or those who kill with wit.
During the Middle Era, when Elantris's influence expanded and the kingdom of Arelon began to take shape, Aon Ene was attributed to the guild of storytellers who brought tales of the marvels in Elantris. It was often rumored that these people, who took upon themselves the Enefel name, were agents of the Elantrians. Their purpose was to spread good will about the city and its inhabitants, calming the rural populace, who regarded Elantris and its magics with suspicion.
Over the centuries, this guild of storytellers transformed into a more scholarly group who gathered stories and histories from the people. By the dawn of the Late Era—about two centuries before the fall of Elantris—the group had burgeoned beyond its origins into several distinct sects of scholars and philosophers. By the time of the fall of Elantris, the constant association of this group with Aon Ene expanded its meaning into the more familiar use, representing scholarly intelligence and study.
Some still remember the original meaning, however. Most of those are themselves scholars, and find the entire transformation to be something of a humorous joke played by history itself.

Forgive me if I'm a little late to the party on this and if it has already been commented on but sound like anyone we know? An interesting bit of info

So to my main questions/ideas/thoughts....

Was Elantris (the book) the first time Hoid ever travelled/worldhopped to Sel? Do we know if Hoid was friendly with Aona and Skai or at least on good terms with them? If indeed this isn't his first visit, what was the reason he came, perhaps as a request/favour from/to Aona and Skai maybe? This is definitely something I'd want to ask brandon about

Your thoughts/ideas?

(also if this is a bit too cosmere-y, can a mod move the topic please :D thanks in advance)

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It can be here, I think. 


I personally believe that Hoid definitely had something to do with the founding of the Wit Killers, the Enefel. We don't know why he founded them , besides maybe having a group that he could immediately identify with and use for his larger purposes. However, it's hard to know for sure, because we're not really sure what Hoid's overall purpose is. 


It could be the first time that Hoid jumps- but we don't know. I'd imagine Hoid would be around for when the Honorpact was made/ was broken, which could be before the Enefel were created.

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Well I just read (WoB on theoryland that was vaguely referencing where he learnt his brand of storytelling along with another about how

Worldbringers and Worldsingers have a very similar origin.


His brand of storytelling


Hoid said [in Warbreaker] that he learned stories from a place where gods have died. Is that Roshar?

RAFO. I will say this. A god has died on Roshar. Only one, that we know. So, "gods" would not be plural.


Given what we know of Sel + Aona/Skai now, it could where he learnt it


Common Origin

Worldbringers and Worldsingers -- similar mission?

The similarity of the names is intentional.


Similar origin?




Did Hoid start them?


That’s a RAFO. That’s a RAFO, but definitely they have a similar origin.


Interesting, very interesting....

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So Hoid, or perhaps another worldhopper, may have started the Worldsingers, Worldbringers, and Enefels? All of which have a similar purpose...


And we know he was Sigzil's master, so he's definitely connected to one of these 3 groups.


So, what is his purpose in starting these groups (assuming he did)?

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Well, we know that Hoid knew both Aona and Skai prior to them taking up their shards and settling on Sel because Hoid was present at the Shattering and knew the 16 Shard bearers.

Hoid learned his storytelling craft on Yolen, the original planet for humanity in the Cosmere. Perhaps that particular type of story telling on Sel. Or since it was said on Nalthis where "gods" die all the time in Hallendren, maybe he was just playing with that comment.

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Actually given the WoB even stated that Hoid had said that particular sentence in-book (Warbreaker, so Nalthis) so it might have been Sel :o

 If it had been Nalthis/Hallendren, he would have said so when he was telling his story to Lightsong and Siri no?

interesting, very interesting

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I'm of the opinion he (Hoid) was referring to Sel. Only one Shardworld we know of had both "native" Shards destroyed.


I would recommend reading the sample chapters Brandon has posted of Liar of Partinel.  I personally feel that they make it exceedingly clear that Hoid is referring to Yolen when he refers to the place where "two lands meet and gods have died".

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If that's the case, then perhaps he did start the Enefels and in turn perhaps the other two but still the big question remains: Why? Given that the Enefel evolved into collecting stories and histories,

and the other two orders' near identical goals, perhaps what Hoid is trying to do as relates to what Ym believes about One and Many?

bah, it is far too early (not to mention beyond complicated) to even begin guessing at Hoid's motives

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