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Research Paper (ideas)


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So... I am currently working on an extensive research paper for my final class and I came up with a fun idea. I already know what I'm writing about but I want to know what YOU all would suggest that someone should write a paper about in the future.... (this can be totally funny, random, or serious)  :)


Ready... set.... go!

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It would help to know the general topic of your course

This isn't directed towards my course, necessarily. This is just a " if you could have someone do research on something and write a paper on it, what would it be" type of thing.... :)  

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The history of vampire-related mythology.


Arguments for or against the bestowing of legal rights on dolphins or the great apes.


Hypothetical forms of non-terrestrial biochemistry, such as silicon-based life forms.



Those are all research papers I've came close to writing, before I started working towards the family curriculum and was released from paper duty. :P

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Here are a few ideas I would be interested in...


1) The Black Death

2) The Spanish Flu

3) The plausibility of injuries into characters versus their activity level, in other words, how plausible is it for a given character to keep on going after being stabbed or how likely is it the villain would instantaneously die after being stabbed... These sorts of things.

4) Cerebral Commotions


I know. I have a weird interest for infectious diseases, wounds and blows to the head  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:

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Here are a few ideas I would be interested in...

1) The Black Death

2) The Spanish Flu

3) The plausibility of injuries into characters versus their activity level, in other words, how plausible is it for a given character to keep on going after being stabbed or how likely is it the villain would instantaneously die after being stabbed... These sorts of things.

4) Cerebral Commotions

I know. I have a weird interest for infectious diseases, wounds and blows to the head :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

I think more Hollywood producers would benefit from a few more consultations with medical professionals. Too many characters shrug off blows that should have killed or at least incapacitated them, and I'm sick of seeing a blow to the head treated like nature's snooze button. <_< Yes, it'll knock you out, but if a blow to the head knocks someone out IRL, take them to the emergency room NOW!

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I think more Hollywood producers would benefit from a few more consultations with medical professionals. Too many characters shrug off blows that should have killed or at least incapacitated them, and I'm sick of seeing a blow to the head treated like nature's snooze button. <_< Yes, it'll knock you out, but if a blow to the head knocks someone out IRL, take them to the emergency room NOW!


I absolutely agree. Over where I live, the topic of cerebral commotion is rampant due to the popularity of ice hockey. Even the milder symptoms need to be treated seriously. I have had fun trying to diagnostic head injuries to characters in SA. I wonder if Brandon is aware he gave them those symptoms and if he plans to use them appropriately.


Apparently, if you lose consciousness, it is very serious and you may have sequels. If you black out for a few seconds or are just dizzy for a short while, it is still very serious. 


I think it is a rather good subject of study. If I were to write an essay on it, I would also look for book/movie/series where characters receive such blows and how it is too often overlooked. 

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I think more Hollywood producers would benefit from a few more consultations with medical professionals. Too many characters shrug off blows that should have killed or at least incapacitated them, and I'm sick of seeing a blow to the head treated like nature's snooze button. <_< Yes, it'll knock you out, but if a blow to the head knocks someone out IRL, take them to the emergency room NOW!


It should also be noted that it takes exactly the same amount of force to kill someone with blunt force trauma as it does to knock 'em unconscious. So the people in the movies who are sworn not to kill, but go around knocking people in the skulls with clubs and nightsticks? Probably leaving a trail of accidental corpses behind them anyway. <_<


* cough BATMAN cough *

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For thesis/dissertation/book length research (and for fun, besides), I think someone ought to write about the historical developments of the (modern) epic fantasy as a sub-genre. Like how it's evolved since Tolkien wrote the Lord of Rings. It's like an excuse to read the (important) fantasy books throughout the decades and to dive into interview databases and stuff. Though, whether or not you could sell that to your adviser is another question entirely...hehehe...(I'd personally call it, There and Somewhere New Again: an epic's tale, from Middle Earth to the Cosmere, I'm totally a nerd/dork sometimes, do I win the nerdy paper contest?)


Or, you could write on Captain America, doing a comparative history piece based on the original comics and the films and linking it into how we viewed patriotism in the past and how we view it today. This is more like an undergraduate history paper though, but stilllllll pretty geeky...


Unfortunately (or fortunately, ha!), I never did any of these things. Oh well. xD


(At least none of these are my actual thesis topic, I'm afraid that's private and it's also a bit boring to most people, haha).

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My dad's favorite suggestion is a comparative essay of modern american worship of the cinema compared to the ancient greeks and their pantheon of gods. My personal favorite research paper that I've done is one on how Somaliland should be recognized as a sovereign state, separate and independent of Somalia

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The history of plumbing.

Might sound boring, but sanitation was pretty horrifying up until the last hundred years or so. :o

In ancient times, like in Roman Empire, they had pretty good plumbing. However, as far as I know, many people died then because of the lead poisoning they got from their pipes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanitation_in_ancient_Rome


As for research papers: Long term effects of your toilet paper orientation. (based on: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toilet_paper_orientation )

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