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Stormlight Three: Dalinar Flashbacks


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He was the only flashback sequence I actually wanted to read. I was bummed for having to wait on two more books to get him and be forced to read Szeth or Eshonai in between. He kinda is a more major character than they are. 


I will forever be deceived the last of the foursome is not getting anything, but I am rejoicing in reading Dalinar's flashbacks. And can someone please clarify this whole "Dalinar book's" or "Kaladin's book". Brandon did state the featured main character in the main story arc will not always be the same as the flashback character, so why are we always referring to the books as belonging to a given character, always the one with the flashback?

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Still, now I am kinda conflicted, because if Szeth does get more focus in the next I will probaly have to put up with Nightblood all the while, but if he had flashbacks there would be more room for character development and redemption. Now it is likely that his possible redemption will be dragged out throught two books, while his chapters in the third book will focus in his interaction with nightblood.

Or Szeth will stay in the background, in wich case it would be better if Eshonai got more attention or Adolin got exiled and his storyline became more independent from the other mains, else I think we would get to much of the same characters in the first three books.

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It's not yet confirmed, but he's "leaning that way." I believe Brandon has previously said that he wants to write the first couple chapters of multiple (two? three?) flashback characters and see which one works best.


Edit: Cleaned up formatting.

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He was the only flashback sequence I actually wanted to read. I was bummed for having to wait on two more books to get him and be forced to read Szeth or Eshonai in between. He kinda is a more major character than they are. 


I will forever be deceived the last of the foursome is not getting anything, but I am rejoicing in reading Dalinar's flashbacks. And can someone please clarify this whole "Dalinar book's" or "Kaladin's book". Brandon did state the featured main character in the main story arc will not always be the same as the flashback character, so why are we always referring to the books as belonging to a given character, always the one with the flashback?


If I remember correctly what Brandon actually said was that each book focuses on a character (through flashbacks) and that each book also focuses on an Order of Knights Radiant but that they will not always necessarily match.  So referring to the books by their flashback character is an entirely valid practice.

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According to this, the plan is to write flashback sequences for Dalinar, Szeth, and Eshonai before choosing which to use, so it's possible it still won't be Dalinar in the end.

Q: Michael asks, have you decided whether it'll be Dalinar, Szeth, or Eshonai as the focus of Stormlight 3?

A: Nope, I’m writing Calamity right now, and when I’m done, and I’m, the first thing I will do is go to Stormlight 3, and I’ll start writing on the flashback sequences for all three and decide which one matches the best.

Of course, Brandon has had months to think about this since that interview. Maybe he's already made his decision.

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Still, now I am kinda conflicted, because if Szeth does get more focus in the next I will probaly have to put up with Nightblood all the while, but if he had flashbacks there would be more room for character development and redemption. Now it is likely that his possible redemption will be dragged out throught two books, while his chapters in the third book will focus in his interaction with nightblood.

Or Szeth will stay in the background, in wich case it would be better if Eshonai got more attention or Adolin got exiled and his storyline became more independent from the other mains, else I think we would get to much of the same characters in the first three books.


Szeth had about 5 chapters in both books... I think there are more urgent characters to develop than him and even if we disagree about Adolin, we have to agree about Dalinar needing to prime time.


I guess I must not be a true SA fan as I want to keep on reading about the original characters. The additional ones are fine with me, as long as they are included within the arcs of the existing one. I am not fine with them taking over though.


If I remember correctly what Brandon actually said was that each book focuses on a character (through flashbacks) and that each book also focuses on an Order of Knights Radiant but that they will not always necessarily match.  So referring to the books by their flashback character is an entirely valid practice.


Yeah, but let's say the next book has Szeth's flashback, but the featured order are the Bondsmith with Dalinar at their head (just some random thought for the sake of clarifying the nomenclature). The flashbacks take about what 15 chapters per book? The main protagonist of the main story takes about 40 chapters in a book (excluding the flashbacks if they end up being the same)... So in my fictional example above, referring to the book as "Szeth's book" is not right as, despite getting flashbacks, he is not getting the large chunk of the main story arc: someone else is getting it (Dalinar in the above random example).


That's were I am bothered by the whole "XYZ book". It worked well for the first two books, but since the pattern won't be followed by every book, how can we thus call a book where the featured order and the featured flashbacks are not the same as belonging to a given character? It wouldn't. It would just be a book primary featuring one character with flashbacks from another.


I honestly do not know why I am bothered by it. I guess it sprouted from the fact the first two books were so Kaladin/Shallan centered, I fear a Szeth/Eshonai book would be just as centered on them, which I would not like since I am not very interested in them. Or it goes back to my stupid internal struggle with SA: I would be fine with them, if Brandon would give me Adolin in another book, but since he isn't, anyone he will push forward will displease me, except for Dalinar whom I have always wanted to read more about.


Overall, I'd say I am being overly sentimental about it. It exactly feels like watching every single kid get a present from the Christmas tree except you. 

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Maxal: Since adolin is the only one of the original mains who isn't getting his own book, do you think it is at all possible that the entire series is "his," following his character evolution through the POVs of others?

You mean Adolin is SA's Sazed?

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Honestly I don't really care whose flashback it would be (I am equally excited to read about Old Magic, Shinovar and the Truthless and about Eshonai's exploration), but I read the following at http://www.adriasnews.com/2015/05/brandon-sanderson-interview.html:



So you know which character will be the main one in each of them?
Yes, I do know. For those who are fans of the Stormlight, book three would be on Szeth, the assassin in white, book four would be Eshonai, and book five would be Dalinar.


It dates 24th May, so may be he changed his mind again? :)

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Now I'm really confused... Is Brandon trolling us here? Someone needs to ask about it. (Not sure if the AMA still works, but I posted a question just now.)

If it turns out to be Dalinar, I'd be happy because I'd like to know more about Young Blackthorn vs. Young Gavilar vs. Young Navani vs. Shshshsh the Mystery vs. Old Friend Sadeas. And the Nightwatcher. And Dalinar's curse and boon.

But... I WANT Szeth so badly! Shin culture intrigues me. A LOT.

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Now I'm really confused... Is Brandon trolling us here? Someone needs to ask about it. (Not sure if the AMA still works, but I posted a question just now.)



Mark Lindberg @MentalMegalodon 11 hhace 11 horas


@BrandSanderson So it's officially his book and not Szeth's any longer?


@MentalMegalodon I'll know for sure once I finish the sequence, but I'm leaning that way.

(I know I copypasted it the uglyest way but I didn't know which of the twits copy)

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Mark Lindberg ‏@MentalMegalodon 11 hhace 11 horas

@BrandSanderson So it's officially his book and not Szeth's any longer?

Brandon Sanderson ‏@BrandSanderson 11 hhace 11 horas

@MentalMegalodon I'll know for sure once I finish the sequence, but I'm leaning that way.

(I know I copypasted it the uglyest way but I didn't know which of the twits copy)

Thanks! Good to know.

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So its going to be The Valley, Old Magic, NightWatcher, a lot of his time with Gavilar, Parshendi and also Shshsh (hopefully)..  That sounds promising and exciting!! :)

edit: forgot to mention Ryshadium.. :)

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Maxal: where exactly de we disagree about Adolin? I also believe he needs more screen time. Is it brcause I think it would be better for his growth if he gets exiled?

Also, Szeth IS one of the main ten. Him just having half a dozen chapters under his point of view means he desperately needs more character development than Dalinar. Actualy, I believe it would be better for the current mains(except Adolin) to leave the spotlight temporaly so the others can grow.

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Maxal: Since adolin is the only one of the original mains who isn't getting his own book, do you think it is at all possible that the entire series is "his," following his character evolution through the POVs of others?


You mean Adolin is SA's Sazed?


But his POV is so endearing  ^_^ He talks to his Blade! He confides himself into a dead-Blade: this has to be the most adorable thing ever. Did Sazed have a POV in Mistborn? I do not recall... I agree he was a well thought of character, but still... 



So its going to be The Valley, Old Magic, NightWatcher, a lot of his time with Gavilar, Parshendi and also Shshsh (hopefully)..  That sounds promising and exciting!! :)

edit: forgot to mention Ryshadium.. :)


Oh yes I agree. There is so much things to cover with Dalinar. I especially want to know about Shshshsh. Who was she? How did she die? Was she an artist as I have been suspecting? Was she really as dumb as Navani pretend she was? What did the boys inherit from her? 



I'm actually curious about how Dalinar's flashbacks will be handled. He has a lot more to cover than the other characters (pretty much what Hari just talked about). Maybe his time with Gavilar might be skimped a bit until Galivar starts to change.


Yes, I am worried about the same. I would have personally take two flashback books for Dalinar. I feel there is too much to cover.



Maxal: where exactly de we disagree about Adolin? I also believe he needs more screen time. Is it brcause I think it would be better for his growth if he gets exiled?

Also, Szeth IS one of the main ten. Him just having half a dozen chapters under his point of view means he desperately needs more character development than Dalinar. Actualy, I believe it would be better for the current mains(except Adolin) to leave the spotlight temporaly so the others can grow.


I am sorry. I did not express myself adequately. I meant, I understand not everyone will agree with me Adolin needs flashbacks, but everyone have to agree Dalinar is in dire need of more development. I did not mean you specifically. It was badly phrased. As for Adolin being exiled, it is a story plot that worries me because I fear Brandon would make him disappear for a whole book... as he did for Jasnah. If Adolin goes into exile, I want to read about what happens to him out there and I want him to meet up with other characters on the way there.

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Honestly I don't really care whose flashback it would be (I am equally excited to read about Old Magic, Shinovar and the Truthless and about Eshonai's exploration), but I read the following at http://www.adriasnews.com/2015/05/brandon-sanderson-interview.html:




It dates 24th May, so may be he changed his mind again? :)


While that was posted May 24th I'm pretty sure the actual interview took place when he was in Spain last summer.


As for the whole "Szeth only has a handful of viewpoints so far so can't be a main character" keep in mind we've only read two books. Take the Wheel of Time for example, Mat is most definitely one on the main characters, but he doesn't get his first viewpoint until The Dragon Reborn, book 3 (several years ago Brandon was doing a retrospective re-read of the series he actually points out that he didn't realize Mat was a main character until then, so this is definitely a thing that he is aware of).  Rand on the other hand, the actual Dragon Reborn, gets maybe two chapters.  Perrin is also just gone for the entirety of The Fires of Heaven.  This is an epic series, sometimes one needs to look at the long game.

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Szeth is the reason most of the plot of the Stormlight Archives happen! He's the Eye of the Everstorm, all revolves around him, of course he's a main character! 


I would be fine with Dalinar being the character, but dang it! 


Choosing Eshonai would be mean...

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But his POV is so endearing ^_^ He talks to his Blade! He confides himself into a dead-Blade: this has to be the most adorable thing ever. Did Sazed have a POV in Mistborn? I do not recall... I agree he was a well thought of character, but still...

He practically had a third of HOA to himself, plus some scenes in WoA early on as well as probably all the info compiling bits in the middle with the text (don't recall much anymore, but chances are Vin wasn't the PoV for that).

Sazed is a strange case. It was almost his show the entire time, it just doesn't look that way on the surface. And his conflict is a relatable one to any religious people out there.

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Szeth is the reason most of the plot of the Stormlight Archives happen! He's the Eye of the Everstorm, all revolves around him, of course he's a main character!

I would be fine with Dalinar being the character, but dang it!

Choosing Eshonai would be mean...

Choosing Eshonai would be an awesome way to differentiate the third book from the two before it, exploring new places and introducing new characters and magics before the completely revelation overloaded chaos that book four and five will be. I believe the middle book of a series is a good place to experiment and surprise readers.

The same can be said of Dalinar and the Old Magic and Gavilar, or Szeth, Nale, and the Shin.

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