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Solicitation for FAQs and their Answers - Cosmere


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Hello my fellow Sharders.

Through some depth of insanity whose true cause we shall never know, Chaos has been foolish enough to grant me a grain of authority. Specifically, I have been commissioned to compile a set of FAQ's, format them prettily, and then reap in the accolades for everyone else's hard work. This decision has been made due to the increasingly large amount of "common knowledge" that newer members don't know about, as well as, obviously, to answer frequently asked questions in a centralized manner.

As I am averse to actual work or mental activity demanded of my own person, I will be following the diabolical synergistic rout of harvesting crowdsourcing both questions and answers from the community at large. In my experience, this is a much better way to get actually useful results than me just locking myself in a room for a month and generating everything myself. The community asks and answers the questions it cares about quickly, responsively, and thoroughly with this kind of setup, and, most importantly, you don't have to place all your faith in one person (who happens to be me in this case) to keep on top of everything forever.

At this point, I could go on a hunt for questions and answers from various threads that already have them, or simply spitball various things I know off the top of my head. But that would both require work from me and deny you, the community, of a valuable opportunity to get used to providing me with your work so that I don't have to do it. So I'll be leaving even the low hanging fruit to you guys.


I would kindly request that you write your submissions in the following way:

Q: Why is the sky blue?
A: Sunlight reaches Earth's atmosphere and is scattered in all directions by all the gases and particles in the air. Blue light is scattered in all directions by the tiny molecules of air in Earth's atmosphere. Blue is scattered more than other colors because it travels as shorter, smaller waves. This is why we see a blue sky most of the time.
Source: NASA
Canonicity: SCIENCE!

So, for facts that we actually care about:

Q: Who is Hoid?
A: A character who first appeared in an unpublished work who plays a role in all of Brandon's Cosmere books, to some greater or lesser extent, and is capable of moving between Shardworlds. His methods and goals are inscrutable. See the source for greater detail.
Source: Hoid article on Coppermind
Canonicity: Word of Brandon, in the books

Canonicity, so far as I can think, scales such:
In the books directly
Word of Brandon/Word of Peter
Word of Inkthinker (or anyone else with some role in the making of the work)
-(semi-vague but easily deduceable comment. Like Hoid writing the letter)
Highly-regarded theory
-(So based on Brandon's comments and/or nearly unimpeachable deductions from the books. Like the Letter thread before Brandon's nigh-confirmation of it.)

Anything below this level is highly suspect. We might consider expanding the FAQ later, but we won't include less solid theories for the time being.

There might be some room for sub-divisions, or I might have cut it too fine, but you get the idea. Just some kind of qualifier so that we know which one to go with if there is some possibility of conflict between a FAQ and some new fact or theory.

You don't have to include canonicity or even a source for me to use a Q&A, but I and everyone around you would vastly prefer it, as it just makes everything easier down the road.

I would like to see this FAQ cover a broad range of questions, from the simple "what's a shard?" to the more complex questions about Intent and Realmatics, with everything in-between for questions about individual series (such as how the 16-rule works in you-know-what-series, Cadmium/Bendalloy being swapped for you-know-what-metals, restrictions on Forging, etc.). Depending on how things go, it could end up being a big mondo-thread with a lot of subdivisions or spread out over various series-centric boards. The key is to get the content, though, and that's what I'm asking you guys for.

I'll have posted this in every board, and will watch them all carefully and start collating the results once they reach critical mass. After the initial FAQ is created, I would like it to be updated on a fairly regular basis. As to how much information the FAQ should cover, I don't think anyone wants a second Coppermind. Relatively simple questions, relatively simple answers: just let people who are new or have been out of the loop know what everyone else takes for granted.

And so now I leave it to you. Thank you in advance for your helpful (and excellently formatted) submissions. :)


P.S. This organization (meaning me with Chaos behind me wielding a big stick) reserves the right to reject, edit, or rephrase any submission in service of the goal of most clearly conveying useful information to the user-base. Though that would take work, so I'd prefer not to have to do it too often. :P

Edited by Kurkistan
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Cool thread.


I can answer one.


Q: What is the Cosmere?

A: The Cosmere is a dwarf galaxy set in an alternate universe not containing Earth. In this galaxy there are ten Shardworlds where the novels take place and Shards, godlike beings, have a lot of influence. There are many minor planets with less Shardic influence. There are worldhoppers like Hoid and the Seventeeth Shard who go from planet to planet making an overarching story behind the scenes.

Source.  http://coppermind.net/wiki/Cosmere

Canonicity: Word of Brandon

Edited by Nepene
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^Thanks, though I'll probably throw in "it's the universe where all of Brandon's non-Earth (of some flavor) works are set as of now" as well. Why'd you delete your list of possible questions? It's not as good as a full set of answers, but it's useufl if anyone else wants to pick up the torch.

What is Adonalsium?

What is the Cosmere?

What is the chronology of the novels?

What are the three realms?

What is a Shard?

Who are the Shards?

What is a shattering?

What is a splinter?

What is a sliver?

What is an intent?

What is the seventeenth shard?

What is a focus? Why do metals have magical powers?

What is Shadesmar?

Why does magic exist?

What is investiture?

Who would win if Kelsier/Vasher/Szeth/Kaladin fought each other?

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^Thanks, though I'll probably throw in "it's the universe where all of Brandon's adult novels are set as of now." Why'd you delete your list of possible questions? It's not as good as a full set of answers, but it's useufl if anyone else wants to pick up the torch.



I wasn't sure if I should proscribe what everyone else should answer, but if you think it's good fine.


The last question does come up a lot and Brandon has gone on the record answering it.



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^You know what? You're right. It's awesome enough to merit an FAQ. I hereby commission someone to write it up, due to my profound laziness. :)


P.S.A. Just as a note to everyone, it's not just laziness driving me to do absolutely nothing. There is an absurd amount of value in a community coming together for this kind of thing, and I sincerely believe that not only will crowdsourcing create more and better FAQs, in the long run, but that the very process of generating these submissions will build our strength and cohesion as a community.

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With the lack of answers, I'll try and cover a variety of them with this.




Question: What is Adonaslium.

Answer: A presence spanning the void, which was shattered into a number of Shards like Preservation and Ruin which are composed of its immense planet shattering power and intents.  We do not know yet whether it was conscious or know much about it. Hoid was present at the Shattering.

Source: http://coppermind.net/wiki/Adonalsium

Canonicity: Books, word of Brandon.


Question: What is the Chronology of the novels?

Answer. Elantris, Emperor's Soul, Mistborn Trilogy, Warbreaker, Way of Kings, Alloy of Law. Books are roughly chronological with their release dates.

Source: http://coppermind.net/wiki/Chronology

Canoncity. Word of Brandon.


Question: What are the three realms?

Answer. The physical realm where the universe exists is one. The spiritual realm where souls exist and where magical power like Atium leaks from, which holds our connections to others. The cognitive plane, composed of the thoughts and views of beings (with more complex things having a strong presence) which can be travelled through in the form of Shadesmar.


In the event of a shattering, a Shard's power is uncontrolled and it can make traveling in the cognitive plane dangerous. We have met beings, probably spren, which exist primarily on the cognitive plane and partially on the physical plane.

Source. http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/3045-realmatic-theory-and-magic-101/

Canonicity. Books, word of Brandon.


Question: What is a Shard?

Answer: The Shards of Adonalsium, or Shards for short, are pieces of the power of creation itself.They are named after a specific action or ideal, called an intent. A mind must control a Shard. When a person holds a Shard, they are imbued with its power, but they also become the Shard. They are the most powerful entities in the Cosmere, there are probably sixteen of them, and they are for all intents and purposes gods. All known magic in the novels is generated at least partially by a Shard. Their power regenerates over time if used and they can do a great number of actions in line with their intent- moving planets, transforming things, prophesy, and fueling magic, though they are not omnipotent or omniscient and find some magics harder or impossible due to their intent.


Canonicity.  Books, Word of Brandon. Sanderson implied.


Who would win if a Kelsier fought Szeth? Or Vasher?

Answer: Kelsier would have a distinct advantage if they started further away as he could fire coins at Szeth. He could not push the Shardblade as it is strongly invested with power, but he could push any metal on Szeth's body. Mistborn are generally tougher. A report at a signing said that Nightblood was orders of magnitude stronger than a Shardblade. The fight would depend on a lot of variables though.

Source. http://www.theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=593#10 http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/383-the-ultimate-list-of-questions-for-brandon/page__view__findpost__p__8896

Canonicity. Word of Brandon.


Edited with Windrunner's thing.

Edited by Nepene
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  • 2 weeks later...

Question: What is a Sliver?


Answer: A Sliver is a term to describe someone who has held the great amount of a Shard's power and have since given it up.  Examples would be Rashek and Vin after the use of the Well of Ascension and Kelsier who guided Preservation after the death of Leras and before Vin took the power.


Source: http://coppermind.net/wiki/Sliver


Question: What is a Splinter?


Answer: A Splinter is a certain kind of fragment of a Shard's power.  Examples of Splinters are the Divine Breaths of the Returned and the Aons at the heart of Seons.  Splinters often have their own Intent different from the Shard's but they themselves are not sentient.


Source: http://coppermind.net/wiki/Splinter

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I hope that it is helpful to suggest minor tweaks to other people's excellent contributions. Added content is in italics, removed is in strikethrough.

Question: What is a Splinter?


Answer: A Splinter is a certain kind of fragment of a Shard's power.  Examples of Splinters are the Divine Breaths of the Returned and the Aons at the heart of Seons.  Splinters often have their own Intent different from the Shard's but they themselves are not sentient. 


Source: http://coppermind.net/wiki/Splinter


Answer: A Splinter is a certain kind of fragment of a Shard's power.  Examples of Splinters are the Divine Breaths of the Returned and the Aons at the heart of Seons.  Splinters often have their own Intent different from the Shard's but they themselves are not sentient. A splinter can be formed voluntarily by a Shard or can develop as the result of one Shard being splintered by another.



Source: http://coppermind.net/wiki/Splinter


Question: What are the three realms?

Answer. The physical realm where the universe exists is one. The spiritual realm where souls exist and where magical power like Atium leaks from, which holds our connections to others. The cognitive plane, composed of the thoughts and views of beings (with more complex things having a strong presence) which can be travelled through in the form of Shadesmar.


In the event of a shattering, a Shard's power is uncontrolled and it can make traveling in the cognitive plane dangerous. We have met beings, probably spren, which exist primarily on the cognitive plane and partially on the physical plane.

Source. http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/3045-realmatic-theory-and-magic-101/

Canonicity. Books, word of Brandon.


Question: What is a Shard?

Answer: The Shards of Adonalsium, or Shards for short, are pieces of the power of creation itself.They are named after a specific action or ideal, called an intent. A mind must control a Shard. When a person holds a Shard, they are imbued with its power, but they also become the Shard. They are the most powerful entities in the Cosmere, there are probably sixteen of them, and they are for all intents and purposes gods. All known magic in the novels is generated at least partially by a Shard. Their power regenerates over time if used and they can do a great number of actions in line with their intent- moving planets, transforming things, prophesy, and fueling magic, though they are not omnipotent or omniscient and find some magics harder or impossible due to their intent.


Canonicity.  Books, Word of Brandon. Sanderson implied.

Question: What are the three realms?

Answer. The physical realm where the universe exists is one. The spiritual realm where souls exist and where magical power like Atium leaks from, which holds our connections to others. The cognitive planerealm, AKA Shadesmar (sea of shades), is composed of the thoughts and views of beings (with more complex things having a strong presence) which can be travelled through in the form of Shadesmar.


In the event of a shattering, a Shard's power is uncontrolled and it can make traveling in the cognitive plane dangerous.  We have met beings, probably spren, which exist primarily on the cognitive plane and partially on the physical plane.

Source. http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/3045-realmatic-theory-and-magic-101/

Canonicity. Books, word of Brandon.


This is a new question which includes parts of the above answer

Question: What is Shadesmar?

Answer: The cognitive realm, where everything has an awareness.  Hoid uses it to travel.  Distance in Shadesmar is based on the density of awarenesses, so the vacuum of space may be relatively easy and quick to travel through.  The area near where Shards have been splintered may be dangerous due to the uncontrolled power.  Transmutation or Soulcasting can be performed by communicating with the awareness of the object to be transformed in Shadesmar and providing it with stormlight. 


Canonicity. Books, word of Brandon.


Question: What is a Shard?

Answer: The Shards of Adonalsium, or Shards for short, are pieces of the power of creation itself that formed when Adonalsium shattered.They are named after a specific action or ideal, called an intent. A mind must control a Shard. When a person holds a Shard, they are imbued with its power, but they also become the Shard and their body will no longer survive without it. They are the most powerful entities in the Cosmere, there arewere initially probably sixteen of them, and they are for all intents and purposes gods.

All known magic in the novels is generated at least partially by a Shard. Their power regenerates over time if used and they can do a great number of actions in line with their intent- moving planets, transforming things, prophesy, and fueling magic, though they are not omnipotent or omniscient and find some magics harder or impossible due to their intent.

Shards can voluntarily separate parts of themselves, called splinters, or they can be splintered by another Shard, also creating splinters.  It is possible for a Shard to be reformed after being splintered. 

Adonalsium shattered on Yolen, but many Shards travelled to other planets.  Many stayed on the planet they traveled to, but at least one has traveled to multiple planets. 

In Mistborn, Preservation, initially held by Leras, and Ruin, initially held by Ati, traveled to Scadrial and created a race of people there.  Eventually, after Ati and Leras were dead, Preservation and Ruin merged to become Harmony, held by Sazed.  Honor, held by Tanavast, and Cultivation traveled to Roshar.  Later, Odium, held by Rayse, travelled to Roshar and eventually splintered Honor before the start of the Stormlight Archive.  Devotion, held by Aona, and Dominion, held by Skai, traveled to Sel, where Odium later also splintered them before the events of "Elantris". Endowment traveled to Nalthis. 


Canonicity.  Books, Word of Brandon. Sanderson implied.


Will edit in improved sources later

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I'll have to go through and tweak any sub-par answers anyway, so I don't mind someone else who has a suggested modification. If you don't mind, I'd be grateful if you'd somehow mark the parts of the answer that you change, just for ease of checking whether the change is really needed.


As for spoilers, this is the Cosmere section, so full spoilers for all. All the other subboards follow the normal 6-month embargo period for new books and marked spoilers for new books and other series.

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but they also become the Shard and their body will no longer survive without it

Where was this confirmed?


Splinters often have their own Intent different from the Shard's but they themselves are not sentient

Do we have a confirmation that splinters can have seperate Intents?  Or is this just speculation?



The cognitive planerealm, AKA Shadesmar (sea of shades), is composed of the thoughts and views of beings (with more complex things having a strong presence) which can be travelled through in the form of Shadesmar.


Shadesmar isn't the same thing as the cognitive realm.


I asked him if it was possible to enter or exit Shadesmar in interplanetary space. He laughed nervously for several seconds with a look that suggested "Uh-oh!" and replied (as best as I can remember):


A: I would say no. The Cognitive Realm does exist there, but Shadesmar is a special case.

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