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Types of Shardblade


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Anyone know what the three different types of Shardblades, said to be in TWoK, are. I know Szeth's blade is different from say Oathbringer, but I'm not sure why it is different. Is there any information out there on the different types or is it all just speculation for the moment.


And whats the third type of Shardblade we've seen?

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What abour Dawnshards????


When I was at a Brandon Sanderson signing I did ask him if Dawnshards were a type of Shardblade and he did give me a RAFO card so I would guess that there not not Shardblades. Although I don't think Dawnshards are blades, I think they might have been something used by the Dawnsingers to creat the Dawncities, like Urithiru.


I guess Honourblades could count although Kalak does say that they are different from Shardblades. I'm not sure if Honourblades could be considered just to be a type of Shardblade as they may be something completley different like Splinters of Honour or something.

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My theory is that the Honorblades are the Dawnshards, and they are separate from shardblades. 


In regards to the three types of Blades, I think a hint comes from Dalinar's vision at Feverstone keep. We see two Radiant Orders (the Windrunners and Stonewards) abandon their Blade and Plate there, and I think that the majority of the known Blades in the world are from this supply. There are small differences that Dalinar has not described, perhaps, between them.


Szeth has a Blade from a different Radiant Order, one that we didn''t see during Dalinar's visions. They could have smaller Blades. This does make me wonder where Szeth/the Shin got a Blade if it was not from the Feverstone Keep stock. We'll have to wait for Book 3 to get an answer to that, I fear.

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My theory is that the Honorblades are the Dawnshards, and they are separate from shardblades. 


In regards to the three types of Blades, I think a hint comes from Dalinar's vision at Feverstone keep. We see two Radiant Orders (the Windrunners and Stonewards) abandon their Blade and Plate there, and I think that the majority of the known Blades in the world are from this supply. There are small differences that Dalinar has not described, perhaps, between them.


Szeth has a Blade from a different Radiant Order, one that we didn''t see during Dalinar's visions. They could have smaller Blades. This does make me wonder where Szeth/the Shin got a Blade if it was not from the Feverstone Keep stock. We'll have to wait for Book 3 to get an answer to that, I fear.


That makes me wonder if perhaps there may be ten types of different Shardblade, one for each Order of the KR.

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That makes me wonder if perhaps there may be ten types of different Shardblade, one for each Order of the KR.


That is my thought. Or perhaps 5, with two orders sharing a type. Something like that. We will have to wait for more details. Plus, I think its well foreshadowed that Kaladin is going to end up with a Shard Spear of some type. I'm not sure how that fits in.

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Shardspears would be cool. I think the evidence for the blades we have seen are in the images we have seen of swords so far. There is one on the cover of the hardback edition and I can't remember where the other two originate from but I have one printed on a shirt I bought on the Inkwing site.

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My theory is that the Honorblades are the Dawnshards, and they are separate from shardblades. 


In regards to the three types of Blades, I think a hint comes from Dalinar's vision at Feverstone keep. We see two Radiant Orders (the Windrunners and Stonewards) abandon their Blade and Plate there, and I think that the majority of the known Blades in the world are from this supply. There are small differences that Dalinar has not described, perhaps, between them.


Szeth has a Blade from a different Radiant Order, one that we didn''t see during Dalinar's visions. They could have smaller Blades. This does make me wonder where Szeth/the Shin got a Blade if it was not from the Feverstone Keep stock. We'll have to wait for Book 3 to get an answer to that, I fear.


That makes me wonder if perhaps there may be ten types of different Shardblade, one for each Order of the KR.

Well, I know nothing.  And what I think I know about tWoK will almost certainly be proven wrong in WoR :wacko: .

Nevertheless, the evidence suggests to me that Honorblades are a type of Shardblade.  Please consider the prelude:This implies that they have the power of other Shardblades and some additional abilities. 


These blades were weapons of power beyond even Shardblades.

In the Epilogue, Taln's slices through things like the Radiantblades. 


In the cosmere sense, they are blades embued with the power of a Shard.


I have trouble deciding that two of the three types of Shardblades Brandon has said that we've seen are from different Radiant orders, but are so indistinguishable that the differences are never described in the text.  Whereas Szeth's blade, which is very different from the Radiantblades we've seen, is from a third order.


Szeth's blade is long and thin, double-sided and conveys a temporary eye color change to the color corresponding to the windrunner abilities he manifests.  I believe that it may also be described as unique, but I haven't found the quote. 


The permanent lightening of the eyes from the Radiantblades is apparently the basis for the Alethi nobility. 


As for the spear thing, Kaladin is special with a spear, but as a child, he is also special with a staff.  The Windrunner blades we've seen have been swords, which seem more useful for fighting Thunderclasts.  We may find that Kaladin is also a badass with a sword, if he does get one.


Assuming it is not a Radiantblade, I am very curious about the origins of Szeth's blade. 

  1. Are the Shin manufacturing blades?
  2. Is it from the Rosharian prehistory?
  3. Could it once have been a voidbringer weapon? 
  4. Is it a Cultivationblade?
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'Millennium', on 25 Sept 2012 - 12:39, said:


Thanks from yet another fan for your wonderful writing.

1) Do Honorblades have the same sort of relationship to Honor (possibly to a much greater degree) that Shardblades do?

You're on the right track.


I'm not sure that this counts as confirming that Honorblades are a type of Shardblade. That was the only relevant quote I could find. Brandon didn't even tell us of multiple Blade types until that Q&A. My understanding is Honorblades are unique works of art and power, and wouldn't therefore count as a "type" of Blade.

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My bad, I mixed it up with another report around the same time.

Can you confirm if the scene with Taln at the end of Way of Kings is entirely in Hoid's perspective? There was some discussion that it might not be, since Taln's honourblade was called a shardblade.
That entire scene is in Hoid's POV, and the reason for it being called a shardblade is because honourblades are shardblades.


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Shardspears would be cool. I think the evidence for the blades we have seen are in the images we have seen of swords so far. There is one on the cover of the hardback edition and I can't remember where the other two originate from but I have one printed on a shirt I bought on the Inkwing site.


Hey a very (very) new member here.


I think that Kaladin holding stormlight has the physical strength to break shardplate but the usual wooden spears are weaker than plate and just shatter. Its a good thing that there is already someone there who knows how to make really strong weapons.


They had brought grandbows: large steel bows with thick strings and such a high draw weight that only a Shardbearer could use them, to fire shafts as thick as three fingers. They were recent creations, devised by Alethi engineers through the use of fabrial science, and each required a small infused gemstone to maintain the strength of its pull without warping the metal. Adolin’s aunt Navani—the widow of King Gavilar, mother of Elhokar and his sister Jasnah—had led the research to develop the bows.


I'm sure that a steel spear infused with one of those gems could break shardplate.

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My bad, I mixed it up with another report around the same time.


I am still not convinced that the Honorblades count as a type of Shardblade. I just think they are too special, especially if they are the Dawnshards. But we will have to see. 

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I am still not convinced that the Honorblades count as a type of Shardblade. I just think they are too special, especially if they are the Dawnshards. But we will have to see. 


Please don't feel insulted, I might lack some subtlety in the wordings there, but (because) I don't see why BS's statement 


and the reason for it being called a shardblade is because honourblades are shardblades.


does not count as given explanation that Honorblades == Shardblades (so a type of). 


Please help me with this. 

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You're reading it fine, FireArcadia just doesn't like it.


I also think that the 3 types we've seen are:

1. Honorblades

2. Szeth's Blade

3. Typical Radiant Blade

There may be even more types as well.  BS's words leave that option open.

(You have seen three different kinds in TWoK.)


On a side note, I don't think Dawnshards are Blades.  At the very least, not one of the Blades we've seen.

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I'm just being picky. I think that the Honorblades are so special that they don't count as just another type of Shardblade. They are more than that. They are extra special Shardblades. Sorry for the confusion, Cheese Ninja is right  :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

It does not sound to crazy to think that the blades we see the KR use in the vision could be different than what everyone is currently using.   Something was different about the armor and it seems odd how much Sly hates Dalinar's blade when all the KR were bound to similar sprens.

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Is it possible that a shardblade can take on different form based on their user's idea of an ideal weapon? Szeth's shardblade looks like that because that's how most Shinovar's blades looks like. Dalinar shardblade form looks like a huge sword because that's how most Alethi swords look like. What would have Shallan's shardblade if she had summon one? Would it looked more like a knife? It would kind of make sense since if Kaladin ever received his shardblade, it would have taken a form of a spear.

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My new guess: Shardblades originally couldn't harm living things at all. They were designed to kill enemies during Desolation and lesser versions between. Something gave them the ability to sever souls from living things so now Syl hates them.

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My new guess: Shardblades originally couldn't harm living things at all. They were designed to kill enemies during Desolation and lesser versions between. Something gave them the ability to sever souls from living things so now Syl hates them.


Sounds plausible I suppose.

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