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Wha-wha--you don't know WHAT A QUESADILLA IS?!?!?!?!

It's a delicious tortilla with cheese, peppers, onions, beef or chicken, and whatever else you want to put in it. Like a taco, but thinner and better. Mexican.

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Wha-wha--you don't know WHAT A QUESADILLA IS?!?!?!?!

It's a delicious tortilla with cheese, peppers, onions, beef or chicken, and whatever else you want to put in it. Like a taco, but thinner and better. Mexican.

And....less crumbly?

It's basically a chicken wrap?

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So what's a quesadilla?


I have no idea. Fortunatly Kipper does, so...see below?

Do you think "Quiver" is a better name for Green Arrow's hideout than "Arrow Cave?"


It would be a strange name. Maybe appropriate- a quiver is what holds an archers arrows after all- but it sounds a little awkward.

If Green Arrow has to have a base name, I guess I'd prefer it be something low key or else archery related, but I have no idea what.

What's your favorite flavor of Ramen?

Who's your favorite non-fiction author?


Never had ramen.

Brandon Sanderson. But cosmere aside, I don't seek out nonfiction books often, and when I do its on a specific subjects, so I don't look for authors.

Do you like jellybeans? If so, how much? If not, how much?

Eh, I liked jelly babies, but haven't had them in quite a while.

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What is your favorite climate?


(Mountains, tundra, jungle, etc...)

To live in? I like the UK. Not too warm, not too cold.

Visually, the tundra and mountains are good.

In terms of writing, though, I've always wanted to do a story set in a desert environment. It was actually what my first fantasy idea was, and I think deserts are pretty cool.

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To live in? I like the UK. Not too warm, not too cold.

Visually, the tundra and mountains are good.

In terms of writing, though, I've always wanted to do a story set in a desert environment. It was actually what my first fantasy idea was, and I think deserts are pretty cool.

Oh, I could tell you about deserts. <_< Well, the Sonoran Desert, anyway.

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Ready, lightning round! 


Would you rather never read another book, or have no technology whatsoever? (Phone, computer, television, etc.) 

Favorite Streetfighter character? 

The one food that should be thrown into the Abyss never to return? 

Favorite color? (Have to have one normal question) 

Fantasy or Sci-Fi? 

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What is your dream car?(If you have one.)


Don't have one, so I'm gonna fall back on Hot's Rods sweet Alt Mode again.


Name a favorite quote.


"Let's get to work." - Angel


...This needs context though. On it's own, it's just one of those standard, hero-being-stoic. As part of the broader theme of the episode and the series- that one should do good deeds because that's the right thing to do, not because they will be rewarded- that line has stayed with me; particulary since it's delivered as the ending of a show, when the heroes are up against a force which they are, certainly, going to lose fighting against.


Ready, lightning round! 


Would you rather never read another book, or have no technology whatsoever? (Phone, computer, television, etc.) 

Favorite Streetfighter character? 

The one food that should be thrown into the Abyss never to return? 

Favorite color? (Have to have one normal question) 

Fantasy or Sci-Fi? 


No more books. If I wanted to, I could download "manuscripts" (not book!) from websites, and I'd still have fanfiction.

My "favorite" tends to vary, but it's usually either Cammy, Ken, Guile or Sagat. I was very fond of the Dolls in Alpha, though they were pretty much Cammy clones, so...

Eggs. Urgh; I hate the smell of them, the look of them, just... yuck.

Yellow. Sometimes blue, and (admittedly), I'm developing a fondness for purple.

Fantasy, all the way.

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So what's a quesadilla?


What? How? I...


And....less crumbly?

It's basically a chicken wrap?





I have no idea. Fortunatly Kipper does, so...see below?


Never had ramen.


 You Don't Even Know What A Quesadilla IS?!?!?!?




A quesadilla in it's purest form is simply a tortilla with cheese on it folded in half and cooked untill the cheese melts. They are cheaply and easily made, and are quite tasty. You can add all sorts of pleasant additions, such as meat, guacamole(you know what that is don't you?), onions and more.



Are you sure you went to college? I've had to survive for days on that stuff.


Fine, I'll ask a question: Favorite kind of Hat?

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You know those in depth analysis you used to do for MLP episodes? Think you might be willing to do one for Lullaby for a Princess?


I honestly am not sure what there is to say about the animation, to be honest. It's beautiful as is; I could certainly comment on it, and pick out specific moments and ideas I like from it, but I don't know if I'd be able to do a whole in-depth commentary that would just devolve to gibbletish and "WATCH IT NOW" comments.


(Incidently, if you're looking for other cool animations, I suggest checking out Silly Filly Studios on youtube; they released a video about Celestia and Luna's confrontation with Sombra a while ago. I have issues with it, narratively... but it's a good piece).


What? How? I...





 You Don't Even Know What A Quesadilla IS?!?!?!?




A quesadilla in it's purest form is simply a tortilla with cheese on it folded in half and cooked untill the cheese melts. They are cheaply and easily made, and are quite tasty. You can add all sorts of pleasant additions, such as meat, guacamole(you know what that is don't you?), onions and more.



Are you sure you went to college? I've had to survive for days on that stuff.


Fine, I'll ask a question: Favorite kind of Hat?


I order:


I dunno.


I never ramen; I survived by getting takeaway food a lot. Like I've said, my diet is awful.

unfortunatly, yes. Which I know because every night I am plagued by nightmarees of me failing exams from college... 


As for hat? I'unno. I guess I like those hats you always see gentlemen wearing in steampunk.Victorian films? Those are cool.


So like....pizza without sauce?


I've never ate pizza.


When did this thread become "What foods have you eaten Quiver", what is happening, I don't even know.

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When did this thread become "What foods have you eaten Quiver", what is happening, I don't even know.


I guess that's my fault. I just like quesadillas and I haven't had a homemade one for the last year due to lack of stove. I'm looking forward to making one soon. 

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I've never ate pizza.


When did this thread become "What foods have you eaten Quiver", what is happening, I don't even know.


You...you've never...had.......pizza?


Somebody bring me my fainting couch!

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Should....should we start an "Order Quiver the Tastiest Pizza in His Area" Kickstarter campaign? :unsure:


I think we might have to.  Unless his pizza-less-ness is due to some unknown dietary restrictions, allowing such a state to continue would be a travesty.

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Never had a quesadilla?! :o


Time for Quesadilla 101.


1. It is pronounced "cay-sa-dee-a."

2. It is a Mexican food.

3. It is delicious.

4. See Fatebreaker's description of a quesadilla.

5. Eat one. Now.


Anyway. Here's my couple of questions.

  • Have you read the Tiffany Aching series? 
  • Do you like cheese?
  • What's your favorite color?
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