TwiLyghtSansSparkles she/her Posted June 4, 2015 Report Share Posted June 4, 2015 (edited) This thread is for posting all of the little memes, jokes, and lists we Oregon RPers have created. If you're new to this RP, this thread should help explain some of our quirks.First off, the And Then They Died (ATTD) List. This list is for Epics so vile players have begun posting "And then [Epic name] died" in response to their latest atrocity. And Then They Died Revised as needed Criteria: To be placed on this list, an Epic must exhibit not only callousness, but a longstanding commitment to atrocities. The Epic in Question must be not only consistently portrayed as ruthless, but as enjoying their ruthlessness—taking typical Epic corruption so far past the bounds of morality that they are unquestionably irredeemable. Said Epic must glory in things decent societies deem reprehensible, including (but by no means limited to): torture, murder, sexual harassment, psychological manipulation (including subjecting a family member to reprehensible acts in order to gain control of someone), stalking, etc. Epics on this list must have demonstrably crossed the Moral Event Horizon, preferably with an evil laugh and/or creepy remark as they plummeted into the abyss. Members: Oregon Chapter Repeat offenders given multiple entries Nighthound Lightwards NighthoundElectroCorpseMaker QuotaLucentia Nighthound LightwardsLucentiaKoscheiElectroQuota Bloody Mary NeverthereTimeportNighthound Blackwave LucentiaNighthound TimeportMiner NighthoundTimeportIronmongerQuicksilverElectroNighthound QuotaNighthoundBlackwave Quota Deathwish ImpactTimeportIconoclastHypnoBloody MaryDrainerNighthoundNighthoundLucentiaCountdownIconoclastImpactQuicksilver Ivystorm Necropathy Pain Taylor Swift Nighthound Lucentia Bioterror Nighthound FoodstockMetronome* *We didn't want him to feel bad. Edited April 10, 2016 by TwiLyghtSansSparkles 13 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kobold King he/him Posted June 4, 2015 Report Share Posted June 4, 2015 (edited) It is a truth universally acknowledged that an Oregon RPer in possession of Epic characters must be in want of ponies.On the surface, this truth seems paradoxical. After all, how could the same people who created the vile villains listed on the above ATTD list take such delight in converting those same characters into cute pastel ponies?While there exist multiple theories to explain the ponification phenomenon of the Reckoners RPG, here are the primary points: Several notable RPers are also bronies or pegasisters; Very few Oregon RPers are artistically inclined, and thus rely on tool such as General Zoi's Pony Creator to visualize their characters for others. Ponies, like all other in-jokes of the RPG, lighten a mood that could otherwise be darkened by the presence of so many despicable characters With that out of the way, allow me to present the famous Pony Vault of Kobold King. General Zoi's Pony Creator allows the codes for any pony to be entered into the program, thus recreating said pony for further refinement or posing. The following list contains the body and accessory codes of every pony Kobold King has had access to. Further codes will be added periodically. Aldo the Enigmatic Pony Create Code: 3F510U15004396E800002E0200000BB96UM113412B000400D000002EFF7FFF0G107F3FCC004CB2 Aldo the Enigmatic Pony Accessory Code: 066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC6626600FF04E8FBAFFFF8C066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC66 Alice Regway Pony Create Code: 2W4D002000DCB8D4FFC49D00201331A00UC3C3A305001000I0B20000FF7FFF04107F3FCC004CB2 Alice (Once Upon a Time in Wonderland) Pony Create Code: 374C006040DADAF2FFC49D009016B8FB2UK1D14040000001F093785CFF7FFF0G107F3FCC004CB2 Altermind Pony Create Code: 2D4N002000D4C18AFFC49D000006666FFSM173940422100071FFCB00FFFF700F107F3FCC004CB2 Altermind Illusion Create Code: 3P400S4530D4C18AFFC49D000006666FFSM1I3610302000071FFCB00FFFF700F107F3FCC004CB2 Amarok Pony Create Code: 3P400610307A3D1F00000000101F6FE00LK1C3920H01100091000000D9DD9509107F3FCC004CB2 Arsenal Pony Create Code: 3G4L0J4300BA1919FFC49D00000001F5CUM1D35145000000C000060CFF7FFF0Q10000B20004CB2 Autumn Glass Pony Create Code: 313H0020106D8B5DFFC49D0020100864AUN1E3102020000090BE5500FF7FFF16107F3FCC004CB2 Backtrack Pony Create Code: 303L0070100066660099FF0000000BB96UN1837003040001L0000009FF7FFF06107F3FCC004CB2 Backtrack Pony Accessory Code: 066CC669FF75FF066CC66066CC66066CC6604E8FBAFFFF8C066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC66 Big Al Pony Create Code: 3C0N1X30004863A095B9C702000966F33UN1837049000000V0A18648FF7FFF00107F3FCC004CB2 Blackwave Pony Create Code: mEPV70IO3aJ00000AOc9Yqn1B335G3l000005Ic3f0000UG00003F05Ic4705Ic9405Ic Bloody Mary Pony Create Code: bl5030P07HhUG000YUW0cun1837003idUZSX34r3fVp/C/t//210A05Ic Brandon Sanderson Pony Create Code: 302A002000FEFEFEAD8C6A040003954CCOI1837004000000610000000000000C107F3FCC004CB2 Brandon Sanderson Pony Accessory Code: 066CC66E563721066CC6655A9C9E066CC6604E8FBAFFFF8C066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC66 C4 Pony Create Code: Zg00D01hkZeqVRv8he44Dun183700050000/t//03Vp/C/t//293F0000 Calamity Pony Create Code: 5K330J5230CC0000E6000044020806600FZ113F20A04002370520000FF7FFF0Y00660000004CB2 Chaos Pony Create Code: 453H2255A070944D050A00020000B0F08UN1331204020001C0020905FF7FFF08107F3FCC004CB2 Chicago Joe Pony Create Code: 301X0L50006C4319FFC49D00000001400UN1A3351D011001S03E3E50FF7FFF1H107F3FCC004CB2 Conflux Pony Create Code: 3837076100262851AFB0B000000915A3AFN1837020010001Q0BFBFBFFF7FFF05107F3FCC004CB2 CorpseMaker Pony Create Code: 3K3B0T4100D4BFA914001403A30660000UV183423D020001H000000AFF7FFF0S107F3FCC004CB2 Cricket Pony Create Code: 355F1E000070FFFF00B2B231201ACFFACUK123410A02000331010606002933090000080A004CB2 Crow Pony Create Code: XN0Hb5kTo0W00000UjxUtuq1837001qycnF000009Vp/C/t//2005Oc9Y Darkrose Pony Create Code: 3C5D002560E6E6E628002803501002400RI1I3724702000050110008FF7FFF0N107F3FCC004CB2 David Charleston Pony Create Code: 30400L2000E1EFD8E7F2E00300000290EUM1E1050A00000220000000FF7FFF1900080808004CB2 David Charleston Pony Accessory Code: 066CC660002E00066CC667001006066CC6604E8FBAFFFF8C066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC66 Dawnslight Pony Create Code: 3B390051001F2E00FFC49D00D0000BB96UN1837020040001N100000059593002107F3FCC004CB2 Deathgale Pony Create Code: WW03W00YOc9ujdY2q0BkMun1837000eyl8V/t//07Vp/C/t//28340000430000650000 Deathwish Pony Create Code: 3831185210B0B0B8B0B0B800000160B00UN1G3610B00000250050505FF7FFF11107F3FCC004CB2 Desolation Pony Create Code: 38141N7231093F0B00000033A11C40000NK1837225040000X0FE0000EAFE000301FE0000000000 Desolation Pony Accessory Code: 066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC6604E8FBAFFFF8CB0000004000000A060C06066CC66 Doctor Funtimes Pony Create Code: 2735000000C94FC99EECFE0220100FE1EUO18370222000005148E20BE1F28A0501FE6BBF004CB2 Drainer Pony Create Code: 352S004204246B47297A520000033CC33FO183F21A040001U0104E62FF7FFF0L107F3FCC004CB2 Drainer Pony Accessory Code: 066CC668001C1C066CC66500E6E6600CFCF04E8FBAFFFF8C500CFCF066CC66066CC66066CC66 Earl Greyback Pony Create Code: 38331L41206565709999BA0330000BB96UM183740H010000N0000052FF7FFF0K107F3FCC004CB2 Earl Greyback Pony Accessory Code: 066CC6671919A3066CC66066CC66066CC6604E8FBAFFFF8C066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC66 Edgedancer Pony Create Code: 312G1F5000C59B6DFFC29B300004B67A5UN1D3200000000300C09B1FFF7FFF1T107F3FCC004CB2 Edgedancer Pony Accessory Code: 066CC661485C7A066CC66066CC66066CC6604E8FBAFFFF8C066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC66 Edgerunner Pony Create Code: 2T5K042003E0E0FFFFFFF000201493119UL1B32400021001L0250025FF7FFF0P107F3FCC004CB2 Edgerunner Pony Accessory Code: 066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC6690B000BE0E0FFA0D000D066CC6690D000D0000000 066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC6630A000A0A000AA0D000D066CC6690D000D0000000 Electro Pony Create Code: 393W0Z2000556B2F4C4C0004000008A8AIG1G3A203040020X0E8E819FF7FFF0V107F3FCC004CB2 Euphoria Pony Create Code: 2S5K000000FE8CAD000000046010066FEBE173850522000181FEEC8FFEB5662U107F3FCC004CB2 Euphoria Pony Accessory Code: 2000000D000000066CC664000000066CC660CC000019191957F7F7F066CC668000000066CC66 Fade Pony Create Code: fr4Wb00afAF5HKL8dMLbwul19300u3bw+lg820W05Vp/C/t//220820W83251GG4551GG531WO0 Fantomah Pony Create Code (sky panthers not included): 401N061281E2E2E2A8A8A804511F2DFDFON183720504000380FEEC3DFF7FFF02107F3FCC004CB2 Flamethrower Pony Create Code: 31580E2000005342FFC49D002015C3D1FUQ173C304001002S0CCCC00FF7FFF0F107F3FCC004CB2 Flamethrower Pony Accessory Code: 066CC66066CC66066CC663E65C001E65C002E65C00E65C00066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC66 Flashpoint Pony Create Code: 3F3P1350A000538AB4BBBB02000A37547UK1A3620802000070000A1AFF7FFF11107F3FCC004CB2 Fortuity Pony Create Code: 3H4V1I4200A30000000000000001F0800MU363720C040000711A000000000007107F3FCC004CB2 Fortuity Pony Accessory Code: 1661A00066CC66066CC665330000066CC6604E8FBAFFFF8C066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC66 Intervention Pony Create Code: 3J3X0P1300C5C5BD2E000002000520000UL1936200040021900C0C0BFF7FFF04107F3FCC004CB2 Ivystorm Pony Create Code: 4M5K2S62630066270000000061100FE62UN153140B000000G13FCC520000000W00000000004CB2 Jafar (Once Upon a Time in Wonderland) Pony Create Code: 3P301553006C4319FFC49D00500754719UN183722500062370000000FF7FFF1A107F3FCC004CB2 Jafar (Once Upon a Time in Wonderland) Pony Accessory Code: 066CC66066CC66066CC6610D080030D080080101000101008010100066CC667010100066CC66 Jingleberry Pony Create Code: 2Z4P042500E6FFE6FFC49D00201A30000UT1D31433030000406CCF8CFF7FFF0H107F3FCC004CB2 Karl Marx Pony Create Code: YN0CE8Sl7bOJ0008YFHG0um19352q1av+Vd/t//3mVp/C/t//3032////435nSN Kenshin Pony Create Code: Wg00i0VdlN/////0ARi/sun18378m3v004S////36004S////17 Khione Pony Create Code: 3I3O042534A3A7C468696902201009302ON1A3852604000091665C418C8C8C0A107F3FCC004CB2 Kobold King Pony Create Code: 3H3H0W6000A352008F470002100291400HN1B3200043000220522900FF7FFF0A107F3FCC004CB2 Kobold King Pony Accessory Code: 066CC66066CC66452290038A2E00066CC6604E8FBAFFFF8C066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC66 Koschei Pony Create Code: 474F0962A0D6D6D60000000380081AA65UN183720B04100311D8CC6A7A00001O107F3FCC004CB2 Koschei Pony Accessory Code: 066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC6654A285904E8FBAFFFF8C066CC662D0FCCF066CC66066CC66 Lightwards Pony Create Code: 2X3L0760005393283D6B1D0300000BB96SF1D3320004000071CC9A6C0E0E0E0S107F3FCC004CB2 Lightwards Pony Accessory Code: 066CC66B5E4914066CC665543B161543C172533B16FFFF8C066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC66 Lord of the Silverfish Pony Create Code: 482K1102E4A0A0A070707012050101011PZ1B3620H01000001B5B5B91010111A107F3FCC004CB2 Lucentia Pony Create Code: 313X002004F7FCC0E2C5D60484199E8B0UM183700D01100331190E01BBEDD10G107F3FCC004CB2 Mailliw73 Pony Create Code: 383K0P62302C2F9B20877F0200042BAFEDK193B00104000370FCCC0DFF7FFF1C01FECF0D937E35 Max Pony Create Code: 2Z3P1Z5000CEC5BCA69F9803000311900UN1B30234021001G02C1600FF7FFF1600422100004CB2 Megan Pony Create Code: 302H0A0200E3AFEDBABABA021016EB24FQN183700402000041E8ED55F0FEC902117F3FCC004CB2 Metal (The) Pony Create Code: bW01QKJOc9Y0000660BkMun173700430000Uou038Vp/C/t//20 Mizzy Pony Create Code: 343Q0060006B2D2DBA957D02201827C00OP1913002040002Y0000000FF7FFF08107F3FCC004CB2 Mobius Pony Create Code: 3343006530FFF8C6FFC49D0010100BB96UK313153D421000I13D3C3A3B9C9C13117F3FCC004CB2 Mobius Pony Accessory Code: 19C7853066CC66066CC66066CC6669C785304E8FBAFFFF8CAAD855C066CC669AD855C066CC66 Mocha Maxima Pony Create Code: 3W4T0B63019D7651AC8359048012E2E2EUE1C1220A040000M1331A00FAFAFA0K107F3FCC004CB2 Momentum Twins Pony Create Codes: 2V54086000EDC8DAFFC49D00201008AE6UN1B3440A020001F0B8B800FF7FFF0H107F3FCC004CB2 Impact Pony Accessory Code: 066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC6604E8FBAFFFF8C0CC66FF38750A3066CC6627A3D99 MV Pony Accessory Code: 066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC6604E8FBAFFFF8C0CC66FF28750A3066CC663422750 Moral Guardian Pony Create Code: 4T1O095270FEFEFE000000035000045E5NN1837205021000N0000000EAF27204107F3FCC004CB2 Moral Guardian Pony Accessory Code: 066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC664D6C65A04E8FBAFFFF8C066CC662A000D1066CC6629600D1 Mr. Sadry Pony Create Code: 2X23000100B89470FFC49D0000085ADFFUK1E1351001000000A9A98DFF7FFF06107F3FCC004CB2 Mrs. Sadry Pony Create Code: 2S35006100C3A688FFC49D00101006B00UN1C1502000000181949492EBC2D600107F3FCC004CB2 Murk Lurker Pony Create Code: 3K2L2D50045C5C2E55554403831BA3699UZ331043H010001T01F1F00FF7FFF0J107F3FCC004CB2 Mundivore Pony Create Code: 2Z43191000825E39FFC49D009005C5C2EUF1G37100020001R0F8F8F8FF7FFF1X00FDFDFD004CB2 Murphy Pony Create Code: 2Z3D0050017A52296B472401000003D3DUK181204B030000C0330033FF7FFF06107F3FCC004CB2 Nathan Pony Create Code: 373B000000773737FFC49D0000000CCFEUN183734B00000220C9520CFF7FFF0C107F3FCC004CB2 Neverthere Pony Create Code: 3Y2F2525047C009BE227AE02A40E936C1DN1837009331002F1131C42C943D80010EE411DB759E3 Nighthound Pony Create Code: 2S2S000001110505332E2E00020327A64UP183723H02000361A512125E198C29107F3FCC004CB2 Night-Mare Pony Create Code: 313H092000A37547FFC49D00501291400LK1E34130031000W000000DFF7FFF1B0000000A004CB2 Nightwatcher Pony Create Code: 3V4P0T2570140014160016028412F002FUZ1737104000000K00C000CFF7FFF08107F3FCC004CB2 Nightwielder Pony Create Code: 2X3W0012001D27540F041603540D6FE08PN1837205000001F0CFCFCEFF7FFF0F107F3FCC004CB2 Obliteration Pony Create Code: 4F270A42106B441D70000003000E5BB00LN183710402002310000000FF7FFF0D107F3FCC004CB2 Obliteration Pony Accessory Code: 066CC66B707070066CC66066CC66700000004E8FBAFFFF8C066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC66 Paladin Pony Create Code: 2S2S004004FEFEFEEFED920400100BB96UN183720I01002071EFF07A00000000107F3FCC004CB2 Paladin Pony Accessory Code: 066CC66066CC66066CC663827D49066CC6607C8751B7FE00066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC66 Paladin Pony Pose Code: 000247046080267056037000000324000000314043014331 Panda (The) Pony Create Code: W00SS0C////0000000000un1837003x////00002tVp/C/t//20 Prof Pony Create Code: 3G34066000A0A0A067BC51034007EA8CEQN1837105040000710000004BBF5805107F3FCC004CB2 Prof Pony Accessory Code: 066CC669002E00066CC667000500066CC660000500FFFF8C066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC66 Purple Phoenix Pony Create Code: 2S2S0040007D05417F525D5400098AFC7UN301150B000000F0566D7EFF7FFF00107F3FCC004CB2 Quota Pony Create Code: 384J1B12005E5C5C344C2F03A00FEFEFEUN183710C000001S1000000434F3B0S107F3FCC004CB2 Rainbow Pony Create Code: WW0Wk5kExXu//Hd0A0B/pun18370048xHmaycKY4107AyVp/B00 Rainmaker Pony Creator Code: 305K2S7234FEFEFEF0FE4A03801383A18UN1837540000000Z10000008CFEF20K107F3FCC004CB2 Rainmaker Pony Accessory Code: 0EEFE6E066CC660FFFEFF066CC662FEFFFF04E8FBAFFFF8C3FE00840B700FE3FE0084066CC66 Ray Pony Create Code: YW90AHk/yESzvGT5o07Ayun18370031xor4/t//3yVp/C/t//293F0000 Reader Pony Create Code: bd0OR00YOc9/yES05Ri/sqm18371m3b0000////3wVp/C/t//2834UG00430000 Red Pony Create Code: 2P5B071200A36666A3191932501FF3333AR1J13340040002L05E1414FF7FFF0Z107F3FCC004CB2 Redlight Pony Create Code: 301J0D5000DAC0CDC2C2BD00501730073IL3A35204001001L10C0C0CE600000Q107F3FCC004CB2 Redlight Pony Accessory Code: 066CC66D0C000C066CC66066CC66066CC6604E8FBAFFFF8C066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC66 Red Queen (Once Upon a Time in Wonderland) Pony Create Code: 3X500A0300FFF0FFFFC49D00601003380MN163614A000000H1D9D933E600001B00D9D933004CB2 Red Queen (Once Upon a Time in Wonderland) Pony Accessory Code: 066CC66066CC66066CC660FF00003E600009FF0000FF19194CC0000066CC664CC0000066CC66 Regalia Pony Create Code: 3W3J0063406D39008D560604501909090UN1837214000001J0F2F2F2FF7FFF19107F3FCC004CB2 Remington Springfield Pony Create Code: 33250F70028C9B4F9677590400017D8FENN183750D21100071C7C6C754452405107F3FCC004CB2 Remington Springfield Pony Accessory Code: 066CC66066CC66066CC6673E7F4B066CC6604E8FBAFFFF8C5000000066CC66066CC66066CC66 Revolution Sunburst Jones Pony Create Code: 2S4W002020E6B800FFC49D003017171FFUI1D1043A020001W0E65C00FF7FFF1T107F3FCC004CB2 Revolution Sunburst Jones (Epic) Pony Create Code: 4H5K0025E0E6B800FFC49D003017171FFUI393754A020001T0E65C00FF7FFF1T107F3FCC004CB2 Saccharine Pony Create Code: 2H2S000020FEFFFFAE9EFE02201D400FETO183704A031003813BFEC10000FE04103F57CC004CB2 Samantha Trattner Pony Create Code: 2X5D002500E6E6E61F000F00401002400RL1E1250002100050110008FF7FFF0F107F3FCC004CB2 Sandman Pony Create Code: 233N0060009C8771FFC49D0090059597AUN1814042400002Z00B0A08FF7FFF1S107F3FCC004CB2 Scorch Pony Create Code: 383L1X0000FF8533FFC49D00400470000UK1A3820D040001D1000000B200000A01800000000000 Scorch Pony Accessory Code: 066CC66066CC66066CC6671A0000066CC6604E8FBAFFFF8CB000000066CC66A000000066CC66 Seth Pony Create Code: hj06agIxyuJ6nHa0ygw00un18371m320GSj/t//32Vp/C/t//28 Shallan Davar Pony Create Code: 2X5K006000F5F5F5FFC49D002413056C5UH1E3630A43000170D41919FF7FFF0L107F3FCC004CB2 Shallan Davar Pony Accessory Code: 066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC666324C9B2324C9B3F559403F5594066CC6603F5594066CC66 Shiny Sparkle Pony Create Code: 3C3F0002045EE6EAE1FEC903001ED72D0UN183741201000381EA8F8FFEFF9906107F3FCC004CB2 Shiny Sparkle Accessory Code: 066CC66662FE24066CC66066CC66066CC6604E8FBAFFFF8C066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC66 Skylar Nesbit Pony Create Code: 29490Y2000D66E1E69FFFE041010099FEDN1432002000000404F2000FF7FFF0A107F3FCC004CB2 Skyar Nesbit Pony Accessory Code: 066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC66300000005A332508EAFE066CC66066CC66066CC66 Slaughterhouse Pony Create Code: 2S2S0040200000730000000402000CC00U1383420B030000V0CC0000FF7FFF2Q107F3FCC004CB2 Slaughterhouse Pony Accessory Code: 066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC668FFFFFFFFFFFF066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC66 Soulflicker Pony Create Code: 3J4B0062007A7A7A00000003400DB0000LK1B3D10A040000F00000007700000A01000000600000 Steelheart Pony Create Code: 4S2C2S45301C1C1C4343350300000002EUN183720502000000000000FF7FFF15107F3FCC004CB2 Steelheart Pony Accessory Code: 066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC663CCCCCC04E8FBAFFFF8C066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC66 Stephen Vondra Pony Create Code: 3L2S0G7000B5A9939E9E9E040006B2121ON183722501000070686868FF7FFF0C107F3FCC004CB2 Stormgate Pony Create Code: 3D380V5320C4AD7939FF140000039FF14UN3138204010001S00A1B2DFF7FFF12107F3FCC004CB2 Stormgate Pony Accessory Code: 066CC66066CC66066CC6618B8B8B38B8B8B38B8B8B39FF14066CC66066CC66066CC66066CC66 Summer Pony Create Code: 2W4P0F2000FF30FFFFFF000250100006BUN1G1404C020000I1170613FFFF330G107F3FCC004CB2 Superman Pony Create Code: 3Q002S41701B287AF7BF990400100BB96UN1D3F10A00000070BA8200FF7FFF33115B5300FFFFFE Taylor Swift Pony Create Code: 382S000500EDB57EFFC49D002011C95EAMN1G3A50102000080DEF45D0000000400DEF45D004CB2 Taylor Swift Pony Accessory Code: 2870000066CC66066CC6618C00001FFFEFF04E8FBAFFFF8C900000027704048000000066CC66 Timeport Pony Create Code: 2W4S0A1070CEB2629F8D5802040510000U91G3710A040001H04A2500FF7FFF0T107F3FCC004CB2 TwiLyghtSansSparkles Pony Create Code: 342S0002008EC6EDBF94770220100B7FEQN1837022000000216B49110B82070A006B4911004CB2 TwiLyghtSansSparkles' Brother Pony Create Code: 3H2I0K6000A87C4872594704200009FADJN1837107000002209B8B21FF7FFF0A107F3FCC004CB2 TwiLyghtSansSparkles' Sister Pony Create Code: 3I2G072020BE9FCE3AA6AF032012FB567MN183701213000380D6C638FF7FFF02107F3FCC004CB2 Upgrade Pony Create Code: 343K0H7200FFC97ACFA363120001F004CUI1E36108030001U1291F0E0806030A107F3FCC004CB2 Val Pony Create Code: 353W0A63007B7B6AFFC49D00101290A33OM1F36505010002T10000005200521B10000000004CB2 Vapor Snake Pony Create Code: 3B3D1E24014A4A49040E1600A1072731DUR123100A000000W17F59590A33190V007F5959004CB2 Voidgaze Pony Create Code: 353J000000F7F8F9FEFFFF00001FE0000UN183700C00000330F5FDFEFF7FFF2Z107F3FCC004CB2 Voidus Pony Create Code: 332S00103100000081818101010FE0000UN103820C02000000CB4242FF7FFF02107F3FCC004CB2 Winter Cloud Pony Create Code: 305K1V0400848484FE0000045013200BAUN173G404000000D1720000684E1C0D107F3FCC004CB2 Edited December 24, 2015 by Kobold King 12 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Edgedancer he/him Posted June 5, 2015 Report Share Posted June 5, 2015 (edited) There are of course even more vents and valves the insanity contained within this RP finds to regain its freedom. Many of the ways it has found are memes connected to characters. While few are as wide spread as and then X died here are a couple of the more frequent ones. Backtrack is suffering: Backtrack is a rather pathetic Epic that never really understood how useful his ability to see the past can be and is a bit whiny, he does think very highly of his pink sunglasses though. Otherwise his most notable characteristic is that we like to see him suffer. (To illustrate the point, at the creation of this post his sunglasses got stolen by another Epic. ) Koschei the cat: Koschei the Deathless is already dead in canon by the time the RP takes place. Him being reincarnated as the pet cat of Baxter Game isn’t a part of canon, not that it stops anyone from constantly bringing it up. Redeemed!Deathwish: Deathwish is a sleaze, to be precise he is the kind of sleaze that would sexually harass a 15 years young girl. Wanna know how we can turn him into a better person? Let him drink a coke. Commander awesome Vondra: Commander Vondra is he man that runs the Dalles, according to what Kobold King told us about him before he made an appearance in the RP he also jumps out of helicopters because anything else takes too long and could wrestle down the entire mutant panda invasion just with the strength of his awesomeness. After his actual introduction no one is inclined to disagree. Whinny Lucentia: Being an Epic dictator Lucentia has a lot of negative qualities. The one the fandom has recognized most about her is that she can just be storming petty about finding flaws in everything and everyone. Autumn Glass' fan club: Both in and out of game just about everyone seems to agree that between her other positive qualities Autumn is down right adorable. As such it has been presumed for a long time that within the Dalles exsists a dedicated Autumn Glass fan club. (Comatose would probably join before his heart had a chance to beat even once. ) In fanon she also suffers from seasonal Epicness meaning that in due time Autumn Glass, not an Epic, will turn into Winter Glass, the most powerful Epic. The idea has not yet been refuted. Shipping: You see that pink multicolored shoes wearing pony that’s all over the place here (assuming Twi didn’t change her avatar)? That’s the shipmistress. As the title implies she really likes shipping in all it shapes and forms. Normal adorable couples like AlGaze? Perfect! Characters that haven’t even made an appearance yet but are planned to be someone’s bodyguard? There’s a ship for that! Characters that have never meet and probably never will? Love knows no distance! An Epic stage magician and a zombie dinosaur? She sure as Braize won’t pull the line there! Edited June 6, 2015 by Edgedancer 13 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TwiLyghtSansSparkles she/her Posted June 7, 2015 Author Report Share Posted June 7, 2015 What's the whole thing about not being able to kill Nighthound about? He's an extremely creepy and sadistic Epic in the Portland thread. Players started posting "and then Nighthound died" in response to his latest atrocity—as though he did it and then dropped dead for no reason other than to rid the world of his presence. We've all agreed that his death should be a big climactic event, but saying "and then Nighthound died" helps us cope. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Seonid he/him Posted June 7, 2015 Report Share Posted June 7, 2015 The entire subculture that developed here is interesting to observe. :3 Indeed it is. It is equally interesting to participate in! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kobold King he/him Posted June 7, 2015 Report Share Posted June 7, 2015 Indeed it is. It is equally interesting to participate in! This xkcd pretty much sums up Sanderfans as a whole and the Reckoners RPG: 16 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mailliw73 he/him Posted June 23, 2015 Report Share Posted June 23, 2015 This thread is for posting all of the little memes, jokes, and lists we Oregon RPers have created. If you're new to this RP, this thread should help explain some of our quirks. First off, the And Then They Died (ATTD) List. This list is for Epics so vile players have begun posting "And then [Epic name] died" in response to their latest atrocity. And Then They Died Hey, Hypno made it on his first post. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TwiLyghtSansSparkles she/her Posted June 23, 2015 Author Report Share Posted June 23, 2015 Hypno added. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mestiv he/him Posted July 30, 2015 Report Share Posted July 30, 2015 (edited) THE MAP Here we have a map, created by players, depicting localisations of important places and events of the RP. The map will be continuously updated, as the stories move on. As we've established, authors don't have to treat the map too seriously, it was developed to simply help us avoid mistakes and misunderstandings. If you want to, you can demolish some buildings, build some others etc. After all the RP is taking place many years after Google provided us with this map Current list of cartographers: Mestiv, Mailiw73, Blaze1616, Comatose and mail-mi If you want to add something to the map or join as a cartographer feel free to contact one of us. Here is also a picture to help you visualize the size of the bubble surrounding Corvallis, as Google Maps don't provide a tool to draw circles. Edited August 3, 2015 by Mestiv 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blackhoof Posted August 3, 2015 Report Share Posted August 3, 2015 (edited) Pertinent Information and Statistics As has been suggested, I have decided to compile a number of statistics for each location currently in the RP. While each player has their own ideas and headcanons, this list pins down in a rougher, more accurate way the populations of each city. All of this is subject to change and based on mostly my personal thoughts, musings and suppositions. My reasoning for each number is supplied in a spoiler, and all of them are completely open to change as I receive feedback. This mostly comes from my obsessive drive to world-build and depict things in detail. I don't want to come across as dictating anything to anyone. Ultimately this list is mostly for myself, and whomever else wants to pay attention to it. I hope that between all of us, we can find common ground and all agree on the rough numbers, at least. My personal ideas on the Epic/human populations in each city: Portland: *very tentative Epics: Roughly 150. Humans: Roughly 50'000. Epic Reasoning: 150 covers the MEE and the Epics that are involved with the three other factions. While Portland should have 60 native Epics, it stands to reason that as with many places in Oregon, it was cursed with an abnormal amount of Epics and Epic immigrants, who have travelled to Oregon from nearby states. Human Reasoning: Portland is war-torn, anarchic, and deadly. The only real place of peace is Thoughttown, where most residents likely reside. More than the anarchy, is the complete lack of supplies. Even with personal farming, there simply isn't the infrastructure, the security or the space to feed the pre-Calamity population of 610'000. Most residents have likely left for the relative peace of the Oregon wilderness, or the several other, more hospitable cities. Corvallis: Epics: Roughly 300. Humans: Roughly 40'000 Epic Reasoning: Corvallis is designed as a paradise for Epics. It stands to reason that many from all over the nation would be drawn to it. Humans: Just as Corvallis draws Epics, it also draws in humans. Mostly from the nearby regions (extended travel being very difficult for humans) and cities. A portion of the Portland, Eugene and other Oregon city populations would have certainly migrated to Corvallis. But, just as with Newcago, exchanging freedom for security is not tempting enough for many people, and did not stop Newcago's population being reduced by 90%. Astoria: Epics: About 30. Humans: 10'000 or so. Epics: With such a small town, there isn't likely to be many Epics native to it. In addition, most of the potential Epic immigrants nearby have likely gone to Corvallis, or Portland/Eugene. To me, there doesn't seem to be enough of an attraction to Astoria for Epics that they wouldn't find better in another city. Humans: With the Financier in recent years creating ample supplies, many remaining humans would be drawn to Astoria for the infrastructure, relative peace, and food. Humans that want some modicum of freedom, and thus would not choose Corvallis, and some security, and thus would not live in the wild or in Portland/Eugene, would likely be attracted to Astoria. The fact that the Metal ruled undisputed since the Collapse also helped reduce the population decline, as there were no turf wars fought over it or challengers that the Metal could not quickly crush (literally). The Dalles: Epics: Roughly 20 Humans: 20'000 Epic Reasoning: All the Epics are known- Scribbler, Redlight, Deathwish, Edgerunner, Vapor Snake, Glamour, Quicksilver, Busdriver, Reflection, Florist, Event Horizon, Aura, Prankster, etc. I just cannot be bothered counting all of them. Human Reasoning: A combination of relative peace, stability, and the presence of a National Guard unit as well as its small size made the Dalles relatively safe from marauding Epics. Its fame as the only human-run city in Oregon, and perhaps the only place in the Fractured States where Epics are subservient to a human, would attract migrants for sure. Still, fear would deter people as well, with many worried about what will happen when the Dalles eventually attracts the attention of an Epic powerful enough to take over, or when the loyal Epics go bad. Salem: *note, very tentative Epics: Perhaps 16 full-time, and another 100 at any given time. Humans: Roughly 20'000. Epic Reasoning: Other than the fights, there isn't a great deal that would attract many Epics to Salem permanently. Most would just be visitors staying for several weeks while they compete and watch the games. Humans: Despite the high pre-Calamity population, and Soulcaster's rule making the city peaceful, the same issues exist as in Newcago- people choosing freedom over security. Remember that Newcago had a strong, tyrannical ruler for its whole existence and it still suffered massive population losses. In addition, Salem would have trouble feeding itself to maintain its pre-Calamity populace, although trade and payment for participation in the fights would help. I think many people would choose to move to Corvallis, as it is relatively close, or Astoria, simply out of necessity. Edited August 23, 2015 by Blackhoof 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blackhoof Posted August 19, 2015 Report Share Posted August 19, 2015 (edited) Player and Character ListHere is (I hope) a comprehensive list of every player and all of their Epics and vanilla characters. If you notice an Epic, vanilla or player that I have missed, don't hesitate to inform me so I can correct my mistake This list, when complete, will include all current and past players, and all living and deceased Epics that are included in Canon (so have a post mentioning them).Here it goes: Players: CurrentEdgedancerVoidusTwiLyghtSansSparklesThe Only JoeKobold KingBlackhoofMestivVenture MistbornMailliw73Mail-miMrs VoidusFatebreakerSeonidQuiverQueen Elsa SteelheartWinter CloudAonar FaileasComatoseBlaze1616TheSilverDragon18th ShardRedbirdThe Honey BadgerMckeedee123Shattered LogicFormerSirce LuckwielderKipperTulirSlowswiftNewanTyson Matrim Bloody Cauthon Delightful Leftinch. Epics Sorted by location: Astoria Deathgale Bloody Mary The Metal Winterspell Lightwrought Brightdeath The Adventurer Lockvault Black Jaguar Hellfire Banarang-Bamal War Smasher The Financier Hawkwing Metalmech Azrael Blackwave Bioterror Disruption Corvallis Rainmaker Euphoria Blossom Buttercup Bubbles Iconoclast Skinsaver Gunsmoke Malevolence Cornucopia Chase Converter Tonedeath Gasmask Resistor Sparkplug Icyhot Mannequin Broadcast Jumpdrive Argon Drainer Hypno Kenshin Princess GOOD Firefly Pyrotouch Stonefinger Blackthorn Bulletproof Decoy Dalles Scribbler Reader Arsenal Edgerunner Deathwish Redlight Glamour Taylor Swift Orange Crush Queen Elsa The Panda Impact MV Backtrack Quicksilver Busdriver Mistwraith Reflection Event Horizon Frequencty Sunspot Koschei Frostfire Paladin Guardian Ranger Shiny Sparkle Vapor Snake Portland Lightwards Lucentia Dr Funtimes Corpsemaker Nighthound Altermind Flashpoint Electro Quota Timeport Red Aldo Cricket Purple Phoenix Saccharine Sightline Panacea Strongsteel The Unicyclist Chimera Zip Refill Ray Voidgaze Neverthere C4 Stitch Wraith Toymaker Murphy Synthaesia Collaborate Kathy/Flamethrower Salem Soulcaster Mouldbreaker Outlaw Inhuman Lady Deathskull Meliability Bone Truthcharm Substance Hollowman Supermaximus Showstopper Savannah Brighthead Anaconda Think Tank Antithesis Vanillas *Epics and characters not done just yet, will do them later Edited August 23, 2015 by Blackhoof 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Voidus Posted August 19, 2015 Report Share Posted August 19, 2015 The Wiki:WHIO has it's own wiki, if anyone needs help with how to get started or needs admin privilege for something just shoot me a PM and I'll help out as best I can.Needs to be added:Characters: Still quite a few characters that don't have a page yet.City pages: Some of the cities could use a page giving a brief run down of their plots and main characters.Factions: Major faction pages are pretty seriously lacking.The Map: I'm hoping there might be some links between the Wiki and the map Mestiv posted in the future to give players and readers a better idea of locations. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TwiLyghtSansSparkles she/her Posted November 26, 2015 Author Report Share Posted November 26, 2015 (edited) It has come to my attention that newcomers might find a glossary helpful. In the interest of not confusing new players (too much ) I present to you the Reckoners RPG Forum Dictionary. Reckoners RPG Forum Dictionary New terms added as needed Alan: Forum slang for PM. One day, while I was typing out a post on my phone, Apple decided what I really meant to say was "I'll send you an Alan" instead of "I'll send you a PM." It has remained to this day. Awesturbing: Something that is both awesome and disturbing, or awesomely disturbing. Murderlina: I still don't know how I got this, but it was another moment when my phone decided it knew better than I did. I think I was trying to say something about minds, but my phone decided I wanted to talk about a mysterious woman named Murderlina. She haunts the forum to this day….waiting. WHOOC: This abbreviation for "What Happened Outside Of Canon" has become slang for any post regarding something that probably can't or shouldn't happen in the RP proper, but that we would all like very much to see. Edited January 4, 2016 by TwiLyghtSansSparkles 8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TwiLyghtSansSparkles she/her Posted January 1, 2016 Author Report Share Posted January 1, 2016 (edited) The popularity of the And Then They Died List highlighted the need for a counterpart. A list of characters to root for, to hope they get their happy ending, even if they have to earn it. So, without further ado, may I present…. And Then They Lived Happily Ever After Revised as needed Criteria: To be placed on this list, a character must be the sort you root for and cheer on when things get awful. Kindness, friendliness, gentleness, and a sense of humor are a few but by no means the only qualities that can nominate a character for this list. If a character is likable, they're a contender. Members: Oregon chapter Ray MV* Baxter Game Voidgaze Big Al Sam Trattner Revolution Sunburst Jones Edgerunner Scribbler Commander Vondra Vapor Snake Flashpoint Ari Ray Angel *Not because we like her or anything. Edited April 27, 2016 by TwiLyghtSansSparkles 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Voidus Posted April 8, 2016 Report Share Posted April 8, 2016 The Oregon Spreadsheet! (Work in progress)Link to the spreadsheet where we write down various events, happenings and who needs to post. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Young Pyromancer he/him Posted August 29, 2018 Report Share Posted August 29, 2018 On 7/30/2015 at 1:57 AM, Mestiv said: THE MAP Here we have a map, created by players, depicting localisations of important places and events of the RP. The map will be continuously updated, as the stories move on. As we've established, authors don't have to treat the map too seriously, it was developed to simply help us avoid mistakes and misunderstandings. If you want to, you can demolish some buildings, build some others etc. After all the RP is taking place many years after Google provided us with this map Current list of cartographers: Mestiv, Mailiw73, Blaze1616, Comatose and mail-mi AND PYRO If you want to add something to the map or join as a cartographer feel free to contact one of us. Here is also a picture to help you visualize the size of the bubble surrounding Corvallis, as Google Maps don't provide a tool to draw circles. Reveal hidden contents I fixed your list. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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