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Storing Identity


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If a feruchemist were to store any attribute, let's just say health, while they were also dumping all of their Identity into another metalmind, would the gold metalmind become universal? Ie: any feruchemist could tap into it? Could be an interesting mechanic.

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I think people have postulated this before (at least I have heard references to it) but as far as I know Brandon hasn't commented on it. Unfortunately with much fewer feruchemists able to store multiple attributes, it might be awhile until we find out. But I agree, it definitely has interesting implications if it works.

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There's some suggestive info in the MAG on that but we don't have WoB on it yet. Would definitely have some interesting implications if they could, especially with a few of my slightly crazier ideas about copper compounding.

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There's some suggestive info in the MAG on that but we don't have WoB on it yet. Would definitely have some interesting implications if they could, especially with a few of my slightly crazier ideas about copper compounding.

The exact quote is "With proper manipulation, it might be theoretically possible to tap someone else’s metalminds..."

So... yeah, that's about all we know.

Edited by Phantom Monstrosity
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If this were the case, could it open up interesting possibilities with "Feruchemy for hire", essentially turning anyone into a compounder by buying the filled metalminds of the feruchemist?

It wouldn't make a compounder, because that implies a continuous process where the allomancer can burn the metalmind, and store some of this extra healing/whatever in a new metalmind. It would (mabye) mean that a gold misting could burn gold purchased from the feruchemist, getting healing abilities, with 10X the healing that the feruchemist put into the metalmind. However it wouldn't make an infinite loop the way compounding does, the feruchemist still needs to spend time sick, which a compounder would never have to do.

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On compounding that'd be of very limited use, since you can't store the charge again like a regular feruchemist you'd have to use all that you got from burning it, you'd recover incredibly quickly but not so good for longer fights because you'd run out.

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