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So last night I had a dream. And it was... interesting to say the least. But it inspired me to create this topic, and I didn't see anything else like it on the various forums. I would like to tell you about my aforementioned dream. Afterwards, I would like to hear any interpretations you may have of my dream or anyone else who chooses to share their dreams.  :P Okay, here goes. 

My dream begins by following a young brunette girl (whom I've never seen before this particular dream) around the age of four or five. She is walking through the woods behind my house, down a leaf-strewn path. (One that doesn't actually exist in reality.) Suddenly, a wrinkled old hag (also someone I've never seen before) appears on the trail before the girl. The old woman points to the girls left, off the path and into the woods before whispering eerily, "You've awakened them,". The girl looks to where the woman is pointing to see three tree stumps in a clearing. Green shoots are visibly growing out of the dead trunks, and nestled in the shoots of each trunk are a newborn baby boy. None of the babies cry. They all have deep green eyes, and the baby in the center of the trio has silver hair. The three infants stare at the girl unblinkingly, until she flees back to my house. 
The dream now begins to follow me as I step outside my home and into my backyard. (It has only been a few seconds since the little girl returned to my house.) I wait for a moment, then an eighteen (don't ask how I know how old the kid is, just some of that weird dream knowledge) year old boy (who, once again, I have no idea who he is... this actually happens to me in dreams a lot more than you would imagine  :blink: ) walks up beside me. He nods, and the we casually stroll over to my garage. We step inside, and when we step back out into the morning light, we each are brandishing a large battle axe. We then go to my back yard and wait for our enemies to arrive. (Again, don't ask how we knew they were coming, more inexplicable dream knowledge.) They quickly show up, the same three creatures that the little girl saw in the woods. The three of them have all some how grown impossibly fast, the silver haired leader (lets call him Quicksilver, just to be funny  :P ) now appears to be in his mid-fifties, while his two cronies appear to be in their mid-twenties. All three of them are well muscled and wear black suits and ties. The two minions are identical in every way, right down to their forest green eyes. In fact, the only thing separating them from Quicksilver is his obvious age and grey hair. 
Quicksilver sends his two lackeys in to battle us. The two attackers our inhumanly strong, and dastardly hard to kill. But my comrade and I stand firm, and after a handful of minutes of fighting (of which I now remember next to nothing of) we are victorious over our foes. Quicksilver snarls in fury and leaps forward to join the fray. My nameless partner and I soon find out that unlike his two minions, Quicksilver can also generate illusions. I attack Quicksilver only to find that I have my axe buried in my dead companion's body. (Oops...  :unsure: ) Enraged, I bound over to my adversary. I grab him, then push him into the wall of my home, somehow phasing him into the material itself. (Apparently I also have superhuman abilities?) His head and upper body protrude from the wall, and I kindly axe him in the face. I grab him by the shoulder, then fling him onto the ground before my feet and swing my axe down onto him once more. I drop my axe and say, "I hate fighting illusionists," (because obviously I do that all the time haha  :D ) before walking away. 
Alright. Your turn! What weird/memorable dreams have you had?

Edited by The Crooked Warden
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I have a great many interesting dreams.  Sadly, I don't often remember much more than, "ooh, that was cool," before they fade out, but a few have stuck with me.


Like the Attack of the Zombie Kittens.  I distinctly remember driving madly through a city that was an amalgamation of several that I've lived in whist tiny undead kittens clung to the outside of the car crying, "mmmrrraaaains!"  It was so absurd that I actually woke myself up from giggling.


Cutest. Apocalypse. Ever.

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One of the weirdest dreams I have ever had happened a few years ago.

It started off with me standing in a long, narrow hallway which had no apparent end. It was very bright, yet the lights flickered annoyingly.I was alone.

After taking a few steps forward, I noticed chairs lining both sides of the hallway. On each chair sat a person, starting forward into nothingness. Even the people that I stood in front of took no notice of me. Maybe it was because they were daydreaming, or enjoying the comfort of their cushioned chairs. Or maybe it was because they were getting haircuts by miniature people that crawled on top of them.I know, weird.

Each of these miniature people were about 1 foot tall, and crawled on top of the person in the chair.

All of a sudden, I became terrified that they would notice me, and I would have to get a haircut by these small people. I'm still not sure why they didn't notice me immediately, but I guess they were pretty engrossed in their work. But I could not go unnoticed for long, and I was noticed. Suddenly, four of the haircutters started to run at me. I didn't run, so they very quickly reached me. "Come... follow us," they all said in squeaky voices, trying to lead me to the one empty chair in the hallway. But they didn't stop there, they kept repeating those three words over and over in a sort of terrifying chant.

And then I woke. It still disappoints me that I never got the chance to finish that dream.

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Most of my recent ones have been of failing my final year classes or my thesis turning out really bad. Or getting killed by darkspawn, zombies, all sorts of things. Apparently, I don't just die a lot in Sanderson Elimination, Assassin's Creed or Skyrim--I die a lot in my dreams too :P
I had this one which was a weird mashup of the Dresden Files and Stand Still Stay Silent (excellent webcomic, IMO.) I just remember there were people going into a building and that building was shrouded in darkness and it was eating people. So in the dream, the natural thing to do was, to pick up a Sword of the Cross and enter the building and to do battle with the things in there. (Add no sense of self-preservation or common sense to the list.)
I do remember standard horror stuff: walls bleeding, faces of people I knew buried in the walls somehow. And the enemy, whatever it was, was lurking in the darkness. I drew that sword and fought, but wasn't really fast enough to cut it, even though it hated that Sword. It was this huge mass of rotting pus-ridden flesh and misshapen teeth and for some reason, I knew it'd once been a person. And I woke up just as it tore out my throat. >>

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One of the weirdest dreams I have ever had happened a few years ago.

It started off with me standing in a long, narrow hallway which had no apparent end. It was very bright, yet the lights flickered annoyingly.I was alone.

After taking a few steps forward, I noticed chairs lining both sides of the hallway. On each chair sat a person, starting forward into nothingness. Even the people that I stood in front of took no notice of me. Maybe it was because they were daydreaming, or enjoying the comfort of their cushioned chairs. Or maybe it was because they were getting haircuts by miniature people that crawled on top of them.I know, weird.

Each of these miniature people were about 1 foot tall, and crawled on top of the person in the chair.

All of a sudden, I became terrified that they would notice me, and I would have to get a haircut by these small people. I'm still not sure why they didn't notice me immediately, but I guess they were pretty engrossed in their work. But I could not go unnoticed for long, and I was noticed. Suddenly, four of the haircutters started to run at me. I didn't run, so they very quickly reached me. "Come... follow us," they all said in squeaky voices, trying to lead me to the one empty chair in the hallway. But they didn't stop there, they kept repeating those three words over and over in a sort of terrifying chant.

And then I woke. It still disappoints me that I never got the chance to finish that dream.



Actually, I too am a little disappointed. I would love to find out how it ends! 


I have a great many interesting dreams.  Sadly, I don't often remember much more than, "ooh, that was cool," before they fade out, but a few have stuck with me.


Like the Attack of the Zombie Kittens.  I distinctly remember driving madly through a city that was an amalgamation of several that I've lived in whist tiny undead kittens clung to the outside of the car crying, "mmmrrraaaains!"  It was so absurd that I actually woke myself up from giggling.


Cutest. Apocalypse. Ever.


Someone needs to make a short story out of this! Or a mini-series or something.

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I had a dream two nights ago, where I was a Windrunner, and I lashed my friends (People from real life) to fences and trees while eating sticks. Too much Words of Radiance before bed? You bet.  B)

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So last night I had a dream. And it was... interesting to say the least. But it inspired me to create this topic, and I didn't see anything else like it on the various forums. I would like to tell you about my aforementioned dream. Afterwards, I would like to hear any interpretations you may have of my dream or anyone else who chooses to share their dreams.  :P Okay, here goes. 


My dream begins by following a young brunette girl (whom I've never seen before this particular dream) around the age of four or five. She is walking through the woods behind my house, down a leaf-strewn path. (One that doesn't actually exist in reality.) Suddenly, a wrinkled old hag (also someone I've never seen before) appears on the trail before the girl. The old woman points to the girls left, off the path and into the woods before whispering eerily, "You've awakened them,". The girl looks to where the woman is pointing to see three tree stumps in a clearing. Green shoots are visibly growing out of the dead trunks, and nestled in the shoots of each trunk are a newborn baby boy. None of the babies cry. They all have deep green eyes, and the baby in the center of the trio has silver hair. The three infants stare at the girl unblinkingly, until she flees back to my house. 


The dream now begins to follow me as I step outside my home and into my backyard. (It has only been a few seconds since the little girl returned to my house.) I wait for a moment, then an eighteen (don't ask how I know how old the kid is, just some of that weird dream knowledge) year old boy (who, once again, I have no idea who he is... this actually happens to me in dreams a lot more than you would imagine  :blink: ) walks up beside me. He nods, and the we casually stroll over to my garage. We step inside, and when we step back out into the morning light, we each are brandishing a large battle axe. We then go to my back yard and wait for our enemies to arrive. (Again, don't ask how we knew they were coming, more inexplicable dream knowledge.) They quickly show up, the same three creatures that the little girl saw in the woods. The three of them have all some how grown impossibly fast, the silver haired leader (lets call him Quicksilver, just to be funny  :P ) now appears to be in his mid-fifties, while his two cronies appear to be in their mid-twenties. All three of them are well muscled and wear black suits and ties. The two minions are identical in every way, right down to their forest green eyes. In fact, the only thing separating them from Quicksilver is his obvious age and grey hair. 


Quicksilver sends his two lackeys in to battle us. The two attackers our inhumanly strong, and dastardly hard to kill. But my comrade and I stand firm, and after a handful of minutes of fighting (of which I now remember next to nothing of) we are victorious over our foes. Quicksilver snarls in fury and leaps forward to join the fray. My nameless partner and I soon find out that unlike his two minions, Quicksilver can also generate illusions. I attack Quicksilver only to find that I have my axe buried in my dead companion's body. (Oops...  :unsure: ) Enraged, I bound over to my adversary. I grab him, then push him into the wall of my home, somehow phasing him into the material itself. (Apparently I also have superhuman abilities?) His head and upper body protrude from the wall, and I kindly axe him in the face. I grab him by the shoulder, then fling him onto the ground before my feet and swing my axe down onto him once more. I drop my axe and say, "I hate fighting illusionists," (because obviously I do that all the time haha  :D ) before walking away. 


Alright. Your turn! What weird/memorable dreams have you had?

A little too much Reckoners before bed?  :D

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I've had a few odd dreams here and there, and the odd recurring one. Most I can't remember. 

There is one, however, that takes the cake for outright weirdest dream that I have ever dreamed.


A while ago, maybe a month? I don't actually remember when, but anyways. I had a dream where I was stuck on the second floor of a building (that vaguely resembled a local college, but I don't remember details) because somebody had flooded the entire first floor.


With skittles. 


I kid you not. I dreamed that I could not leave a building because there were skittles up to the ceiling of the first floor.


Also, there may or may not have been some Sanderson characters and/or Sharders there, too.


I think I should see a shrink now.

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I play Destiny so much that I usually have a dream I'm in the game once a week. Sometimes it's scary where it's RL pvp battles to kill or be killed and in those my guns never want to fire right. I pull trigger but it doesn't fire on time and when it finally does it's all in slow motion while everything else is normal.

The cool dreams are when I know I'm playing the game and am in it. I've had quite a few Destiny/Star Wars hybrid dreams where I have the guns and light saber/The Force. Those are the best.

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I had a pretty strange dream a few months ago, that coincidentally was one of the things that lead my girlfriend to start liking me after I told her.


To start, my extended family and I were all hiking up some tall red-rock structure. I was older, about marrying age, and so was everyone else. We all hiked up this rock, and to get down you had to slide down some sand slide, but it was very narrow and there were chasms on either side (don't ask me how a sand structure stood up for that long with chasms on either side--dream physics!), but each of the family made it. And then my cousin, who is my age, had her baby. It was a healthy little baby boy--that she'd been pregnant with for 18 days total. And it could also create giant magical fissures in the Earth.


And then the dream shifted to a completely different thing. I lived in an indoor city (the ceiling was up very high and painted to look like the sky) and the main mode of transportation was Spiderman-slinging from wires that hung from places in the ceiling. I happened to be chasing my wife while she was going to work. That wife happened to be my current girlfriend, but that was when I still had a crush on another person. I guess my subconscious was trying to tell me something. :P 


And then the scene shifted once again. I don't remember anything about this last part, except my aunt was using her daughter's magic fissure-making baby to take over the Catholic Church  :blink:


It was very odd. 

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My two most memorable dreams are:

1. The devil chasing me through a city made entirely of sandbags. This was a one-time dream, years and years ago, but I still remember the terror.

2. I have a recurring dream where I can fly. I just stand anywhere, and if I lean down with just right momentum and angle...right as my head and chest are about to hit the ground, they catch an air draft and lift up. The rest of my body follows, and I continue to follow the air drafts , soaring higher and higher. I almost never leave the confines of my front yard while having this dream.

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No, and I'm having a hard time describing it. But I've had the dream so many times that I sometimes find myself accepting it in reality. Even now, I can feel the motion of flying instinctively.

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No, and I'm having a hard time describing it. But I've had the dream so many times that I sometimes find myself accepting it in reality. Even now, I can feel the motion of flying instinctively.

I am genuinely jealous right now.

I wish I knew what it felt like to fly.

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I had a dream two nights ago, where I was a Windrunner, and I lashed my friends (People from real life) to fences and trees while eating sticks. Too much Words of Radiance before bed? You bet.  B)

Heh, my WoR influenced dreams involved my cat running around in Shardplate.

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Its funny, I just Finished The alloy of law and last night, I dreamed that I was lost in the country because my train had gone to a wrong direction. I met a very nice young woman who helped my find my way again and she gave me her business card so that we can keep in touch. When I look at it after she left me, I noticed that she was camed Glen Mistrevels.


("you know you are a Sanderfan when ... :P " )

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There was a period of time where most of my dreams seemed to involve me being on the run, a fugitive from justice.  :ph34r:


They were often a continuation of the same story, too, which was kinda fun. In the last one I can remember, I escaped from the prison van and fled into a desert wasteland dotted with massive, dust-covered versions of my childhood toys. I was eventually corned by the cops in a ghost town built entirely of huge, faded Lego bricks...

Edited by Lindel
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There was a period of time where most of my dreams seemed to involve me being on the run, a fugitive from justice.  :ph34r:


They were often a continuation of the same story, too, which was kinda fun. In the last one I can remember, I escaped from the prison van and fled into a desert wasteland dotted with massive, dust-covered versions of my childhood toys. I was eventually corned by the cops in a ghost town built entirely of huge, faded Lego bricks...

Guilty conscious much?  :P


I kinda had a dream like that. I was being hunted by the C.I.A. and had to fight off half a dozen secret agents. I also jumped out of a four story building and landed on my feet perfectly fine. B) My ninja status is wayyyyy higher in my dreams.  :ph34r:

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Finally had a full-on Cosmere dream last night.


Unfortunately, all I remember is being on Scadrial and somebody making a reference to the moon.  Unnamed Scadrian #2 said, "Whoa, we're getting a moon?! When?"

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Soon after I got my first real job I had a vivid and disturbing nightmare. I was on the top floor of a large cement building that looked like a cross between a swimming centre and a school hall. Deciding it was time for lunch I went to the cafeteria, and as I was waiting in line a large queue formed behind me. I got to the front of the line and bought a pair of sausage rolls. The server wrapped them neatly in a bag, added tomato sauce, and then told me that rolls cost one hundred dollars.




I panicked. The price was clearly preposterous and paying it would easily empty my wallet. I wanted to return the sausage rolls and walk away, but there was an impatient line behind me and a glaring cashier up ahead. I was trapped.


So I paid. Two hundred dollars for a pair of sausage rolls. I fumbled around with notes and coins, struggling to find the cash, while the silent ire of my fellow customers made a burning itch on the back of my neck. My wallet felt dismally thin as I slid it back into my pocket. I trudged away from the cafetaria feeling confused and ashamed.


At least, I thought, I get to tuck into some delicious sausage rolls.


And then I woke up.



So ... yeah. I got overcharged for my meal and then woke up before I could eat it. It's far from a terrible ordeal in retrospect, but at the time it was very unsettling. That's the most recent of my dreams I can remember.





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I once had a dream that I stood in line at the grocery store--a crappy Safeway I remember from my childhood in small-town Wyoming. A radio played beside the cash register. An elderly woman spoke over the airwaves, misinterpreting End Times prophecy after End Times prophecy. I corrected her in my mind as the line inched forward, though admittedly most of those corrections were nothing more than We have no idea what that means, lady, and saying you know for sure the End Times started yesterday because you saw a minivan driven by a man in sunglasses is a bit presumptuous.

When my turn came, the woman's voice suddenly deepened. "And I know all of this, dearies," she concluded, "BECAUSE I AM SECRETLY OBLITERATION!"

"I knew it!" I cried as Granny Obliteration set fire to the studio. I paid for the whole frozen roast with yams I had selected, and left without incident.

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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