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Stormlight 2 Title


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Oh, factoid! "Moshe suggested Lightweaver as a title. It was thematically important (as a hint, one of the orders of the Knights Radiant was the Lightweavers) and hence appropriate."

EDIT: Brought in full context of factoid.

Edited by Kurkistan
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Lightweavers! Title announcement? My birthday must have come early. But yeah I'm still going to take Brandons advice and pretend it's called the book of endless pages. Highprince of war is still the running title for Dalinars isn't it?

EDIT: Also if Lightweavers are relevant to the plot and he wanted the title to reflect Shallan does that make it seem more likely to anyone else that her second Surge is Lightweaving?

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^Yes, but Brandon expects that to change.

EDIT: I doubt that "lightweaving" is a surge, no more than "windrunning" is a surge in and of itself. Recall that surges are fundamental forces. If it is Shallan, the second surge may well have to do with light, though.

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What's got me thinking is the relationship Hoid might have to that Order.

No way BS is that lazy or disconnected as to use the same name for seperate things. Same reason we saw the Dula language in WoK and knew it was no coincidence.

Now I'm wondering if Hoid shared some knowledge (or some other old-worlder) way back when. Or maybe a Herald or two came from Yolen? Need to think on this stuff for a while.

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I could get used to it. Is it an in-world book or has that concept been dropped? It was unclear in the article.

"Stones Unhallowed" is a pretty cool title for book 3, though. I hope it sticks. Jasnah is book 4, right?

What with all the disclaimers, I'm prepared for Dalinar to bite it in book 4, only for his flashbacks serve as a epilogue in book 5.

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The Heralds were just Rosharans who vounteered to be part of the Oathpact. The Shareholders, themselves, are from Yolen. So is Hoid. That might be enough to explain shared terminology. Then again, Dragon steel isn't canon, Hood never mentioned lightweaving. There's nothing to explain.

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What's got me thinking is the relationship Hoid might have to that Order.

No way BS is that lazy or disconnected as to use the same name for seperate things. Same reason we saw the Dula language in WoK and knew it was no coincidence.

He's not lazy or disconnected enough to do it accidentally, but I don't think we can assume he wouldn't do it on purpose, especially since he must know the fans will be expecting them to be related. Certainly there are some interesting possibilities if what the people of Roshar call "Lightweavers" use the magic that the people of Yolen call "Lightweaving", but there are also some interesting possibilities if they don't. Either way promises interesting stuff.

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The Heralds were just Rosharans who vounteered to be part of the Oathpact.

Were they? Are you sure about that? They could theoretically have been noble worldhoppers who tried to help Honor out.

The Shareholders, themselves, are from Yolen. So is Hoid. That might be enough to explain shared terminology. Then again, Dragon steel isn't canon, Hood never mentioned lightweaving. There's nothing to explain.

Brandon has mentioned lightweaving is shared between two worlds and showed up in WoK; it was almost certainly Hoid doing it.

EDIT: Also, new acronym! Now we have WoK and WoR.

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Boom, main page article:

I included that info about Lightweaving being shared between Roshar and Yolen, but looks like Kurk beat me to it mentioning it here ;)

Lightweaving is an illusion magic, by the way. If Moshe suggested that title for Shallan's book, do you think that means Shallan is a Lightweaver? Seems kind of odd for that to include Soulcasting, though.

I personally think the title is awesome.

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We still don't know that Shallan's Soulcasting is related to the KR like Jasnah's (presumably) is. Lightweaving seems linked to the KR, which requires a character journey Shallan hasn't really been on. Maybe she gets one power from Cultivation and one from Honor.

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Found this in the comments, had me rolling:

Brandon: You guys are voting for Knights Radiant. It seems too on the nose for me, is the thing. Like naming Pat’s (Rothfuss) new book “Kvothe has sex” or something like that, you know? Yes, it’s what the book’s about, but it’s very on the nose – it’s exactly what the book’s about. Does that make sense? That’s why it bothers me, but that’s why all the marketing people are like “Yeah, that’s what it’s about! Let’s make it!”
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He's not lazy or disconnected enough to do it accidentally, but I don't think we can assume he wouldn't do it on purpose, especially since he must know the fans will be expecting them to be related. Certainly there are some interesting possibilities if what the people of Roshar call "Lightweavers" use the magic that the people of Yolen call "Lightweaving", but there are also some interesting possibilities if they don't. Either way promises interesting stuff.

Ummm...maybe you missed the Galladon example, but yes, that's what I said. Or meant at least.

He puts easter eggs like that all over the place for us Sharders (or I like to assume it's for those of use obssessed with the cosmere).

And like Kurk said, normally I wouldn't draw the parallel because Dragonsteel is not canon, but Hoid almost certainly used it when telling Kal the story of Derethil.

What's tickling my brain is who brought the connection over with them. Could be any/either of the shards that came to Roshar, or Hoid, or maybe the Heralds...just trying to think of any connections that can be made right now.

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I would argue that Shallan's powers won't belong to the Lightweaver order for 2 reasons.

1. I hold that Shallan's 2 powers are Transformation, and her memory-type ability that she uses for drawing (though I'm sure there is more to it)

2. The name doesn't need to apply directly to whoever's flashback it is for the book. WoK's title did apply somewhat to Kaladin, but it definitely gives the impression that the book is more about Dalinar's storyline. I like this fact, as it gives each book more complexity and layers than focusing each book on one character.

As a side opinion, I think Dalinar will stay alive and well through book 5 (though he could die at the end). This is not because of his flashback, but because I think Brandon's comments are a bit of a red herring. I think it is likely someone may die before their flashback book, but I don't think it will be Dalinar.

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Well, I just wanted to connect this to information we already know. Brandon has said that Shallan is going to have three apprenticeships in the SA. First Jasnah, second a Herald and third Hoid. And the Liar of Partinel cheaters available suggest that Hoid can use lightweaving. Just saying ...

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On twitter, Brandon just stated that book 4 will probably be Eshonai's. I vaguely remember an earlier interview where he said it could be Navani's, so it seems like he has changed his mind. Still, interesting to know.

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I have a vague memory of Brandon hinting Shallan's book might be called "The Shattered Plains" a long time ago. I'm glad he decided to drop that since it sounds like a natural history book or something - not inappropriate for Shallan, just a bit dull.

Shame we might lose "Highprince of War" - that's pretty cool name.

Either way, best news was that the book might be out late this year!

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On twitter, Brandon just stated that book 4 will probably be Eshonai's. I vaguely remember an earlier interview where he said it could be Navani's, so it seems like he has changed his mind. Still, interesting to know.

1) Thanks.


:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: (:P)


Rachel M. Reams ‏@sunraven01

So, I have to wait until book three to get Szeth's book? Thanks, @BrandSanderson #dyingherefromanticipation


@sunraven01 Yes, Szeth is 3. Eshonai (she is the Parshendi Shardbearer) is probably 4. Dalinar rounds out the first five.


3) Welcome to the Forums! With this high of an Admin population in this thread, you'll be spiked get a cookie in no time!

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