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Sanderson related puns.

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I Awakened to this thread, how dull.

I laughed so hard I hurt my Kholin.

Oresure ya wanna start these kind of puns?

You're making puns? You must be Trell-ing us.

This Heralds the start of something terrible.

I feel obligator-ed to stop writing puns soon.

I'll be crossing a Bridge Four my drive to school today.

Kwann I stop making these?

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Please do James, or you'll Ruin all of the books for us. And what about those who come here as Seekers of Brandons good books? What are they going to think of our Cultivation of his image? We should Honor his books and show them some Devotion, instead of making such lame jokes.

But anyway it's early here so maybe I'm not thinking straight, ah well gotta rise, you know 'up and Ati-um'.

Edited by Voidus
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Oh Voidbringer, we don't want to be Seon that! Why can't you just have a Dawn-Shard instead so we don't have to hear about it? But seriously guys, can we really a Fjordell these puns? We might scare some potential 17th Sharders off, we might psychologically Skaa them with all these.

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Alas, I am not as in-Tresting, as any of you, and cannot Breeze my way through these puns. I could possibly Sel my soul to Shai'tan in exchange for pun-making skills, but I would easily be exposed as a Forger. Thus I will simply Marsh away from this thread.

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You're all Pulling me into this. When I see such good puns, I just feel Commanded to follow Suit. It's like my sense of humor is Heightening'ed. But, really, you're all Miles better than me at this. I'd Steel them from you, if I didn't fear the consequences. I'd imagine that Clubs would be involved, and that you'd make me see all sorts of Colors. Not that I get all the jokes, of course: some just slider right by me, and others I'm just re-pulser-ed by.

... okay, I think my interest in this had Wayned now. Good, thing, too: I've been laughing so hard that I'm out of Breath.

EDIT: Oh, I suppose I should confess: Eye-spiked the punch.

Edited by Thought
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I have to Ash the question. With all the mists how do they know when the moon will Wax or Wayne?

Now which button do I push to submit this post? Ah, that's right! The Dark One!

EDIT: Wait I forgot! Brandon Sazed Scadrial has no moon! I must be going inZane. Now I'm Terrisfied!!!

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Wow, well that's quite the list of puns but if we don't slow down we might have some Rioters, let's just all chull for a while and Soothe any pun related tensions in the words of Bart Simpson 'don't have a cow' guys. Mostly because I have a fear of cattle, I am seriously afraid of Dem-oux. But 17th Sharders are all awesome so I'll let it Slider.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been reviewing these puns and I hate to be the one that needs to shed LIGHTS on the subject, but some of these puns are off COLORS. One was so bad it almost turned my computer to RUST, AND RUINed my screen. There was SHATTERING GLASS all over my keyboard. You may think you can sneek one BY THE FORGOTTEN GODS, but one of these NIGHTS it will catch up to you. Just had to get that off my chest; Don't want to start a FLAMING STORM, YOU know.

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