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A Warm Welcome to.... ME!

Maple Duke

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Hey I'm here! I've currently read the mistborn series and the two stormlight archive books and can't wait to read more!  :D (I hope my library HAS more)


I think I'll go with Elantrilous (or however you spell it [plz don't correct I know it's wrong])


I read for a living so I'm super hyped that Sanderson is as good a author as he is.


btw Lopen is every friend I've ever had and is therefore the greatest.



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  • 7 months later...

I decided to look back at my first post... *face-palm!*


I'm not even quite sure what all that is supposed to mean... :unsure:


I think I'll try again, *ahem* Hello 17th Shard! I'm Maple Duke, I live in Northern Michigan where there is nothing to do but read or shiver in the cold. naturally I prefer reading. I'm currently in high school so I manage to get away with it even if I'm supposed to be doing other things... :ph34r:


I'm hoping to go to U of M to become a aerospace engineer, so hopefully I'll be able to find some extra time to read when Stormlight 3 finally comes out.


Hopefully that is a bit of an improvement over my first impression and hopefully no one will judge me for that too much...

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BTW the cookies are hemalurgically spiked. Take one if you want to but beware of metal railroad spikes as they can cause indigestion and mild death. Also BTW, I so much approve of your future career. I plan on becoming a Test Pilot and have gone to many an aerospace course.

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BTW the cookies are hemalurgically spiked. Take one if you want to but beware of metal railroad spikes as they can cause indigestion and mild death. Also BTW, I so much approve of your future career. I plan on becoming a Test Pilot and have gone to many an aerospace course.

Would you like to join the Light? The only requirement is to tell an uninformed Sharder about Hemalurgic cookies. I'm even opening up membership to members of the Dark Alley, as long as they always tell prospective victi-I mean subjects about what is in their cookies in the same post as their offer.

Edited by Stormgate
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Would you like to join the Light? The only requirement is to tell an uninformed Sharder about Hemalurgic cookies. I'm even opening up membership to members of the Dark Alley, as long as they always tell prospective victi-I mean subjects about what is in their cookies.

We all do that, admittedly sometimes after they've eaten it but hey, informed is informed. It's not our fault that other people perceive time linearly.

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I edited my post. No more loopholes in that part.

Most of us have links to the Dark Alley in title or signature, the Dark Alley disclaimer clearly outlines potential loss of soul, life or humanity.

We have a legal team that is most adept at finding loopholes :P

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therefore the document should say that all interpretations of any kind can only be confirmed by the writer in an Alley of Law. all other interpretations and/or loopholes can be challenged by the mighty Blades of the Knightbloods and company.

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Yeah...you also can't edit the post offering a cookie to say that it's a spike after the Sharder has accepted it.

That's the only loophole I can think of. And do you really expect new members to pay attention to the signatures? They probably don't even know what the Dark Alley is, or why they have Hemalurgic scientists as well as bakers.

Edited by Stormgate
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