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It was pretty alarming, mostly because my building's fire alarm is this horrific doom-siren that blares at me from a loudspeaker right behind my head, followed by an automated voice telling me there's an emergency in the building and to proceed to the nearest stairway, all while strobe lights attempt to blind everyone exiting. I could hardly even smell any smoke as I exited, and I had to go down from the top of the building, so you'd think it would have had time to build up by the time I reached the stairwell on that floor. Apparently the smoke ended up going up to the 3rd floor, though. Most of that hour we spent outside was actually the fire department clearing the building of all the smoke, I think; from what the Housing department is telling us, the fire itself seems to have been put out pretty quickly.

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It was pretty alarming, mostly because my building's fire alarm is this horrific doom-siren that blares at me from a loudspeaker right behind my head,

Wow, that seems even more frightening than the idea of the fire itself >_<

I'm glad you're okay, KChan.

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While on the topic of fires, the scent of burning Minnesota has infected my room, and is now preceding to sting my eyes. pleasant.

EDIT: I can also see the smoke, even after being diluted by about 350 miles.

Edited by Emeralis00
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@KChan: Thanks, toes are especially annoying since you can't really do much when you injure them, except tape them together or wear a flat, hard-soled shoe. XD

Also, the pain has receded somewhat, so I have concluded that only one of my toes is actually injured, and that toe is either really bruised or fractured, since it's not swollen too much but it hurts like crazy. It's good news, after all! :D

Wow, what's up with Minnesota? O.o

I've never been to Idaho, but I heard it's nice, and if it's home, even better. :D

Edited by Darth Squirrely
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There is a big fire in Minnesota. It burned through about 16 miles of forest and, do to wind currents, the smoke made it all the way down to Milwaukee, in some places in Northern WI ash was falling.

Also, the smoke went to Chicago but no one cares here :P


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