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Mare and Kelsier Question


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I apologize if this has already been discussed, I looked around and couldn't find it. Anyway I have a couple of questions about Mare and Kelsier. First, why was Mare even sent to the Pits? I thought the use of allomancy around the atium geodes destroyed them. TLR knew Mare was an allomancer, so why would he chance sending her to the Pits? Second, how did Kelsier go through life never snapping until he's at the Pits? Kelsier and Marsh were raised noble, and Elend said the nobility had their children beaten. Even if they were illegitimate I would think their father would have had them beaten. Just a thought.

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I think that Mare would have needed some source of metal to burn, since without it any Misting wouldn't be able to do anything.

As for why Kelsier didn't snap, I remember reading somewhere that the more powerful you were, the more strongly you ahd to be pained/stressed/beat/etc

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I think they were discovered before the beating. marsh also hadn't snapped yet at the time - he snapped when they killed his mother - and I find unlikely that both of them went through the beating without snapping. After that they were on the road, and kelsier was good enough that he never came in a snapping situation. until the pits.

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I apologize if this has already been discussed, I looked around and couldn't find it. Anyway I have a couple of questions about Mare and Kelsier. First, why was Mare even sent to the Pits? I thought the use of allomancy around the atium geodes destroyed them. TLR knew Mare was an allomancer, so why would he chance sending her to the Pits?

He didn't risk anything. He held her for several days, until more than enough time had gone by for any metals to pass through her digestive system. Same thing Yomen did to Vin, basically.

As for the second question, Brandon mentions in the Mistborn Adventure Game how it's rumoured that the stronger your Allomantic potential, the stronger the trauma needs to be to Snap you. Marsh was closer to their mother, and he turned out to be the most skilled Seeker we saw. Kelsier, a powerful Mistborn even compared to the 'pure' Nobility, was apparently betrayed by his wife, thrown into an oubliette/mine combo, and then forced to watch his treacherous wife get beaten to death for saving his life. Of course that's the moment he Snapped. The only way that moment could have been more traumatic would be for the Lord Ruler to have simultaneously kicked Kelsier's puppy off a bridge while singing The Song That Never Ends off-key in the rain, completely nude with a Henry Winkler tattoo on his butt.

...Okay, so it could have been a lot worse, but it was still pretty bad.

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There could also be something to Demoux's theory that Kelsier should have Snapped prior to the Pits, and something helped him along. It's interesting to note that Kelsier Snapped while basically surrounded by the power of Ruin.

Also why Mare got sent to the Pits is a really good question. Apparently there was enough metal where the skaa could get at it that Kelsier was able to break out. Tin is a pretty useful metal in this time period. Since Mare couldn't burn aluminum, there was no way to dose her to wipe out her reserves. Hrm... I'm going to go with unintended plot hole, unless we get some information to contrary, like the Lord Ruler specifically made sure no Allomantic metals were used in the Pits.

EDIT: Which still raises the question of how Kelsier got out.

Edited by Vortaan
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Ignoring the "wait a couple of bowel movements" explanation, there's always Chromium. Sazed thought they had underestimated just how much TLR knew.

The simplest explanation for how Kelsier got metal and got out of the Pits is because there was actually a lot of Allomantic metal where skaa could get to it. Atium. How he knew, on the other hand... Trace metals are a reasonable possibility, but one I think Rashek would have foreseen. There's always spite: Kelsier swallowing the atium just to try to get himself killed by the guards seems pretty in character for the instant between foppish gentleman thief and messianic deicidal hero. Then he kills two non-Allomancer guards with a few seconds of Atium and run like God himself is on his heels (which isn't far wrong).

Edited by Eric
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Ignoring the "wait a couple of bowel movements" explanation, there's always Chromium. Sazed thought they had underestimated just how much TLR knew.

The simplest explanation for how Kelsier got metal and got out of the Pits is because there was actually a lot of Allomantic metal where skaa could get to it. Atium. How he knew, on the other hand... Trace metals are a reasonable possibility, but one I think Rashek would have foreseen. There's always spite: Kelsier swallowing the atium just to try to get himself killed by the guards seems pretty in character for the instant between foppish gentleman thief and messianic deicidal hero. Then he kills two non-Allomancer guards with a few seconds of Atium and run like God himself is on his heels (which isn't far wrong).

Did not consider the atium angle. He mentions having seen iron or steel lines, though, on his return to the Pits. Combined with the fact that Elend mentions that after Kelsier's escape, House Venture was having trouble meeting their quotas and I feel like he must have used a LOT of Allomancy, and probably steel/iron as well as atium and pewter.

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He didn't know about Atium mistings. After finding he could burn Atium, he would have assumed (correctly but on biased criteria) that he was a mistborn. Running out of Atium quickly, he would have gone to any source of metal he could get. Pewter dishware and steel weapons from the guards being the most likely to have on hand explains pretty much everything, I think.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I assumed he managed to locate and conceal allomantic metals. It could be that sending Tin mistings to the pits is safe because they only use tin in alloys, namely pewter and bronze. Also, I assume there are mistings in the guard force, whom Kelsier could have killed and looted. As for how he knew, that is an open question. Clearly it can't be obvious to people that they've snapped, or hiding the existence of six metals and half the misting types would have been kind of difficult.

Edited by name_here
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  • 2 weeks later...

I assumed he managed to locate and conceal allomantic metals. It could be that sending Tin mistings to the pits is safe because they only use tin in alloys, namely pewter and bronze. Also, I assume there are mistings in the guard force, whom Kelsier could have killed and looted. As for how he knew, that is an open question. Clearly it can't be obvious to people that they've snapped, or hiding the existence of six metals and half the misting types would have been kind of difficult.

There are no mistings anywhere near the Pits, so that is out.

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