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why is alloy of law titled so?

king of nowhere

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A question that just came to me. the title of all other books of sanderson are pretty straightforward and are derived from something important in the plot - even if in warbreaker's case it is not known until the last page what a "warbreaker" is. Now that I think about it, also towers of midnight is not referred to anything in the book - said towers should be in seanchan as far as i remember, and are never involved directly in the plot - but that is from the wheel of time so I'm not counting it. the thing is that in every book sanderson wrote on his own plot he gave a tutile that referred directly from something important in the book.

But not alloy of law. there is no mention of an alloy of law into the book. the closer thing is wax mentioning how people are similar to alloys, how a tiny bit of something else may make for a totally different person, and that referring to miles and the way he changed from the lawkeeper he was. but I don't think the title refers to that. Or maybe the "alloy" are wax and wayne, but it seems far-fethced as an interpretation. So, why such a choice of a title?

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A question that just came to me. the title of all other books of sanderson are pretty straightforward and are derived from something important in the plot - even if in warbreaker's case it is not known until the last page what a "warbreaker" is. Now that I think about it, also towers of midnight is not referred to anything in the book - said towers should be in seanchan as far as i remember, and are never involved directly in the plot - but that is from the wheel of time so I'm not counting it. the thing is that in every book sanderson wrote on his own plot he gave a tutile that referred directly from something important in the book.

But not alloy of law. there is no mention of an alloy of law into the book. the closer thing is wax mentioning how people are similar to alloys, how a tiny bit of something else may make for a totally different person, and that referring to miles and the way he changed from the lawkeeper he was. but I don't think the title refers to that. Or maybe the "alloy" are wax and wayne, but it seems far-fethced as an interpretation. So, why such a choice of a title?

I think that it's name refers to the fact that the 'law'-- more specifically its enforcers-- become an alloy of rough lawmen and actual police.

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It's a direct reference to Miles' philosophy. He mentions that his law was an alloy of the roughs and the city laws. Likewise, Shadows of Self, the sequel, seems ot refer to him and other Augers as well.

Did brandon said that he would make that sequel? Because I missed the announcement. I always check the news on the website, but as far as I know he's planning the modern era mistborn trilogy and AoL was a spinoff, one that may have sequels but for which there were no real plans yet. If he already has a title, he must have also an accurate enough plot already. Can someone link some post of sanderson where he refers directly to that "shadows of self"?


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Did brandon said that he would make that sequel? Because I missed the announcement. I always check the news on the website, but as far as I know he's planning the modern era mistborn trilogy and AoL was a spinoff, one that may have sequels but for which there were no real plans yet. If he already has a title, he must have also an accurate enough plot already. Can someone link some post of sanderson where he refers directly to that "shadows of self"?



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It's definitely meant to be symbolic rather than a literal title. They mention alloys throughout the book specifically as a symbol for things that aren't always black or white and certain but some blend of the two. I at least interpret it as saying that the law isn't as uniform as it would seem.

Plus, only metals and metaloids can form alloys,and mistborn is all about metals, so the title fits.

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