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Brandon's Avenger Character List (spoilers all books - WoT included)


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In a follow up to I thought it would be fun to do an avenger's list with only Brandon's Characters (including Wheel of Time). I moved this to a spoiler forum, since some of the descriptions have them.

Captian America => Raoden: Natural leader that fights for freedom and democracy for everyone!

Hawkeye => Brigette Silverbow: Renowned archer and made a living shooting at a carnival for a while.

The Hulk => Vasher: Self loathing scientist that creates an invention which turns him into a killing machine.

Black Widow => Vin: Works in the shadows. Perfect female assassin character.

Iron Man => Dalinar (The Blackthorne). Rich badass with a metal suit that gives him special powers.

I could also see Kalidin as he is a genius who enjoys breaking the rules and can fly (If he ever puts on Shardplate - I'm unsure if Syl hates Shardplate as well)

Thor => Had a hard time here. Maybe Kelsier. Is a man with godlike powers, but spends his time protecting the weak.

Nick Fury => Mat Cauthon: Another bad-chull leader who only has one eye :)

Anyone, agree/disagree

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Silly topic. Wich naturally means I can´t stay away ;)

Vasher would be more suitable as Thor.

An awakened sword will do as a replacement for Mjolnir, and while he´s not as super-powerful himself awakened clothing will make up for that atleast partly;)

I´d consider Raoden for Iron man. Iron man is the multi-purpose tool, a whole lot of different gadgets. Aeon´s will do for that, can do most stuff. They being somewhat slow compared to other magic´s will in a way be simular as Iron man being a weakling without his armour.

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See, but just as important as the powers(Iron Man) is the personality (Tony Stark). I don't think Raoden could pull off being Tony Stark. He seems much more in line with Captain America to me. Even more than Kaladin. Well, Kaladin does have that whole soldier thing going on for him. So that's a toss up.

But I totally put Kelsier in as Iron Man. He fits very well personality wise in as Tony Stark.

Thor? Suseborn. He totally has the "Worshiped God who's still a good guy" vibe going for him.

I guess it depends what you're trying to do. Are you trying to put together the comic book Avengers? Or the movie Avengers? Or just make an awesome-fantastic team of mostly magical superheroes?

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Captain America - Kaladin, born leader whose past failures match up with the grief Cap feels for having lost everyone he knew.

Thor - Susebron, God-like power with a bit of innocent confusion.

Iron Man - Kelsier, self made man whose awesome powers were gained during his darkest moment. Plus he's dashing. I am jealous of his dashing-ness.

Hulk - Vasher, tormented genius with monstrous power.

Black Widow - Shai from TES... And I can't say more without spoiling things.

Hawkeye - Wax, professional ranged specialist.

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Ooh! My turn! Let's try one that's Cosmere only. And if you dorks thought you were going to get away with not mentioning Loki, you apparently don't understand the depths of my obsession.

Captain America - Elend Venture, obviously! Nice guy who tries his hardest but never really quite makes it, then all of a sudden he gets awesome superpowers and kicks butt.

Thor - Susebron. Yeah, I'm with y'all. God-like power with adorable naïveté and innocence.

Black Widow - Vin. For all the reasons stated above. Easily underestimated, dark-themed girl who can take you down and outsmart you at the same time. Assassins gotta stick together!

Hawkeye - Spook. As much as I like Wax, since he's a sharpshooter, Spook's got the eyes and the bonus of being brainwashed by the enemy and fighting for the wrong side for a while!

Hulk - Normal!Vasher as Bruce, Unsheathed Nightblood!Vasher as Hulk.

Iron Man - CRACK CHARACTER TIME! Wit manages to "borrow" Dalinar's armor. Taa-daa! Cosmere Iron Man!

Loki! - Zane. No arguments. (Okay maybe Denth too since he's actually got the "god" thing on his side, but no) Let's do a headcount here: Daddy issues? Check. Self-loathing? Check. Tall, Dark, and Handsome (Shut up I'm a fangirl and I love Hiddles' face)? Check. Blonde-haired brother that everyone likes better? Check. Aforementioned brother making for inferiority complexes and angst? Check. Awesome hate-flirting with Black Widow(Vin)? Check.

We're done here. Feather OUT.

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I like Shai as Black Widow better than Vin, myself. She's better at reading and manipulating people (and also spoilery reasons).

Speaking of spoilers though, the original post has a bit of a Towers of Midnight spoiler you might want to warn for.

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