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Byu Cosmere Club

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Okay, so it's not really an official BYU club, but we're still meeting up! If you're in Utah Valley, and you want to be able to chat about Brandon Sanderson, we're going to start meeting up in person to talk about theories, favorite parts, favorite characters, and other things we love about Brandon. 


We may meet regularly, or possibly not. We'll see how many people show up and what they want to do. 


Anyways, we're meeting Tuesday, April 7th at the JFSB (Joseph Fielding Smith Building) main floor at BYU in Provo.


There will be pizza! There will be soda! It should be pretty fun. 


Feel free to bring some friends, and let me know if you're coming so I can get enough food. And it would also be great if you could bring a dollar or two to help out with the funds. But if you don't, don't worry about it. 



(And yes, it's for reals.)


EDIT- Here's a map of BYU for those who don't know where the JFSB is: http://map.byu.edu/

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Depending on what time it's at, I might be able to come. Not sure how long I'll be able to stay, but I should be able to make it for a bit. Might even get one of my friends to come with me--she was just saying yesterday that we need to do a meet-up with other Sharders. :P

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How'd it go? I'm in Utah Valley, but was out of town last week. I might be able to make it to future meetings though.

It was fun. A lot of fun. There were only 5 of us there the whole time, though I got Shardbearer to make a late appearance. It was a good start, and hopefully the turnout next time will be even better. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

For anyone who didn't come because Zach wasn't there, just know that we had Slab Pizza. And it was delicious (as Slab always is).

We should probably organize the next one more like we did the first: figure out how many people are coming and then bribe them with food. I will gladly provide the pizza next time. Or whatever. :)

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Could we possibly do it on Saturdays or Fridays? The past two times it has been exactly when I had other things (but I came anyways 'cause y'all are awesome). Also, I might be able to bring a cousin... 


Come on guys. We need more people at these. :) There'll be pizza.

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  • 2 weeks later...



So, we are now comfortably into May, are there any plans?


'Cause the two times we did it were pretty fun, and if we could get a good amount of people showing up, it would be even better.

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