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Minicon (Minneapolis) 04/02/15


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I plan on attending as well. I failed to pre-register, so I figured I'd head over Friday maybe and get tickets for the weekend.


Also, I noted that he's going to be at Red Balloon bookstore as well for a reading. Any plans on anyone going to that? I can probably go there and catch what it said, if need be.

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Just a little guy trying to be happy.

In more specific, it's a sketch I did a while back. He's holding up his own smile. I should probably get an avatar related to Sanderson's work, though.


Edit: No longer applies to my current profile pic.

Edited by mostlywhatnot
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Oops sorry... Somebody told me to put it here. Maybe a mod can move it.

Sorry mods/admins!


While you've committed an unforgivable offense, it is perhaps possible that your offering of WoBs is enough to earn forgiveness. ;)

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Those are some awesome answers indeed :D


Just an fyi, this sort of thing should go in the event thread in the Events and Signings forum. Anyway thanks for this, some interesting stuff here.


shall we just topic merge?

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Did anyone else notice the possible slip up?



Q:  Does Hoid have a Hemalurgically charged Nicrosil spike?
A:  It's... unlikely.  Hoid would not want to open himself to the influence of other Shards so using Hemalurgy on himself is unlikely.  Although Hemalurgy is the easiest way to get other powers, he'd more likely do things the hard way.



"Hoid would not want to open himself to the influence of other Shards..."


WoB confirms Hoid does not carry any Shards, but was Hoid Adonalsium?

Edited by Bort
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Did anyone else notice the possible slip up?




"Hoid would not want to open himself to the influence of other Shards..."


WoB confirms Hoid does not carry any Shards, but was Hoid Adonalsium?


We've known Hoid has never been a Shard already via WoB, if I am not mistaken. It is interesting that he notes other though, implying perhaps he's already influenced by one of them?

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Hey guys, good catch. I do not think what you're reading into is actually what Brandon meant. these are mostly from memory and hastily scratched notes so some of my own word choice is in there. I'll edit my original post to remove the "other" so we don't look too much into it.

Thanks for keeping me honest, and sorry for the confusion.

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Hey guys, good catch. I do not think what you're reading into is actually what Brandon meant. these are mostly from memory and hastily scratched notes so some of my own word choice is in there. I'll edit my original post to remove the "other" so we don't look too much into it.

Thanks for keeping me honest, and sorry for the confusion.


No worries! It's what we're here for. :)

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