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The books give us very little in the way of information on Allomantic Savants, but ever since first reading the second book years ago, i've been fascinated by the implications.

Does anyone know if Sanderson has given any hints about Savants other than tineyes?

Could a misting reach duralumin boosted levels with their allomancy? Could an Atium misting with a mountain of atium theoretically gain true future sight from atium as Elend did via duralumin





I was happy when Elend finally burned duralumin with atium. I was holding my breath hoping that someone would eventually do it. However we didn't really get any info as to what Elend experienced. Does a duralumin-enhanced atium burn allow a person to see significantly farther into the future? If so, being that Elend's army was dying all around him did he get to see into the afterlife? Also if you could tell us what he saw that would be awesome. Did something he saw make him not want to avoid Marshes strike?

On a similar note if someone burned electrum with duralumin would they get to see significantly into their own future?


There is much here that I can't say, but I'll give as much as I can. Elend saw Preservation's ultimate plan, and Elend's own part in it. What he saw made him realize he didn't want to kill Marsh, and that his own death would actually help save the world. Like a master chess player, he suddenly saw and understand every possible move his enemy could make. He saw that Ruin was check-mated, because there was one thing that Ruin was not willing to do. Something that both Elend and Vin could do, if needed. And it's what they did.

There's so much unexplored territory with the savants.

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Well there's not really enough Atium to become a Savant, it burns too quickly. But if you could I believe you'd just Ascend in all likelihood and become Ruin.

On Savanthood in general I believe we also know that Pewter savants are in particular danger since the length of time they have to flare pewter leaves them with one hell of a pewter drag afterwards. Steel and Iron savants could potentially gain Inquisitor-sight and be able to detect tiny amounts of metals. Seekers often become savants by accident with little known side effects.

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At the very least pushing or pulling on individual parts of a piece of metal separately should be possible. I'm not sure if savants have enough raw power to bypass the immunity from being surrounded by blood though. Kelsier is nearly savant in only a few years for some reason, so anyone who fights as often as him would probably get there in a bit more than half a decade at most in my opinion, yet pushing on internal metal was unheard of. Bronze savants also don't seem to be much stronger in power, at least in comparison to a (weak) spiked boost, or copperclouds would be pierced left and right.

TLR was essentially a total superhuman to the point that even a lerasium Fullborn probably won't be close to as strong without his tricks and self-modifications. Anything he does is likely absurd to even think about achieving with allomancy alone.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Savants aren't humans. They undergo a physical change to become a savant. That being said, the principle diffrence is that they have much better burning abilities. Also, they are partially addicted to their particular metal.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm pretty sure that Miles mentions (inside his mind) that Tarson is a pewter savant. I feel that he was thinking something a long the lines of "pewterarms heal quickly and since Tarson is a savant he'll heal even more quickly" in reference to the broken arm.

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I suspect being a Bronze Savant is what allowed Marsh to detect which Emotions were being Pulled/Pushed (before he got pincushioned).

Vin couldn't do it without Duralumin, despite her ability to pierce Copperclouds, so I think it counts as a special ability instead of just a raw-power effect.

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I wonder if gold or electrum would act in a weirder and possibly more useful way for savants. Maybe being able to relive your past in a way copper feruchemists could only dream of and see the possible consequences of your actions clearly, respectively.

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I think it would do the same as an Lerasium Savant. Which is as per this quote: 


What about a Lerasium savant? Or would that require so much Lerasium that the person attempting it would ascend to become a new Shardholder?
Basically, this is what ascension is.
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I wonder if a Mistborn that managed to become a 16-metal Savant would get any special powers, outside of the usual Savant stuff.

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I wonder if a Mistborn that managed to become a 16-metal Savant would get any special powers, outside of the usual Savant stuff.


I thought about this, but I imagine that this is like the gamer who just has to grind out XP to reach the level cap of 99, when the last boss can easily be defeated by level 60 characters.  In other words: no benefit at all. :)

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I thought about this, but I imagine that this is like the gamer who just has to grind out XP to reach the level cap of 99, when the last boss can easily be defeated by level 60 characters.  In other words: no benefit at all. :)


No practical benefit, aside from being able to punch that boss to death instead of having to stab him like a wuss!



But if Savantism is "stretching" a part of your spiritual self, and the metallic divisions are correct, then it would make sense that stretching all 4 physical metals would lead to the further stretching of your physical spiritual self (I just reread that and it seems to not make sense, but does...)

Or maybe being a Savant in 1 physical metal just makes it easier to become a Savant in the 3 others.

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Now I actually wonder what happens when you spike yourself, become savant in that power, then take the spike out. The distortions would logically remain but the upside would be gone?

Permanent withdrawal. That would suck the sucky side of suckville.

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No he was a savant and koloss blooded.

Confirmed, I just came across this:

“They checked on all six of the Tekiel guards, boss,” Tarson said, stepping up to him. His arm was out of its sling. Pewter savants could heal quickly. Not as quickly as someone like Miles, but it was still remarkable.

AoL, chapter 17

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