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The Good News Thread: I'm So Excited! And I Just Can't Hide It!


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There's this guy on the bus who hated me. It was really bad. He liked calling me crazy and quite a few less flattering names. If he saw me around school, he'd veer out of the way to avoid crossing paths. Today there wasn't much room in the back of the bus, so I sat next to him. An agreement to take over the world and a few enthusiastic renditions of the Pokémon theme later, I think it's safe to say we might be friends. :D

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1 hour ago, Mistrunner said:

 An agreement to take over the world and a few enthusiastic renditions of the Pokémon theme later, I think it's safe to say we might be friends. :D

This sound like the beginnings of a life-long friendship XD. 

This is gonna build up I'm afraid

This term, in art, we were airbrushing skateboards, sadly, the air-pressure thing broke, so I was forced to paint mine, anyway, I got it back from the school exhibition, and now it's on display.




For some reason it uploads upside down.

Anyway, now we are doing Environments and we created a "pop out" artwork, where an aspect of the environment pops out of the frame.


Here's my titlepage, with random cosmere stuff in it.


This time it posted sideways :/

And here's the pop-out artwork



So the above artwork was picked for the exhibition as well, and my teacher has started us on a mural project for our special needs area of our school, just to jazz it up a bit. He picked my pokemon one, as well as some other people's artworks for the mural, and we started work yesterday. We are doing it on these large wooden panels, and I've begun pencilling it, so far so good :) Will post updates to it

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3 hours ago, Mistrunner said:

There's this guy on the bus who hated me. It was really bad. He liked calling me crazy and quite a few less flattering names. If he saw me around school, he'd veer out of the way to avoid crossing paths. Today there wasn't much room in the back of the bus, so I sat next to him. An agreement to take over the world and a few enthusiastic renditions of the Pokémon theme later, I think it's safe to say we might be friends. :D

Can I be your friend? You are so cool. 

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I am new to this thread and hope I am not butting in inappropriately  but in keeping with the name of this thread. I need to let some one know and I think it is a safe bet that no one of this thread knows my wife, so I won't get spiked multiple timesources for  spilling the beans early. ITS A BOY.  He is due in January, and we are so excited.

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8 minutes ago, Tsidqiyah said:

I am new to this thread and hope I am not butting in inappropriately  but in keeping with the name of this thread. I need to let some one know and I think it is a safe bet that no one of this thread knows my wife, so I won't get spiked multiple timesources for  spilling the beans early. ITS A BOY.  He is due in January, and we are so excited.

Mazal Tov!

i wish your wife and baby all of the health and all three of you all of the happiness!

Edited by Delightful
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5 hours ago, Tsidqiyah said:

I am new to this thread and hope I am not butting in inappropriately  but in keeping with the name of this thread. I need to let some one know and I think it is a safe bet that no one of this thread knows my wife, so I won't get spiked multiple timesources for  spilling the beans early. ITS A BOY.  He is due in January, and we are so excited.


You and your wife are creating new life! Go you and your wife! Woo!


@Mistrunner We're friends, correct?

Edited by bleeder
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13 hours ago, Tsidqiyah said:

I am new to this thread and hope I am not butting in inappropriately  but in keeping with the name of this thread. I need to let some one know and I think it is a safe bet that no one of this thread knows my wife, so I won't get spiked multiple timesources for  spilling the beans early. ITS A BOY.  He is due in January, and we are so excited.

Congratulations! :D

8 hours ago, bleeder said:


You and your wife are creating new life! Go you and your wife! Woo!


@Mistrunner We're friends, correct?

Of course! :)

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3 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

I finally followed everyone who's following me. I had thought I already did that, but apparently not. :ph34r: 

So, if you just got a notification from me, sorry it was so belated. -_- 

So about that, what does following actually do? 'Cause I never bothered to follow my former friends list.

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8 minutes ago, Edgedancer said:

So about that, what does following actually do? 'Cause I never bothered to follow my former friends list.

Essentially, if they post a status, you'll get a notification about it. 

That's it. The Shard encourages its members to wall itself off from other Internet social mediums. Once this first phase is accomplished, we will be turned into donkeys and sold to Brazil to work in the coal mines!

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35 minutes ago, Orlion Determined said:

Essentially, if they post a status, you'll get a notification about it. 

That's it. The Shard encourages its members to wall itself off from other Internet social mediums. Once this first phase is accomplished, we will be turned into donkeys and sold to Brazil to work in the coal mines!

Then it's working, because I use almost no other social media. 

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53 minutes ago, Orlion Determined said:

Essentially, if they post a status, you'll get a notification about it. 

That's it. The Shard encourages its members to wall itself off from other Internet social mediums. Once this first phase is accomplished, we will be turned into donkeys and sold to Brazil to work in the coal mines!

I….considered posting the transformation scene from Pinocchio, but I happen to like you people. :mellow: 

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2 minutes ago, Eccentric Hero said:

What a coincidence. You're a national merit semi finalist and I'm jealous. At least I got a full scholarship so I've got that going for me.

Anyways, good luck!

Thanks. I'd be happy with a full ride, to be honest. I'm not sure if that's going to work for me.


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1 hour ago, Cognizantastic said:

Make-a-Wish held a coin drive, and the 2nd place class was to receive a pizza party. The fifth graders in it held a vote, instead electing to keep the money in the club to further our goal of adopting 3 wishes. 

These fifth graders immediately earned a place in my heart. :D I've contacted their teacher so that I can go into their class and give a few words of appreciation to them, and the club adviser decided to get pizza for them out of her own pocket.

Oh, and yesterday I served ice cream to kindergarteners, the third place class. They were adorable. While 2 of my club members scooped, I led the class in a game of heads-up seven-up to pass the time. So much excitement, so much cute.

I love kids. I don't want any, but I do love them. :P

That's awesome Cog! Speaking of Make a Wish, how has the situation with your principal been going?

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1 minute ago, Cognizantastic said:

Good. ^_^ He really understands what the club is all about now (100 percent donation, 3 Wishes adopted last year, etc) and has laid off. Things are going well, for the most part.

My new upset is the oversaturation of the school with fundraisers. :ph34r: I see Costa Rica Club organizing a restaraunt night, and part of me is yelling on the inside, "BOI THIS IS ALTRUISM TURF, NOT LEISURE TRIP HUNTING GROUNDS!". The same thing is happening with Ambassadors. We're raising money for our annual trip to the state capital of Sacramento (meeting state government on the behalf of the school, etc -- hopefully I don't have to meet "Future Senator" Cook again :P), and a significant part of me is upset at all the good fundraiser ideas because I want them for Make-a-Wish. 

I've also started automatically thinking of all large sums of money in terms of wishes. When I hear "2300 dollars", my immediate next thought is "dude that's 46 percent of a Wish". :3

Oh, and Wish Week is going to be great this year! :D I mentioned it before, but because I'm happy I'll just repeat that we funded the wish of 2nd grader with a life-threatening condition at our school! She's such a sweetheart, and very happy to talk about her experience. I'm going to interview her on film and play it before my speech to high school on World Wish Day. 

Ah, sorry about that! I rambled for a while. I can talk about Make-a-Wish all day, and you gave me an opening. :P 

How many fast food restaurants are in a 5 mile radius?

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