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Would You Take Up A Shard?


would you take up a shard  

59 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you become a shard?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Which shard would you become?

    • Honor
    • Cultivation
    • Ruin
    • Preservation
    • Endowment
    • Dominion
    • Devotion
    • Odium
    • Harmony
    • Other

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Pretty simple question here, if you were given the chance to become a god, to gain all the powers of a shard but at the cost of your personality since you must become the shard to use it would you do it? 


And if you said yes which shard would you become?


I know this might sound crazy but I would do it and i'd probably chose to be Odium.

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I would take up Cultivation.


Also, you should take Harmony off the list, as he holds two Shards, not one.


I see Harmony as being Ruin and preservation mashed together into one entity I figured it was close enough.

Edited by Unhinged
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It's kinda complicated, but I'm pretty sure Sazed basically holds the shard Harmony now-which is the two shards combined- but it's now one uber-shard.


Also, I voted No, and that I'd prefer Devotion. (I think it fits me pretty decent already, so minimal character warp?)

Edited by LeftVash
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it would strongly depend on the situation. I would not kill a shardholder to get his, but if I happened upon a shard, and there was no one else there whom I feel is more qualified than me to hold one, I would step up and take responsibility for it (given the number of people who would like to have odium or ruin, now I'd probably take it just to keep it away from them).


As for which shard, I don't think it would matter that much. in the beginning I'd be in control and capable of doing mostly what I want. In the end I won't be myself anymore and would have just become the shard. If I took a bad shard, I would just take it for safekeeping so that for the few centuries I'd be in control I could avoid it having an impact.

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Actually, a WoB has confirmed that you can basically think of Harmony as one shard or two.  (I still think of it as two.)




Were Ruin and Preservation two shards or one?
They were two shards. Harmony is considered a shard, although it’s really two, in the same way that a king of two countries would still be considered a king.
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I actually asked this kind of question a while back, when contemplating what powers from one series I would use to take over and assault another. I came to the realization that, while in instant-trump to play for one side, picking up a Shard pretty much destroys who you are as a person, leading to my conclusion that it simply wasn't worth it under the vast majority of circumstances. Especially ones lacking a large, selfless motive.

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I agree with Observer; it is effectively suicide, in my opinion, to pick up a Shard.


That said, Endowment would let you be fabulous and give everyone pretty colors. Could be worth it. (Assuming you get to stay on Nalthis, since Investing a different world might not produce the fabulousness.)

Edited by Moogle
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Why does Odium have more votes than Harmony? :blink:




If you want to be deep about it...Because people understand hating something better then being at harmony. Everybody has something they legitimately hate, few people can say they have true harmony with themselves. One is just easier to understand then the other even if it's far more terrible.


..Or it's just cause being the ultimate bad guy sounds way more fun.

Edited by Slater
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Honestly, the question is accurate, but the way it's being read seems wrong. Would you take up a Shard is legitimate. Would you hold a shard is not, because it's not even you who is holding the Shard. Your personality warps so badly, (just look at Ati) that I'm not sure it's even you holding it after a while. So many people are picking up Odium, thinking they could do some good with it, ignoring the fact that it would be so much easier to just grab a more benign Shard in the first place, eliminating the need for a hero to come along and kill you, Zero-Requiem style. It just doesn't seem worth it at all, but if I had to pick it sure wouldn't be Odium I'd grab.

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Yeah, but... we've seen what Shardic power does if it's left alone for too long, and that was Devotion and Dominion, fairly benign. I do not want to see unguided masses of Odium smashing around the Cognitive Realm. If there's someone holding it, at least it's a focused, somewhat predictable danger.

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True that taking a shard changes you, but you are looking at the wrong timescale.

It does so within centuries. Vin was still herself after taking preservation. And she was able to use preservation's power to destroy ruin, something that preservation itself could not do.

So, taking up a shard you'll basically die within a few centuries.

But then, in a few ccenturies I'll expect I'll be dead anyway, so not much to lose.


Also, how much personality warping counts as being dead? I'm certainly a far different person than I was 10 years ago, does it mean that my old self died and the new self was born? where is the demarcation line?

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I almost chose Honor, then thought about its limitations and decided on Odium for probably many of the same reasons Rayse wanted Odium.  However, I would want to know the Intent of all the Shards before I chose.


Edit:  Upon further consideration, I would wait to take up a Shard until I was nearing the end of my natural lifespan.

Edited by Frosted Flakes
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See now I didn't take Odium for any benign reason because I personally don't want a Shard. But if someone was forcing me then I want a Shard that has been proven to be able to Shatter Shards. With that power I would wreak such destruction on the entity that was forcing my hand, that the Desolations would like no more than a peaceful protest. If I had to annihilate several planets and civilisations to do so then so be it. I've also been told by close friends and family that if I ever get superpowers that I have to tell them so they can get out of the country because they think that the first thing i'd is go on a killing spree. Not sure if they are wrong but I did promise to tell them. So I don't know. Asked my best friend of 13ish years what Shard would best suite my personality and he said Odium almost instantly. He is somewhat Cosmere aware. If not that one then Dominion apparently.

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This was a tough choice. Odium and Endowment came close, but I chose Honor (like most everyone else <boring>). There is a very specific reason why I chose Honor. One thing I cannot stand is when people lie to me. I never lie. One thing I hope is said about me when I die is that I was far from perfect, but at least was honest. Lying is one of the filthier sins, in my opinion. Also, I am lousy at, and am wary of, predicting the future. This fits what we know of Honor.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Even with the warping personality, I think that I would take up a Shard if it was a "good" one.  If I get to change my personality to be more attuned to a good quality AND get fabulous powers that help people, I totally would.  While I don't want myself to change, I would rather it change for the better at the same time as it goes to help people. For these reasons, I chose Harmony since he can decide who to help and keep his personality mostly the same since he has both Ruin and Preservation.

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