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The Church of the Singularity is more of a humorous side note than anything else. The Financier is pretty much the only one who takes it seriously.

What? You don't consider the ramblings of a madman scared of numbers, who considers kobold a major heretics, serious business? :P

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I don't make the news, I just report it. And the sad, frightening reality is that most Astorians fail to heed the words of the one they dismiss as a madman. :P

In my opinion revering the numberr zero makes zero sense. :P


It might be I just didnt notice under all the stuff happening here but when was the last time Newan said anything here?

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Voidus, did you want to go next in the Dalles or do you want me to?

It would be better if Edgerunner cut Scribbler off before something bad happens probably, she wouldn't respond well to Elsa.


I understand the idea of having a tutorial, but if we just go at it like any other town it wouldn't be any different from the Dalles after some time, even if we plan for entry points. As long as the point is to "only" serve for getting a feel of their character and the basics it might be enough to just give them a couple of scenes  in the moon arena of no continuity or a comparable location, maybe create a couple of characters specifically for that purpose, so there isn't any confusion with canon. Essentially making a non-canon one-shot for them.

I think the difference is the lack of politics rather than the lack of characters, it may be a bit confusing for them to read other posts but at least they don't really have to worry about their scenes interaction with other characters, unlike Portland and so on where you have to worry about the ruling Epics might say/do in reaction to your character.

That said we can always split them into two separate threads, a tutorial thread and a duelling/no hold barred/complete insanity thread.

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I think the difference is the lack of politics rather than the lack of characters, it may be a bit confusing for them to read other posts but at least they don't really have to worry about their scenes interaction with other characters, unlike Portland and so on where you have to worry about the ruling Epics might say/do in reaction to your character.

That said we can always split them into two separate threads, a tutorial thread and a duelling/no hold barred/complete insanity thread.

I'm not sure if you're agreeing with what I said or not. Given that you want to keep them in the no continuity thread we probably are agreeing.

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I'm not sure if you're agreeing with what I said or not. Given that you want to keep them in the no continuity thread we probably are agreeing.

A bit of both I think :P

More just throwing out some ideas than anything.

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Apart from what I already told you? I don't think going into more details is all that necessary and would end up more restricting than helpful, given that most characters should be arriving from outside the city. Which has two very good reasons. For one, having all of the powerful Epics that are planned for this originate in the same city is kinda ridiculous and second it's a bit late to add major hitters into the backstory.


A quick list of thinks people might want to know/remember.

-Should someone want a reminder of who the most important Epics in Astoria are I have them under the Astoria tag in the Epics of Oregon plus Twi's Financier.

-With Financier the city is well of, so i suppose it's reasonable for Epics to have heard of it.

-Talking about the Financier, he does hold services for his "Church of the Singularity" but it isn't exactly a influential religion.

-While not to the extend Steelheart went with Newcago, the city is ornamented with diamonds.

-The area around Lucentia's castle is entirely made out of diamonds and is a non-entry zone. (It would probably be better if people contact me before having their characters stumble in there, especially if I didn't have the chance yet to explain what they would find there in detail.)

-The Megler bridge doesn't stand anymore and while by no means enough to completly block the Columbia river there is a sizable diamond reef next to the coast.

-There are obviously more Epics in Astoria than just the major ones but they aren't on the same power level as the Epics we are throwing into battle here.

-I probably aluded to this before but to spell it out, with Bloody Mary around it is not a good idea to have your character be splattered in the blood of Astorian citizens, unless maybe they have something akin to impervious skin or a way to remove impurities from their body but even then I wouldn't advise it.

Thanks for putting this up. I had forgotten about Bloody Mary. The rest of the information is great too.

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So just to check that everyone's on the same level with the tutorial/duelling threads before they go up:
We're having two separate threads? (Still not sure on how many people would rather 1)
They'll be set in a random area possibly on the moon with random fluctuating effects to use as battlefields, or if two separate threads maybe the tutorial thread will be set in a more normal city.
The threads will be removed from continuity/canon (Or at least the duelling thread will be) so that we can get some also non-canonical meetings and we can watch Backtrack trying to bury himself into the ground when he meets Steelheart.

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Here's another idea for the tutorial thread: Host it in sessions. We could open new threads for different sessions, run the sessions for 5-7 days (or more or less) and close the thread when the session is over.

Also, how insane is the random chaos thread going to be? Because if there's time travel, there is NOTHING stopping Funtimes from bringing Josef Stalin to Calamityville and repeatedly stomping on his feet to make him yell, aka "make pretty music." :P

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Here's another idea for the tutorial thread: Host it in sessions. We could open new threads for different sessions, run the sessions for 5-7 days (or more or less) and close the thread when the session is over.

Also, how insane is the random chaos thread going to be? Because if there's time travel, there is NOTHING stopping Funtimes from bringing Josef Stalin to Calamityville and repeatedly stomping on his feet to make him yell, aka "make pretty music." :P


That could work.


If the random insanity we've hosted on the Question thread is any indication, the Chaos thread could be very random.


With chaos in mind, who'd be up for a campaign where Discord takes on Regalia and the Babilar Epics? We could call it "Discord Takes Manhattan," and his opening assault could involve turning Regalia's water into Mountain Dew and corrupting Newton into a distinguished and well brought-up lady. :P

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That could work.

If the random insanity we've hosted on the Question thread is any indication, the Chaos thread could be very random.

With chaos in mind, who'd be up for a campaign where Discord takes on Regalia and the Babilar Epics? We could call it "Discord Takes Manhattan," and his opening assault could involve turning Regalia's water into Mountain Dew and corrupting Newton into a distinguished and well brought-up lady. :P

And then Discord could meet Funtimes without risking universe implosion! :P

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And then Discord could meet Funtimes without risking universe implosion! :P


I'd pay good money to see Nathan's "We're so screwed" face upon seeing Funtimes hit it off with the spirit of chaos and disharmony. :P



I'm still just as confused as Voidus is. Will Tutorial Land and Chaos Land be separate locales?

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I'd pay good money to see Nathan's "We're so screwed" face upon seeing Funtimes hit it off with the spirit of chaos and disharmony. :P



I'm still just as confused as Voidus is. Will Tutorial Land and Chaos Land be separate locales?

Shall we just take a vote on it?

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