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Mistborn Character Poll Who would you be?


Which Character do you wish you could be?   

65 members have voted

  1. 1. Character

  2. 2. Allomancy or Feruchemist?

  3. 3. Which metal would you burn or store if you could

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If you could be any character from the Mistborn series which would it be?  Would you be one of the good characters? or would you chose to be one of the bad?



Going forth on that theme if you could chose a character that that didn't have certain powers although you liked the attributes which power would you give them?


Try to keep the post from giving away spoilers so those that are still reading the books can take part without having plots ruined for them. (ME INCLUDED AS I AM ONLY 1/3 THROUGH THE 3rd BOOK)



Edited by mistwannabeborn
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I don't know.


On the one hand, my immediate reaction is to say Vin, since she really connected to me. I picked up Mistborn when I was going through a rather... problematic phase, and Vin's paranoia and obsessions really spoke to me; watching her develop as a character and work past those was powerful, and helped me in my own life.


Of course, maybe I should be saying Kelsier or Elend, since those guys are actually different from me, and have qualities I really admire, such as their confidence and intellect (even if Kelsier is a sociopath).

...Eh. I vote Vin.  

Edited by Quiver
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Elend, because I am very much like him. I would prefer to be a Feruchemist though, it's a magic system that, to me, sounds much more versatile and less action-oriented. Soaring through the skies by pulling on the metal in Chicago's skyscrapers sounds really cool, but these days I think I would be much happier if I could just store up some warmth so face doesn't hurt anymore, or some wakefulness, or some weight, because man do I hate stairs. 


As for my Allomantic metal of choice, I think I'd go with zinc. I am sure I could do some amazing things with atium (magic tricks, for example), or steel/iron, but I find the emotional metals the most applicable in today's world. How much better would this planet be if teachers could Riot their students sense of curiosity, excitement, and desire to find out new things? I probably wouldn't be a teacher, but I could see myself talking to friends (I occasionally find myself in the role of the science popularizer) and Rioting curiosity like it's nobody's business. Not to mention that I could lead some killer D&D campaigns if I had access to zinc!


EDIT: @mistwannabeborn, you probably should edit your post and tell people not to ask you about Ferrings (it might be a common suggestions for a new question). Not until you find out what they are on your own :)

Edited by Argent
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Definitely have to go with Sazed here. I really connected with him as I was reading the book  and his desire to serve others. Also, I just think Feruchemy is awesome and would be the more practical than Allomancy. Then again, I'm something of an outdoorsman, so I might be slightly biased :P


If I had to choose one of the above metals to burn, I'd pick Copper. Being able to hide myself from other Allomancers would be useful, plus there's the upside of being immune to Soothers and Rioters.

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Had to go with Zane...God said "Eat that sandwich and get drunk!"...so I did...God said "Take a long nap!"...so I did...God said "Kill him!"...so I...wait a minute...something's not right here...God seems really bossy today...God said "Kill him!" again...alright, alright, I'll get with the killing. Just keep your divine pants on!...And how the $!@& did I get this railroad spike in my chest?!?

I'm also a little confused about the whole which metal would you want to burn part of the pole. If I want to be a feruchemist...are you asking which metal I would want to store an attribute in? Or which metal I would want to be able to compound on top of being an all around feruchemist? Because if you're asking what metal I would want to be able to burn on top of being a feruchemist...why would anyone pick allomancer? I went with Feruchimist and steel...because being able to compound steel would be totally awesome. But if I can only store 1 attribute...I totally wouldn't want that one to be steel (difficult to store and you'd use it up fast). I'd want it to be bendalloy...(best competitive eater ever!)

Edited by hoidhunter
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Breeze, without a doubt. Breeze is my third-favorite character in the Cosmere, after Highprince Sebarial and Hoid.

upvote for good taste...Breeze if definitely my favorite mistborn character...I voted for Zane in this pole because I like illustrating other things that god could tell you to do aside from "KILL HIM!"...anyway...I love the idea of someone who is snobbish, lazy, selfish, and manipulative on the outside...but secretly spends all of his time trying to make other people feel better without ever taking credit for it.

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