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What social media would Stormlight Archive characters use?

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What would happen if the characters from the Stormlight Archive existed in our universe at our time period. if they did then what social media would they use.


Lift would definitely use Tumblr, probably as a fandom or comedy blogger and her blog would certainly be food orientated.


Wit i think would use twitter. his entire existence on the internet would be to insult people in short tweets


Shallan would use DeviantArt no more to say about that!


I feel Adolin, Kaladin and Danilar would be competing Youtubers (i'd subscribe to them!)


How about the other characters, what would they use?  



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Let's broaden the discussion a little bit... I feel like Dalinar would actually be an anchor at an established news channel rather than use social media himself, though he probably would have a facebook page. 


Elend on the other hand would definitely have a vblog on YouTube. 


Sazed would be a Wikipedia moderator


I picture Sarene on Snapchat with her witty one liners to people, and Siri being an Instagram kind of person 

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Adolin would have 2000 friends on his Facebook account. He'll frequently post pictures of himself having fun and partying, mostly at the beach flashing his perfect abs.

What I wouldn't give to read the undertext added by whichever clerk posts these.

Jasnah is above Internet. She would not lower herself to use such a menial and insignificant media.

Not true. Jasnah would be a member of the website 17th Shard.

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Adolin would have 2000 friends on his Facebook account. He'll frequently post pictures of himself having fun and partying, mostly at the beach flashing his perfect abs. He'll also post videos of him pranking (or trying to prank) other people.


Kaladin would post home-made videos of his rock band on Youtube. He would have tatoos, piercings and wear a leather coat. Of course, he would be followed by hordes of groupies, but he'll deny they event exist.


Kaladin and Adolin are Facebook friends. Adolin spontaneously post links to Kaladin's videos. Kaladin keeps on commenting Adolin's photos, teasing him about his latest mishap.


Shallan is on DeviantArt. She loves Adolin's Facebook page for obvious reasons. She secretly sings Kaladin's songs while she takes her shower. She and Kaladin are always plotting on how to prank Adolin and mischievously post link to the end result on their respective Facebook account.


Lift would hold a blog on food, recipes and home improvement.


Renarin is a computer geek and a gamer. He spends all his nights playing online gaming and is a very active member of some gamer community using his pseudonym. Adolin, despite being very good at sports, sucks are video games. He can't even keep the kart on the track during while playing Mario Karts during the weekly Kohlin family Wii tournament. He always loses and ends up blaming the beer.


Dalinar would be a frequent poster on any serious paper's blog, part-taking on discussion regarding world events or economy.


Jasnah is above Internet. She would not lower herself to use such a menial and insignificant media.


Hoid is on Twitter. No questions here.

thanks maxal that is know one of my favorite things one this site

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Sazed would be a Wikipedia moderator.


"Ruin" would be the screen name of a very influential troll on 4chan. Much of his time would be spent altering text on Wikipedia to further his own political agenda, earning the eternal enmity of the usually mild-mannered moderator Sazed.

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maxal, you certainly made my day :lol:


Who else is in Kaladin's band? And what instruments would they use? I'd see Kal as a lead singer and guitarist, Rlain on the drums (he would be so many black and red tattoos that his skin is almost invisible) and Skar with the bass :) And maybe someone else, but by now I don't know who...



Rock has his own cooking show: Slow Cooking with Rock.

I thought it would be Proper Cooking for Airsick Lowlanders :ph34r: And he should have his own restaurant The Peaks in which Kaladin's band would perform once in a week and come every other day after gigs/rehearsals to eat his countrywide famous stew.



I think Sigzil would travel to many different countries and have his own TV show on their culture an local myths/urban legends/etc. And I totally see Navani having her own show on Discovery Science :D


Elhokar would be very active on Facebook and Twitter, mostly whining or showing off how great he is being a CEO of important business he (unfortunetly) inherited after his father's death. Adolin (with some help from Kaladin and Shallan) would always make fun of him and play pranks on him but Elhokar will never find out it's his cousin doing this.


Jasnah wouldn't be too keen on social media but she would be an active member of few historical and scientific forums.

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Moash, Mraize, and Thaidakar would be part of the reddit r/conspiracytheory page, but would all take part in their own sub-reddits for either The Diagram or Ghostbloods. 


Shai would have a Pinterest account to organize all of her stamps into boards: Essence Marks, Soulstamps for art, Soulstamps for furniture, Soulstamps for architecture. She'd be rather private about it, and probably get upset when someone re-pins her stamps, but she'd get over it because the boards are so organized. She'd then photoshop her Soulstamp images on every cat picture the internet has ever uploaded. She's more of a large cat person, and would forge them all into images of lions and tigers. 


Dusk wouldn't have any form of social media. He's just lucky to have his Jitterbug5 phone, because he has no idea what a smartphone is.


Vasher/Zahel would have a LinkedIn account, so that he could do his due diligence on anyone he's tracking down. It's easier to go after people if you know where they consistently are: at work. However, his LinkedIn profile would be terribly vague. It'd probably not provide any information for his previous positions, other than just a fake title. Everyone would see through this, though, because he's not very good at being stealthy, and his image would prove it: he'd be scowling and glowing rather brightly. 


Khriss would be the number one editor on Wikipedia (Koavf, with his 1.3+ million edits would be put to shame. Khriss has roughly 10+ million.), and by default be a Global Moderator for the 17th Shard Coppermind.


(EDIT: Whoops...I didn't pay any attention to the fact that this was Stormlight Archive characters only. I see I didn't include a single one in my post other than Zahel. Meh. To make up for it, I've added a few minor characters from Stormlight Archive. Sorry if I spoiled anything for anyone.)

Edited by Titan Arum
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maxal, you certainly made my day :lol:


Who else is in Kaladin's band? And what instruments would they use? I'd see Kal as a lead singer and guitarist, Rlain on the drums (he would be so many black and red tattoos that his skin is almost invisible) and Skar with the bass :) And maybe someone else, but by now I don't know who...


Of course Kal is the lead singer and the guitarist. Rlain is definitely the drummer, Skar the bassist and Sigzil is doing the keyboards/flutes. He is the dreamy bad boy that breaks down every young girls heart. He also is the captain of his University's lacrosse team: the Bridge 4.


Adolin is, of course, the star quarter back of his University's football team: the Whitespines. Dalinar used to be the star quarter back for the same team in his youth.


Renarin keeps tab on everyone's score for the Kohlin's family weekly Wii tournament. He and Elhokar are usually fighting for the first place. Kaladin often joins them, but her sucks at video games even more then Adolin. The only reason he does not rank last is because of his fabulous performances at Rock Band Hero as everyone knows Adolin cannot sing for the life of him nor follow any given rhythm. Dalinar, however, makes a very convincing interpretation of "Ender the Sandman" that makes his sons roar with pleasure.



Elhokar would be very active on Facebook and Twitter, mostly whining or showing off how great he is being a CEO of important business he (unfortunetly) inherited after his father's death. Adolin (with some help from Kaladin and Shallan) would always make fun of him and play pranks on him but Elhokar will never find out it's his cousin doing this.


Good one. Dalinar wants Adolin to start working for the family company, but is discouraged by his son lack of assiduity in his studies.



Guys, come on. Adolin needs an Instagram account. 


Oh forgot about that one... He'll share every single detail about his life. Every. Thing.

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Of course Kal is the lead singer and the guitarist. Rlain is definitely the drummer, Skar the bassist and Sigzil is doing the keyboards/flutes. He is the dreamy bad boy that breaks down every young girls heart. He also is the captain of his University's lacrosse team: the Bridge 4.

I see also Teft as a manager of the band, now I'm looking for a potential chief of their fanclub :lol: But I thought the Bridge 4 would be the name of the band... :ph34r:  What it is by the way?

And am I correctly assuming that Kal is studying medicine?



Adolin is, of course, the star quarter back of his University's football team: the Whitespines. Dalinar used to be the star quarter back for the same team in his youth.

Now, Adolin struggles to live up to his father's legend. But he has problems with Torol Sadeas, who after stopping playing himself, kept to his hobby and became the coach of Whitespines' greatest rivals - the Chasmfiends. Sadeas often speaks wrongly about Dalinar, making comments on how he decayed in his old age and left the sport because he was too incapable of keeping on.




Renarin keeps tab on everyone's score for the Kohlin's family weekly Wii tournament. He and Elhokar are usually fighting for the first place. Kaladin often joins them, but her sucks at video games even more then Adolin. The only reason he does not rank last is because of his fabulous performances at Rock Band Hero as everyone knows Adolin cannot sing for the life of him nor follow any given rhythm. Dalinar, however, makes a very convincing interpretation of "Ender the Sandman" that makes his sons roar with pleasure.

Now I want to hear Dalinar's interpretation :ph34r:  I wonder if Jasnah and Navani take part in the tournament... I'd rather see Jasnah in the background, looking at her male relatives (and their friend Kal) and shaking her head pityingly.

And Renarin is totally the champion every single week. And when Elhokar loses to him he whines that it's only because it's Renarin who keeps tab on the scores :ph34r:



Oh forgot about that one... He'll share every single detail about his life. Every. Thing.

And Kaladin will forever make fun of him because of this. Even Shallan will finally suggest Adolin to reduce the amount of information at least a bit...



Lift would be the ultimate Instagram food spammer. And she'd also troll weightloss forums.

There is nothing better then a photo of delicious chocolate cake posted on a forum where people try not to eat chocolate... Lift will be the biggest fan of Rock's cooking show :D And she will ramble about this  all the time to her favourite potted plant which she named Wyndle :ph34r:



Syl would go on ChristainMingle (or some other religious site) and try to convince everybody that she's a god.

Or at least a tiny piece of one :lol: Soon she will be banned from them all.


On another note: I love the image of Syl being Kaladin's younger sister who would constantly pester him and pull pranks on him and his bandmates during rehearsals in the garage. She will be the kind of sibling that all of Kal's friends would constantly hear about but hardly ever really see. She would also constantly try to convince her brother to try bungee jumping... and prefarably take her with him :lol:

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I see also Teft as a manager of the band, now I'm looking for a potential chief of their fanclub :lol: But I thought the Bridge 4 would be the name of the band... :ph34r:  What it is by the way?

And am I correctly assuming that Kal is studying medicine?


It is a sport I think would fit Kaladin like a glove!




All the bridgemen are players in the team with Lopen being the water boy, Teft the coach and Rock the nutritionist. The team has to be name the Bridge 4. Moash is the team's star player, but ends up betraying them by asking to be exchanged to their rival team: the Grave Yards.


Kaladin's rock band's name is The Heart of Stone. Lopen is managing the fan club. Adolin is secretly a member of the fan club :ph34r:


Of course, Kal is in med school. He's got a full scholarship based on both academic and athletic performances.



Now, Adolin struggles to live up to his father's legend. But he has problems with Torol Sadeas, who after stopping playing himself, kept to his hobby and became the coach of Whitespines' greatest rivals - the Chasmfiends. Sadeas often speaks wrongly about Dalinar, making comments on how he decayed in his old age and left the sport because he was too incapable of keeping on.


Adolin is always compared to his famous father: The Blackthorn. As he tends to come out as a brainless fop, people often think he is worth less. Sadeas, however, keeps being surprised by the talented young player, so much he asks his goons to hit him hard in each and every game they play against the Whitespines. Dalinar accuses Sadeas to purposely try to injure his son. Adolin gets taken out of the game a few time by strong hits to the head. Dalinar brushes it of a no matter, but Renarin is secretly worried.


Adolin was never able to chose his field of study as all he cared about were sports. Football and fencing, mostly. Upon entering into University, he ended choosing the same thing his father once studied: economic and business management. He surprises everyone by actually turning being good at it, him who was always content to get the average in every class he ever took. Turns out a certain Shallan is not stranger to that.................



Now I want to hear Dalinar's interpretation :ph34r:  I wonder if Jasnah and Navani take part in the tournament... I'd rather see Jasnah in the background, looking at her male relatives (and their friend Kal) and shaking her head pityingly.

And Renarin is totally the champion every single week. And when Elhokar loses to him he whines that it's only because it's Renarin who keeps tab on the scores :ph34r:


Each time he grabs the microphone to make his cue, both Adolin and Renarin are shouting; "Go dad, go dad, go dad". Navani is rolling her eyes as she sips her glass of white wine. Kaladin goes: "You rock Mr Kohlin.".


Dalinar, you guessed, is a fan of old school rock such as Metallica. In his youth, he used to have long hair and an earing, but don't tell Adolin as Dalinar now wears nothing else then black dress suit with a deep blue shirt and a tie. Adolin thinks dress suits are booooooooooooring, but is forced to wear them on the numerous cocktails the family's company is hosting.


Renarin always feels out of his place during those as he would rather remain in front of his computer. He has no interest in business management, so he enters University in programming. His goal is to become a game designer.


Jasnah tends to remain in the background, but after watching Adolin fall once again in Mario Kart, she gets dragged in to take his place. Each time, everyone is surprised she ends up finishing second and sometimes first.


When Adolin plays video games, he moves with the control, moving right if the kart needs to go right, jumping if the kart needs to jump..... Everyone thinks it is unnerving.


Elhokar is a sore loser.



And Kaladin will forever make fun of him because of this. Even Shallan will finally suggest Adolin to reduce the amount of information at least a bit...


But Shallan cannot resist glimpsing into the account as she secretly thinks Adolin is so hoooooooot.



There is nothing better then a photo of delicious chocolate cake posted on a forum where people try not to eat chocolate... Lift will be the biggest fan of Rock's cooking show :D And she will ramble about this  all the time to her favourite potted plant which she named Wyndle :ph34r:


Lift will be a  featured judge into Masterchef Alethkar. She is the Gordon Ramsay of the show, throwing out plates of food in the garbage and screaming: "This is disgusting are you trying to poison me?" when the contestants fail their dishes..... Her pot plant, Windle, of course, accompany her to the show, being proudly featured on the judges' table.



On another note: I love the image of Syl being Kaladin's younger sister who would constantly pester him and pull pranks on him and his bandmates during rehearsals in the garage. She will be the kind of sibling that all of Kal's friends would constantly hear about but hardly ever really see. She would also constantly try to convince her brother to try bungee jumping... and prefarably take her with him :lol:


Good one. Bungee jumping!

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Oh another one... Whereas Kaladin wears mostly black, Adolin is a complete fashion victim, but he does have a few cool outfits, such as this t-shirt that says: "My Dad Rocks". He proudly wears it every week at school. Everyone things he is such a daddy's boy.

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I can't decide if you deserve the upvote more because of the Grave Yards or Lift in Masterchef :lol:


Shallan was once invited to the Kholin Wii tournament by Renarin and Kaladin much to Adolin's horror (he didn't want her to see him lose so badly). She has beaten everyone, even our head geek of the family Renarin (though he says it was only newbie's luck). She didn't even make fun of Adolin (much) but she keeps mentioning the way he plays (moving with the controler) ever so often. She was surprised to find out that the women who used to be her tutor in history and philosophy is a cousin of her boyfriend :ph34r:


Currently Shallan is in the art school but plans to study natural history later on. She likes to imitate other people and is very good at pantomime (and a champion of charades). She often has her parrot named Pattern help her with mimicking others - she does the acting and Pattern supplies voice as he's very good at imitating voices of people.


Ever since the high school Adolin was a great heartbreak as he has dated every girl in the school (starting from cheerleaders and ending with shy geeks) but it never worked out. Renarin likes to torment him by reminding him of all his previous relationships. Kaladin and Adolin met for the first time when Adolin tried to woo one pretty girl but she turned out to be Kal's fan. Because of that Adolin started to hate Kaladin with great passion as he saw him as his rival. The feeling was mutual as Kaladin thought Adolin to be just another spoiled rich kid who throws a fit when he doesn't get what he wants (a girl in this situation). Everything changed when Adolin was attacked by a few thugs in a dark alley while coming back home (they were in fact sent by the Chasmfiends to make him unable to play in the upcoming game) and Kaladin came to his rescue (he won't admit it to anyone, but he used to train karate and even earned a black belt). While walking to Kal's house (as it was closer) to take care of Adolin's wounds (rather minor ones) they started to talk and realized that they were very mistaken about each other. Ever since then they are the bestest friends ever. And Adolin met a certain redhead so he's not antagonising Kal over stealing all the girls anymore. Especially since he knows that Kaladin is not interested any of them (it has to do with the fact he still can't stop thinking about a girl he met on the karate trainings few years ago, but unfortunetely she moved to a different country).


For some reason Rock greatly admires Kaladin's sister (possibly because he believed into what she wrote on the internet :ph34r: ) and always shows her respect to Kal's annoyance. And Syl likes to be admired. She's part of a drama club in her school and she always wants to play the main roles.


By the way, Glys can be Renarin's dog :lol:

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