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Spoilers for cosmere rpg

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From the cosmere character creation.


You’ve bonded with a blightspren, a type of Voidspren. While in this form, your Willpower increases by 2 and you can use the Memory Decay action:

3Memory Decay. Spend 2 focus to make a 

 test against the Spiritual defense of a character within your reach. On a success, you can destroy a memory from the target’s mind. To locate and destroy this memory, you must already be aware of its existence and general topic, and the memory must span no more than 10 minutes of time. This memory is totally erased, and the target’s mind fills in the gap left behind in a plausible manner.

Could this memory decay be the void form of Division?

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I think thats the closest surge to this ability for sure. This is interesting because it makes me wonder can a dustrbringer decay memories? Could the fused that uses Division decay memories? If a form of power can do it then I don't see why a Fused wouldn't be able to.

There is the chance this is only canon until it conflicts with something else but it is interesting. 

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On 8/10/2024 at 4:02 PM, Elite01 said:

I think thats the closest surge to this ability for sure. This is interesting because it makes me wonder can a dustrbringer decay memories? Could the fused that uses Division decay memories? If a form of power can do it then I don't see why a Fused wouldn't be able to.

There is the chance this is only canon until it conflicts with something else but it is interesting. 

I wonder if similar principle could be applied to skybreakers in an attempt towards criminal reform. 

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On 8/10/2024 at 4:02 PM, Elite01 said:

Could the fused that uses Division decay memories? If a form of power can do it then I don't see why a Fused wouldn't be able to.

We haven't really seen this kind of link between fused and forms of power. Fused are much closer to radiants than regals. It seems backward, I know, but it makes sense, radiants and fused are surgebinders, regals seem to be their own thing. For example, there isn't a fused that uses adhesion (as it isn't a "true surge") yet envoy form clearly uses connection like we've seen dalinar use. 

And I've tried matching up regals to surges; generally, it doesn't work (although, there are similarities to voidbinding which could be coincidence or could mean I'm wrong in this assumption). I see it as fused are a corruption of honor's magic system and regals as a corruption of cultivation's magic system. Despite being on the same side of the war the two are different magic systems.

Edited by Atlas333
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7 minutes ago, Atlas333 said:

For example, there isn't a fused that uses adhesion (as it isn't a "true surge") yet envoy form clearly uses connection like we've seen dalinar use. 

To be fair, using Connection to understand languages seems to be the most basic application of it.

8 minutes ago, Atlas333 said:

regals as a corruption of cultivation's magic system.

I'd personally see it as a corruption of Adonalsium's Magic System, since I'm pretty sure the Singers were changing forms before Honor and Cultivation were around. They were designed by Adonalsium along with the entirety of Roshar.

Sorry for nitpicking but I do fully agree with you on your point of Regal's not lining up with Surgebinding, we've never seen a Radiant shoot lightning form their hands after all. Also a few WOBs.


CarolaDavar's brother

[My cousin] thinks the Parshendi were made by someone so that spren could have a physical form. And he would like some critique on that.

Brandon Sanderson

Parshmen were created to be an essential part of the Rosharan ecosystem.



Do the singers predate the highstorms?

Brandon Sanderson

The singers and the highstorms are-- The highstorms-- Let's say no. Trying to decide which one came first. They were created, right? But the highstorms were created as part of Roshar, as well. The highstorms predate humans arriving. Highstorms predate the Shattering of Adonalsium.



Can the forms of power of the listeners be treated as anti-equivalents of the Orders of the Knights Radiant? Could we consider Stormforms to be anti-Windrunners?

Brandon Sanderson

You could consider it that way, but there is not a one-to-one analogue.


Because it seemed like there are ten voidforms, and their abilities are kind of anti-Surges...

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, yes, there is definitely something there, but again I say, it's not a one-to-one correlation. They are not going to be exactly opposite.


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