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Any Ideas For Other Possible Allomantic Metals?


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So I recently re-read the Mistborn series and I've been wondering if there could possibly be any other Allomantic metals. If you have any theories or just ideas for metals that you think would be cool feel free to post them here. 

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I dont think so, at least not in the sense of Mundane Metals that are relevant to the Three Metallic Arts, mostly on the logic that the pattern of 16 for Preservation is pretty complete and has implications in the broader cosmere. 

That being said, We do know that there is at least one more metal that has Investiture relevant properties in the cosmere but which is not part of the metallic arts: Silver.  The doylistic thing is that it was intended to be a part of it but brandon mistook the real alloy of Pewter, so Silver was replaces with Tin but stayed relevant elsewhere.  We also know that canonically the behavior of the two Scadrian Godmetals can be modified with alloying, and with the Atium retcon we have two different Alloy ratios that are both viable.  So in the case of Godmetals there may prove to be a far more complex metallurgical/chemical language to be found for modifying it's effect, potentially up to the complexity of a [Elantris/ES spoilers?]


Selish magical System/Language.


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Hello! It is quite difficult, as you have been told, in reality, taking into account the 16 allomantic metals and their importance, there should not be more.

I can add this, but keep in mind that depending on how far you have read it may be a spoiler from era 2 and stormlight archive.


There are the god metals, there is one for each shard and allomancers can burn them, I think anyone. and there are alloys of them along with every basic allomantic metal like the eleventh metal. and presumably among themselves, but I would be speculating. 

Can we invent? If something interesting I guess: Platinum: allows you to reduce a person's vitality, physical or spiritual vitality let's say.
Iridium allows you to steal it for yourself. Although here it would be more useful than a hemalurgic spike now that I think about it.

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It's always bothered me that silver doesn't have any allomantic affect considering how big a part it will play throughout the cosmere. While it won't ever happen I imagine it's effects would be like aluminum but much more destructive.

A silver misting would most likely be a gnat. If aluminum gets rid of your metal reserves I imagine silver would have to be more destructive: potentially removing your ability to burn metal for a short period of time. Truly the most gnat of all gnats.

Silver's alloy would be just a better leecher. Instead of removing metal reserves it would negate their ability to burn for a short period time. Given how powerful this could be I understand why this won't ever be a canon power. 

As for feruchemy and hemalurgy their effects could be anyone's guess.

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Personally, I can't wait to learn what harmonium alloys can do and am slightly annoyed that there has seemingly been no progress in researching them between BoM and TLM. They are going to provide 16 new allomantic metals, or however many turn out not to explode on contact with water. As to their powers, I can't even speculate.

I guess, that the Scadrians are hampered by not knowing that all god metals can be burned by anyone and their alloys by respective Mistings. Ditto with use of Feruchemy*. Somebody should tell them this. Shouldn't Kelsier, as ex-Preservation, know? Or Hoid, I guess? Or shouldn't Harmony give them a nudge, given that he mislead them by omitting this bit from the Words of Founding, yet is frustrated by their rate of technological progress?

* I really don't understand why they haven't figured something out about the feruchemical properties of harmonium in the 6 years between BoM and TLM, since it is safe to touch it, as long as skin is dry. 

Edited by Isilel
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6 hours ago, Atlas333 said:

It's always bothered me that silver doesn't have any allomantic affect considering how big a part it will play throughout the cosmere.

Out of curiosity, do you know why Silver is not an allomantic metal? WoBs:


Mistborn Annotations:


Brandon Sanderson

One interesting aspect of the book that I haven't mentioned yet comes with the metal of tin. Originally, tin wasn't one of the Allomantic metals—I used silver instead. You see, I originally paired silver and pewter together, thinking that pewter had a significant amount of silver in it. Well, turns out that isn't the case. (Remember, each set of paired metals is a metal and an alloy made from it.)

My false impression on the belief that pewter is a silver/lead alloy goes back to my childhood. I remember when I used to paint lead fantasy figures that I bought at the local hobby store. One of the employees told me that they would be going up in price because the manufacturers wanted the figures to be safer. They were going to cast them out of pewter instead of lead, because pewter is much less toxic. I asked what the difference between pewter and lead was, and the employee told me that pewter is lead PLUS silver, and that's why the figures cost more.

He meant tin, I guess. Either way, that's stayed with me for quite a long time. I soundly resisted changing silver to tin during the first drafts of the book, even when I found out the truth. The problem is, I really liked the name "Silvereye" for those who burn silver/tin. It sounds far slicker than "Tineye."

I eventually came around, however. Consistency in the magic system is more important than a single cool-sounding name. I blame Hobby Town in Lincoln Nebraska for my pains.

Mistborn: The Final Empire Annotations (Feb. 12, 2007)

Brandon Sanderson

Chapter Eleven

A few things to watch out for. There might be an extra "Silver" or "Silvereye" stuck in the books somewhere.

If you read the annotations in the last book, you’ll know that I changed the Allomantic metal of silver into tin at the last minute. I couldn't find a good alloy of silver, and though I liked "Silvereye" as a word much better than "Tineye" I decided to go with the choice that was more logical for worldbuilding, rather than the one that sounded better.

There could still be a spare silver or two hanging around in this book, since it was written before I made the swap. (I just found one in Book Three and got it changed right in time.)

The Well of Ascension Annotations (Nov. 2, 2007)

Non-Mistborn Spoilers removed:



But silver is still non-Allomantic. No silvereyes.

Brandon Sanderson

No, non-Allomantic, yup. No silvereyes. This is my nod towards silvereye-ness, and yeah, there we go.


So would [silver] be effective [Redacted]?

Brandon Sanderson

Well, you'll have to find out. RAFO!

Footnote: Argent tried. He also horribly mangled his last question, but it got RAFO'd, so that doesn't matter...
Shardcast Interview (July 30, 2023)


Was there an Allomantic power that didn't make it into the book?

Brandon Sanderson

Was there an Allomantic power that didn't make it into the book. Oh... Yes, but I'm trying to remember. I had like two dozen of them? Oh boy I can't even remember the ones that I discarded. I was going to do a lot more stuff externally, stuff that like wasn't inside of you and it didn't end up working out.

The big thing that I talk about with Allomancy that changed is originally I was using...silver as one of the metals, this is-- this is because... Dumb story time, so when I was a kid I painted these little miniatures that you do in D&D so your little guys can actually fight each other, right? And my brother still does this, they're awesome, I was terrible at it, but I painted these little guys. And at one point I went-- and they used to be lead, and then they realized that lead kills you *laughter* and so--or maybe it just makes you strange, I can't remember--I went and all of the prices had gone up, like by a double, because they had made them out of pewter instead. And I said to the guy "What is up with this, you are totally ripping us off. My figures now cost us 50 cents instead of--" I don't remember what it was and he went "Uh yeah it's because pewter has silver in it man. You're buying little silver figures now" and I went "Oh. That's cool." And I bought them. And so for years I thought pewter was an alloy of silver and I wrote an entire book. An Entire Book. The whole first Mistborn book with silvereyes and pewterarms until it went to my beta readers and like "There's almost no silver in pewter Brandon, you don't even really need it. Everything in this magic system works except that." and I went "Well maybe we can just pretend in this world pewter--" "No that's stupid" *laughter* So I had to change it to tin which is actually what you find in pewter. To this day my assistant Peter, who is my continuity editor, came to me and said "You realize you wrote silvereye instead of tineye in the newest Mistborn book that you just finished? It's been ten years Brandon get over it." *laughter* Still happens.

Firefight Seattle UBooks signing (Jan. 6, 2015)



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8 hours ago, Isilel said:

Personally, I can't wait to learn what harmonium alloys can do and am slightly annoyed that there has seemingly been no progress in researching them between BoM and TLM. They are going to provide 16 new allomantic metals, or however many turn out not to explode on contact with water. As to their powers, I can't even speculate.

It should be actually 30 metals, because 16 for Harmonium and another 14 for Atium (since we already know what 2 Atium alloys do)

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1 hour ago, Bzhydack said:

It should be actually 30 metals, because 16 for Harmonium and another 14 for Atium (since we already know what 2 Atium alloys do)


Well, yea, but it doesn't seem like there is going to be enough atium in Era 3 to warrant such research.

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Okay yeah thanks so far everyone. I was more of thinking along the lines of ideas for allomantic metals, what other people thought would be cool, than what there could be or possible combinations/alloys that haven't been explored yet. 

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