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All Lightweavers unite!!! We are the greatest coalition of Lightweavers to exist. I volunteer to be Master Lightweaver, but if anyone else wants to do it, ok, but talk to me first. Anyway, we will infiltrate other groups and collect valuable data! We will also soulcast materials and food for the greater good! WE ARE THE UNSEEN COURT. All Lightweavers come and join your siblings!

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Hello! I am a Truthwatcher!


Actually, that is a lie :ph34r:


Which is how you know for certain that I am a Lightweaver!


Also, I propose a motion that we make " :ph34r: " the official symbol of the Unseen Court. Its sneakiness perfectly matches our own...



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9 hours ago, Faerie Braids said:

Hello! I am a Truthwatcher!

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Actually, that is a lie :ph34r:

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Which is how you know for certain that I am a Lightweaver!

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Also, I propose a motion that we make " :ph34r: " the official symbol of the Unseen Court. Its sneakiness perfectly matches our own...



I second this motion!

13 hours ago, Doomslug Doomslug Doomslug said:

what do you want to do? Does anyone know of current conflicts we need to spy and resolve? Or we could party!

I don't really know of anything. We could make a problem then subsequently spy and resolve said problem

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I'm a lightweaver who disagrees with the basis of our oaths, and  proud to be one. 

13 hours ago, Doomslug Doomslug Doomslug said:

what do you want to do? Does anyone know of current conflicts we need to spy and resolve? Or we could party!

Do we really need to do anything?

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5 hours ago, Pineap-spider said:

Do we really need to do anything?

I've never thought of that before, but what if this thread dies? 

15 hours ago, Faerie Braids said:

Also, I propose a motion that we make "  " the official symbol of the Unseen Court. Its sneakiness perfectly matches our own...

Ok, that's a great idea, I'm being sneaky right now 😁 WAIT WHAT why don't I have those emojis? Instead I have those weird 2d ones. I guess I'll have to copy and paste. :ph34r:

5 hours ago, Pineap-spider said:

I'm a lightweaver who disagrees with the basis of our oaths, and  proud to be one. 

Well, spying isn't actually in our oaths, it's just something Lightweavers happen to be good at. Shallan's the one promoting spying, Jasnah thinks Soulcasting is more important. Although I did hear the idea that Lightweavers have to speak self-truths because they spend so much time impersonating someone else that they might lose themselves. IDK

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/2/2024 at 2:40 PM, Doomslug Doomslug Doomslug said:

I've never thought of that before, but what if this thread dies?

-20 days later-

 The Unseen Court must continue!

I myself am an Edgedancer.

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