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The Palanaeum Doors

Andrew the Great

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So this could be completely insignificant, but I just noticed something in my reread.

Shallan couldn't help but admire the beauty of the doors; their exterior was carved in an intricate geometric pattern with circles and lines and glyphs. It was some kind of chart, half on each door. There was no time to study the details, unfortunately, and she passed them by.

Sound kind of like a certain group of symbols on the inside cover of a certain book to anyone else? Which is apparently related to the Radiants, as per the interview that finally went up..... Or possibly it could be the ones on the back. That said, it just sounds so much like it, I had to post and see what you guys thought.

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I would assume the Heralds, and if so maybe the Palanaeum may hold some clues to the actual location of Urithiru. The Heralds and Urithiru are closely tied together, and where there is a sign of one, there is likely to be a mention of another. (I can't think of a better way to word this at the moment, so sorry if its confusing. I hope you get the gist.)

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Yes, your write there is no apparent connection between heralds and Urithiru. I misremembered a quote.

However, from one of Jasnah's notes, Urithiru was the birthplace of the radiants, and we know that the Heralds established the radiants. And the double eye of the almighty was also the base for the hourglass symbol that represented the radiants, so there is connection between the eye and Urithiru.

Also speculating on this quote:

Taking the Dawnshard, known to bind any creature voidish or mortal, he crawled up the steps crafted for Heralds, ten strides tall apiece, toward the grand temple above.

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However, from one of Jasnah's notes, Urithiru was the birthplace of the radiants, and we know that the Heralds established the radiants.

No, according to one of Jasnah's notes, Urithiru was NOT the birthplace of the radiants. Re-read her notation on that epigraph.

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Okay, but still, were else to have the great temple of the heralds than the mysterious city Urithiru

Of the places we know even a little about, it is the most likely. But Roshar is huge, with a ton of places both present and historical, that we know nothing about at all. It's hard to apply the process of elimination when you don't have all the possibilities at hand.

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