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Who is your favourite character in SA?



229 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is your favourite character?

    • Dalinar
    • Kaladin
    • Shallan
    • Renarin
    • Szeth
    • Eshonai
    • Adolin
    • Jasnah
    • Rysn
    • Lift
    • Navani
    • Rock
    • Lopen
    • Sizgil
    • Wit/Hoid
    • Other

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There needs to be more people like Dalinar, so seeing his struggle in attaining a -- dare I say -- Honor-filled* life is something our world could use a bit more of.  And why I voted for him. :P


* (Capital intentional.  winkwink)

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I'm going to follow the crowd and go with Kaladin. Although Dalinar and Adolin are close seconds. Also, Shallan, who is pretty great.


Favorite Bridge Four characters are Rock, Sigzil, Teft and Lopen.


Actually on second thought . . . can I just choose everyone as my favorite?

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This post contains spoilers of WoK and WoR


(My mother tongue being french, I might have some difficulties conveying what I mean in the following post)


1. Kaladin: I'm reading the second half of WoR right now but I didn't manage not to spoil myself so I know how it's gonna end. In WoK he was forced to act way too mature for his age. I like the dynamic in WoR especially his interactions with Adolin: Love the bromance ^^ They're real idiots both of them, but they feel more grounded, more real so I have to agree with what was written in some earlier posts. Among all main characters, he is the most intense and flawed which is why I love him SO MUCH. In fact, he reminds me of Kelsier in Mistborn. I read the trilogy years ago, but from what I remember, Kelsier had the same sort of understandable prejudices, he didn't live long enough to correct them although he acknowledged that in order for the world to move on,  he had to let go of his hatred or let those who didn't have such prejudices take rein.

Remember Kaladin is only 20, and has already quite the baggage to carry. Anyone in his position, would be either the gloomy type or would have given up because it's easier.  It is difficult to let go of one's hatred ( and Kaladin's is justified,) it's even more difficult when you have to contain it and you're forced by circumstances to keep these feelings to yourself. Kaladin is a leader and as such can't set a bad example, he's admired and revered and hence also terribly lonely. His only friend is attempting an assassination and is fueling his hatred so yeah you can hardly blame him for being gloommy-man in WoR. Fortunately, at least his relationship with Shallan and Adolin is announcing something better ( I hope) So far I'm officially at page 640 (though as I said I flipped through the whole book so I know what happens. I honestly felt for him for his feelings for Shallan. She has a Tien effect on him and he needs someone like that by his side. But I don't want to raise my hopes up.


2. Syl: I don't know if I should put her in a package with Kaladin to be honest. I LOVE Kaladin, but Syl is the one who makes him better. Pattern, Shallan's spren, loves lies and goes along with whatever she says. He doesn't make any judgment, he just observes how things go... Up to now, it's okay, but with the powers Shallan's acquiring, her troubled past and her brothers to protect, that can make for a dangerous combination. Syl on the other hand protects Kaladin from himself. If he doesn't act right, we saw it can lead to dreadful consequences. She's like his conscience... So yeah I like her, because of Kaladin... and she's not in the poll but she's a character nonetheless so...


3. Shallan: I didn't think much of her in WoK ( she was like Vin at the beginning of Mistborn constantly afraid), but she kicked chull in WoR. Hell, I love how she always do things despite her fears and gosh that tongue of hers! If I was one of the character I'd probably find her infuriating but as a reader, she really cracked me up in WoR. I was a bit disappointed that she chose the safe option with Adolin, but well that is probably what any girl would do in real life. Would you bother with gloomy-man even if you felt attracted to him or go with funny and charming-man whom you also found attractive? That's a no-brainer. BUT she's got 7 books to change her mind :P ( Or less if Brandon Sanderson decides to kill Adolin, which removes the problem of the engagement but that's too easy a solution and wouldn't satisfy me as a reader. I'd like her to choose Kaladin even if it's not the logical choice.)


I have no particular opinion after these 3.


Jasnah and Dalinar are too "perfect". Always acting right, always trying to do their best even they do make mistakes ( well we haven't seen Jasnah's yet but I'm sure they're coming). So I don't dislike them, but I can't relate to them as I do with Kaladin and Shallan.

Renarin is difficult to judge because we haven't seen lots of him. Up to now, he appears modest and humble which makes him a likable character but you never know...


Moash... was a character I related to in WoK... He's understandable in WoR but he obviously saw he fell into a trap. So, yeah he may have betrayed Kaladin but again, I can hardly pass judgment. We'll see how things go.


Adolin: Too cocky for my taste. In WoK, he was right and his father was wrong. In WoR, he doesn't need little bridgemen and I absolutely HATE how he calls Kaladin "Bridgeboy". Ah and the fact he considers the Almighty has placed lighteyes above darkeyes. Obviously, they all think like that but him being Dalinar's son and Renarin's brother, I was expecting more. I don't dislike him, but he does irritate me at times. I give him points for killing Sadeas (good riddance) but I fear an inferiority complex coming because he's no radiant. He used to be his father's right arm and now, both his father, his little brother and his fiancée are Radiants not counting Kaladin whom he respects but hardly considers a friend... and that's not considering there might also be some trouble on the romance front.

He's got a head the size of a watermelon on his shoulder and I wish it deflated a bit. For the moment he's still on the right side... but given how he's got a tendency of always assuming he's right and being better than others, plus a general arrogance that certainly got a big slap at the end of WoR, that doesn't bode well. On the other side, he could also reveal to become better than he is... I'll be waiting to see how things turn out.


Elhokar: It's too bad he didn't die. Not a big loss. Hope we don't see too much of him or the Ghostbloods get what they want when he's concerned in volume 3. He's got nothing going for him. It's incredible how Navani who's got such a brilliant daughter managed to get such a spoiled son. Obviously if this idiot wasn't royalty he would never have gotten a wife. Just saying...


Wit: No opinion, but he lightens the general tone of the book so he's welcome even if he irritates the hell out of the others :D

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Szeth and the Skybreakers embody a single idea:


The notions of "right" and "wrong" vary from person to person.


And that's where the Skybreakers come in. If "right" and "wrong" are so incredibly unreliable, then what is left? 




Laws may be unfair, discriminatory, cruel, brutal, or a number of other terrible things. But laws offer one thing that the nebulous and personal notions of right and wrong could never do. They offer consistency.

I think you explain the Skybreakers disposition very well, but I'm not sure that I agree regarding Szeth. From my view, Szeth doesn't appear to care for laws or what is Just; what he does place above all else is the dogma of his religion, which he follows to the point of insanity (hence, in my opinion, the Vorinism ideals that Szeth exhibits notably are Piety and Obedience). One can argue that Shin's religious precepts are laws in their society, and while that is true, Szeth's act of placing his punishment as Truthless to supersede law is difficult to reconcile with what we know, little as it is, with the Skybreakers, who seem to respect all laws equally.


I do agree that Szeth is a fascinating and interesting character though.  ^_^
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1: Syl- Honorary first place because...she knows what sarcasm is. She manages to get kaladin to smile. That is more difficult than stopping a highstorm by blowing on it real hard. And she is intelligent and articulate.


2: Lift- She is awesome. She's a kid and stuff. She cares, because someone has to. Of all the characters on the list I think she will become one of the more powerful surgebinders. Her interlude is one of the few that I have repeated several times mainly because she is blunt, tactless, humorous, opinionated, but also noble as heck. She reminds me more of a female Mat which makes her my favorite. I hope she gets another interlude or more in the next book.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kaladin. Period. If you do not like him because he can be whiny and depressing then you proove how a single character can riot multiple emotions. His stormlight explosion made me cry haha. Yet some mains do not do that to me Shallan is my least favorite main, she is so... just blah blah, draw a memory, create a lie, decieve everyone, oh I am an innocent little girl, I killed my Mom and Dad. I do not dislike her, but she will have to do something else to make my top 3.

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Anytime Kaladin speaks The Words"  I literally get goosebumps. Granted I listen to the audio book and I very highly recommend doing so if you have not. The Narrator in the Audible version does an outstanding job of bringing life to the characters. 

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It is Kaladin for me, I followed his progress most eagerly. Not a surprise really since he is the main focus so far. I do think BS has done an excellent job on maintaining Shallan's uncontrollable tongue, and she became more interesting as her development increased pace. Jasnah I feel has a lot more in her to reveal ....... but I'm very curious about Veil and where she might impact. A strange comment that was from Mraize ,"I think not" ....... or just a tease, eh.

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Has to be Dalinar. That "Not you, son" in WoR brought tears to my eyes. I love how he's a tough-guy warrior who's now learning wisdom, and I really like how Brandon writes him so that we don't know everything. This will probably change if/when Dalinar gets his own book, but until then I think it's fantastic because it shows us how Kaladin has to learn to choose to trust those in authority over him, and Dalinar shows that his trust is well-placed.


I really hope Brandon doesn't have Dalinar go the way of Dumbledore before the end of SA. That "passing the torch to the next generation" thing is too cliche, and IMO SFF has been too full of young people "rescuing" their parents/elders ever since "Return of the Jedi" if not before. (Just my opinion - your mileage may differ.)

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Easy one for anyone who has followed my posts on the 17th shards -_-


Adolin is my favorite there is absolutely no contest here :D


After him, I would say Dalinar, Shallan, Kaladin. Kaladin lost a lot of points, for me, in WoR. I like Navani as well even if she does not get a lot of screen time. I feel I can relate to her. Jasnah is alright, but she does not rise any passion in me, we'll see where she goes in the future. I don't care much for Renarin or Hoid. Pattern is my favorite spren. Teft and Skar are my favorite bridgemen. Rock would be a close third. I don't care much for Lopen. Lift is my favorite interlude character. I don't care much for Rysn except for the occasional interlude.

How dare you insult The Lopen!

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@ sun tzaro


Unless Stones Unhallowed convinces me otherwise, Szeth is one of my least favorite characters in the entirety of the Stormlight Archive. So far, he's completely bland, defined only by his conflict between his devotion to Stone Shamanism and his hatred of killing. That's almost the entirety of every scene he has right there. Then there's also the fact that his Surgebinding was completely unearned. He used an Honorblade to perform all of his assassinations, not attracting a spren due to his exemplifying of an Ideal. Then, to top it off, he gets revived after being dominated by the first other Surgebinder he comes across, only to have to rely on direct intervention from Nale to actually become a Skybreaker. An order which is, might I add, already my least favorite. Nale has proved himself to be a misguided and unintentionally malicious simpleton, using local laws as an excuse to eliminate proto-Radiants in a foolish attempt to prevent the return of the Voidbringers.


In conclusion: Szeth, a boring antagonist, continued in his boring antagonism until he died, only to be revived by a stupid antagonist, inducting Szeth into an order of boring antagonists.

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@ sun tzaro


In conclusion: Szeth, a boring antagonist, continued in his boring antagonism until he died, only to be revived by a stupid antagonist, inducting Szeth into an order of boring antagonists.

WoK Szeth was a fascinating villain that I wanted to know more about, and looked forward to his scenes.  WoR Szeth was a foolish, idiotic coward that acted in irrational ways, and I just have a hard time continuing to care about a character like that (especially one who has completely subsumed their own free will to do the bidding of another just because).  I do, however, hold some hope that both Szeth and Kaladin will be more likable/relatable/readable in Stones Unhallowed.  

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Yes, the rest of the fight he was a real boss, running away the whole time and all that.

He wasn't trying to win though. At all. In fact he just kills himself at the end when just couldn't deny the radiants' return any longer.

You can't really be fairly dominated when you don't actually start a fight. And still nobody managed to actually kill him before he offed himself.

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For me, I think there are different kinds of favourite. Obviously, there are the hero characters, like Dalinar, and especially Kaladin, although some of the WoR Kaladin chapters were almost painful to read, and you end up wanting to slap some sense into him.


Then, there are the characters who have an interesting story with lots of potential: Szeth is one such, but I think Jasnah wins when it comes to potential. She is a stereotypical back room politics, intrigue and intelligence puppetmaster type, who is more than willing to get her hands dirty. Couple that with the abilities of the Elsecallers, to travel the world for her intelligence/black ops missions, and to Soulcast - arguably the most powerful of all Radiant abilities - and we have a character who I think will turn out to be one of the most powerful of the world's behind the scenes movers and shakers.


Finally, when picking a favourite character, there is the tried and trusted method of picking which ones you'd be likely to take along for a few drinks on a night out. For me, these would be Adolin, Rock, and most especially, Sebarial

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kaladin. Since like ... the very first chapter he appeared in. He just is the kind of character I always fall in love with.


After him come Adolin, Shallan and Wit.

Shallan got there in WoR, where I reall fell for her. In WoK I didn't like her all that much.


And surely, Syl and Pattern. You have to love them.


Dalinar is close up to the others, along with the Lopen, Rock and pretty much the whole Bridge Four crew.

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THE Lopen Is the greatest Character and I feel like he and the other bridgemen are going to have a bigger part to play in future books.


After that I would say Adolin and then Hoid Because Adolin is such an awesome guy, and Hoid is just that guy, if you know what I mean.

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Oh good ones. I forgot about Dalinar's wife and Tarah. Both have struck my interest, especially Shshshshsh. I do not care much for Iyatil though, but I could add Ialai to the list. A good strong female villain would be nice. I would be especially thrilled if she turns out being even more trouble than Sadeas.

I can see that happening. She seemed to be the one who was truly in charge of the spies and assassins.


I can't choose a favorite for the life of me. At the beginning of WoK it was Kaladin, but (WoK spoiler)

after the Symbolheads started following Shallan her story became a lot more interesting. I first read it late at night and it was so creepy- I loved it.

Then in WoR there were just so many interesting people. Even minor interlude characters like Axies and Ym I found myself liking a lot. And come on... Lift! I keep saying she needs to meet Lopen. It would be awesome (pun not intended). But then I think about Rock and Kaladin and Shallan and Renarin and Dalinar and just about everybody else and think "Yep. Never gonna choose a favorite."


Edit: Oh! I forgot Pattern! And Syl! They're not even people and they're competing for favorite character. Gosh. Oh, and Taravingian, and Eshonai, and Rysn, and I'd better stop before I hurt myself.

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