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  1. I think you explain the Skybreakers disposition very well, but I'm not sure that I agree regarding Szeth. From my view, Szeth doesn't appear to care for laws or what is Just; what he does place above all else is the dogma of his religion, which he follows to the point of insanity (hence, in my opinion, the Vorinism ideals that Szeth exhibits notably are Piety and Obedience). One can argue that Shin's religious precepts are laws in their society, and while that is true, Szeth's act of placing his punishment as Truthless to supersede law is difficult to reconcile with what we know, little as it is, with the Skybreakers, who seem to respect all laws equally. I do agree that Szeth is a fascinating and interesting character though.
  2. Hello, I'm looking for a fantasy series that I read when I was young and which I can't remember the name of. I don't recall much about it but I'll outline what I can. There were two human "races" with supernatural abilities in the world. One, the good guys, lives in forests and had the ablity to bond with an animal, creating a telepathic link with it. In the past this ability was much more powerful but time and interbreeding has diminished it. The other "race", generally antagonists, I can't recall much of, except that I think they were referred to as witches and the name of them starting with an "i". The story mainly follows the kingdom in which the animal-bonders mentioned above live in and it's conflicts with the kingdom the other supernatural race live in. The main character in the first book is a young woman who is partly a normal human and partly descended from the animal-bonders. She has grown up among normal humans but some incident happens at the start of the book and she is rescued by one of the animal-bonders. The animal-bonders blood in her is strong and she is eventually able to talk to all familars. The chieftain of the animal-bonder in the first book is named Duncan, and he has bonded a hawk. He eventually marries the young woman mentioned above, and he has a belligerent brother whose name starts with "f". I realize it's not much to go on (it's been over 13 years since I read the series), but it's been nagging me for some time now and I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask in the (slight) hope that it'll ring a bell for someone. I'd greatly appreciate any help.
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