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Everything posted by Kannadin

  1. Doesn't fit my image of Kaladin AT ALL, but the drawing's cool nonetheless ( Kaladin's 20 though, that one looks like he's in his 30s).
  2. This post contains spoilers of WoK and WoR (My mother tongue being french, I might have some difficulties conveying what I mean in the following post) 1. Kaladin: I'm reading the second half of WoR right now but I didn't manage not to spoil myself so I know how it's gonna end. In WoK he was forced to act way too mature for his age. I like the dynamic in WoR especially his interactions with Adolin: Love the bromance ^^ They're real idiots both of them, but they feel more grounded, more real so I have to agree with what was written in some earlier posts. Among all main characters, he is the most intense and flawed which is why I love him SO MUCH. In fact, he reminds me of Kelsier in Mistborn. I read the trilogy years ago, but from what I remember, Kelsier had the same sort of understandable prejudices, he didn't live long enough to correct them although he acknowledged that in order for the world to move on, he had to let go of his hatred or let those who didn't have such prejudices take rein. Remember Kaladin is only 20, and has already quite the baggage to carry. Anyone in his position, would be either the gloomy type or would have given up because it's easier. It is difficult to let go of one's hatred ( and Kaladin's is justified,) it's even more difficult when you have to contain it and you're forced by circumstances to keep these feelings to yourself. Kaladin is a leader and as such can't set a bad example, he's admired and revered and hence also terribly lonely. His only friend is attempting an assassination and is fueling his hatred so yeah you can hardly blame him for being gloommy-man in WoR. Fortunately, at least his relationship with Shallan and Adolin is announcing something better ( I hope) So far I'm officially at page 640 (though as I said I flipped through the whole book so I know what happens. I honestly felt for him for his feelings for Shallan. She has a Tien effect on him and he needs someone like that by his side. But I don't want to raise my hopes up. 2. Syl: I don't know if I should put her in a package with Kaladin to be honest. I LOVE Kaladin, but Syl is the one who makes him better. Pattern, Shallan's spren, loves lies and goes along with whatever she says. He doesn't make any judgment, he just observes how things go... Up to now, it's okay, but with the powers Shallan's acquiring, her troubled past and her brothers to protect, that can make for a dangerous combination. Syl on the other hand protects Kaladin from himself. If he doesn't act right, we saw it can lead to dreadful consequences. She's like his conscience... So yeah I like her, because of Kaladin... and she's not in the poll but she's a character nonetheless so... 3. Shallan: I didn't think much of her in WoK ( she was like Vin at the beginning of Mistborn constantly afraid), but she kicked chull in WoR. Hell, I love how she always do things despite her fears and gosh that tongue of hers! If I was one of the character I'd probably find her infuriating but as a reader, she really cracked me up in WoR. I was a bit disappointed that she chose the safe option with Adolin, but well that is probably what any girl would do in real life. Would you bother with gloomy-man even if you felt attracted to him or go with funny and charming-man whom you also found attractive? That's a no-brainer. BUT she's got 7 books to change her mind ( Or less if Brandon Sanderson decides to kill Adolin, which removes the problem of the engagement but that's too easy a solution and wouldn't satisfy me as a reader. I'd like her to choose Kaladin even if it's not the logical choice.) I have no particular opinion after these 3. Jasnah and Dalinar are too "perfect". Always acting right, always trying to do their best even they do make mistakes ( well we haven't seen Jasnah's yet but I'm sure they're coming). So I don't dislike them, but I can't relate to them as I do with Kaladin and Shallan. Renarin is difficult to judge because we haven't seen lots of him. Up to now, he appears modest and humble which makes him a likable character but you never know... Moash... was a character I related to in WoK... He's understandable in WoR but he obviously saw he fell into a trap. So, yeah he may have betrayed Kaladin but again, I can hardly pass judgment. We'll see how things go. Adolin: Too cocky for my taste. In WoK, he was right and his father was wrong. In WoR, he doesn't need little bridgemen and I absolutely HATE how he calls Kaladin "Bridgeboy". Ah and the fact he considers the Almighty has placed lighteyes above darkeyes. Obviously, they all think like that but him being Dalinar's son and Renarin's brother, I was expecting more. I don't dislike him, but he does irritate me at times. I give him points for killing Sadeas (good riddance) but I fear an inferiority complex coming because he's no radiant. He used to be his father's right arm and now, both his father, his little brother and his fiancée are Radiants not counting Kaladin whom he respects but hardly considers a friend... and that's not considering there might also be some trouble on the romance front. He's got a head the size of a watermelon on his shoulder and I wish it deflated a bit. For the moment he's still on the right side... but given how he's got a tendency of always assuming he's right and being better than others, plus a general arrogance that certainly got a big slap at the end of WoR, that doesn't bode well. On the other side, he could also reveal to become better than he is... I'll be waiting to see how things turn out. Elhokar: It's too bad he didn't die. Not a big loss. Hope we don't see too much of him or the Ghostbloods get what they want when he's concerned in volume 3. He's got nothing going for him. It's incredible how Navani who's got such a brilliant daughter managed to get such a spoiled son. Obviously if this idiot wasn't royalty he would never have gotten a wife. Just saying... Wit: No opinion, but he lightens the general tone of the book so he's welcome even if he irritates the hell out of the others
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